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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas
PLEASE, PLEASE Help with the Body Slide Please
7531Leonidas replied to paddy2017's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
The short answer is, you probably have skin textures that do not match the female default body that you have installed in your game. AFAIK, there are two classes of female body styles, CBBE and UNP, which emphasize body proportions and geometries differently. If you have a skin texture mod that is for CBBE, but your game has a UNP body (or vice-versa), you will get such gaps and discolorations. Look at your mod list to see which general body type it has, and then look at your installed skin texture mod. You will probably have to go to those mod pages to check for that information. There are a series of CBBE-based body mods (CBBE-3BA is the mod that is SMP physics enabled), and there is a BHUNP style that covers the same for UNP, if I am not mistaken. Both body styles have various other iterations, as well. I believe that the reason that your clothed body looked normal, is that the outfit was made to match whichever body style you have installed. -
The settings section contains 'switches' for deployment behavior. I only use 'deploy when enabled' because I d/l a lot of mods for future use, especially updates for newer Skyrim versions. The other two choices immediately below that one might be of interest to you, however.
How old is your GPU, maybe the TIM (Thermal Interface Material) that connects the GPU to the heat sink is going bad? Check the manufacturer's site, Reddit, review sites (I like Guru3D), etc. for any common thermal problems on your specific card.
Possibly confusing the issue, there is a mod ECE Sliders Addon for Racemenu ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75686 ) and ECE Ear Shape Sliders for RaceMenu ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76792 ). Just in case you HAVE to have the ECE looks. Don't know for sure how well they work.
Thx, Aaron - I get the keys mixed up all of the time. Corrected in the post, now.
Vortex keeps purging when I download and install a mod
7531Leonidas replied to blesch's topic in Vortex Support
@deathlyhill9 The Mod Dependency Manager is found in the 'Extensions' page of Vortex. You have to click on 'Show Bundled' to reveal it, along with many other "hidden" extensions. FYI - I have 1500 or so plugins on SE v. 1.6.640, and the Mod Dependency Manager is still active, with no problems. Something else (or several somethings) may be contributing to the problem. -
Try C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\profiles. Look for the most recently used profile, if you have more than one. There are two .txt files in mine, a loadorder.txt, and a plugins.txt. The loadorder.txt seems to be aligned with the load order in my Vortex plugins tab. I say 'seems', because I didn't check my 1500+ mod list line by line...
In case you haven't, get Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826 ), and run it while playing the game. It will keep track of memory usage, FPS, and many other things. It can help you decide if your choices are stressing your machine too much, or if you have more room to enhance the graphics.
If you have mods with MCM settings, you could take a look at each one, to see if there is a setting you missed that re-establishes the unwanted behavior at game start. Also, some (many?) mods w/o MCM settings have their own .ini or .json or .toml settings files, and they are in various locations, as defined by the mod installation processes. You could look at these as well, but might be quite tedious if you have a lot of mods.
Change load order on Vortex (moved by mod)
7531Leonidas replied to TFAric's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
The built-in LOOT in Vortex works fine. What doesn't work so well is using a separate installation of LOOT on top of Vortex. I think that the standalone installation cannot utilize the routines/safeguards that Vortex has with the built in LOOT. If Pfuscher's 202x causes some JK stuff to go missing, it would show up as an overwrite in Vortex. It is more likely a corrupted d/l or install process. Like the other poster said, d/l and reinstall the JK mod(s). -
Try going to the plugins for Vortex, and filter them so only 'Disabled' ones show up. Look and see if your patch shows there. Alternately, you can enter the mod name in the 'Mod' filter at the top of the plugins page. Sometimes, the LOOT information about patches is incorrect or out of date, check the CCOR page for patches, as well. Scrolling through the HA file contents, your patch should have the name "PrvtI_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.esp", and have an associated .ini ( HA_CCOR_FLM.ini ) with it. Check to see if you have them. If all else fails, you might have to extract those and place them in Vortex manually. BTW - CCOR requires WACCF ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18994 ). You do have it installed and enabled, yes? If not, then you should also be seeing a missing master warning for this, and this could explain why you are not getting the CCOR patch option.
I think that there is a way to highlight individual cycles in that spaghetti-like dependency diagram, maybe right-click on an individual arrow to get Vortex to highlight only the cycle that one arrow (interaction) is involved in, and try to see which of the arrows need to be reversed in that cycle to clear it. The diagram will reset itself once you do. However, I see that you still have Unofficial Lux Parallax Patches loading before Lux, which in turn is loading before Lux Orbis - Riften of Reverie Parallaxed, which in turn loads before Lux Orbis. Check the parent mod sites to double-check, but I am pretty sure that at the very least, Lux Orbis should be loading before any patches that apply to it. The Unofficial Lux patch is almost certainly out of place, too. I have read comments that getting Lux stuff to work together can be very tricky, or just very picky about load order. Maybe someone else will confirm, but I am pretty sure that all of the parallax patches should be installed after their parent mods, and you have to choose the order in which you want the parallax meshes/patches to be applied to best preserve them. As an example, if you wanted to make Riften of Reverie load before Gravunlom, so that Gravunlom is preserved/wins in conflicts, then their respective patches must also be applied in that order, any Riften of Reverie parallax stuff should load before Gravunlom parallax stuff.
Did you click on any of the arrows in the above notification? I think that it should have opened a 'dependency web' diagram that might help you sort out the problem more easily. It will be a mass network of lines between your mods in that list. Just upon scanning through the above, it looks like you have some/many patches loading before the main files, and that is not usually the way things are done. There are some that work that way, though, and you might have to go to the mod pages and double-check. The Fantasia Landscapes sequence definitely seems bugged, with the main Fantasia Landscapes loading after the parallax and yellow tundra files. The general idea is that the more specific files should load after the base mod that it affects. You could also go to the 'Dependencies' column in the Mod section of Vortex, and click on the lightning bolt by a single mod, and see what the rules are for that specific mod, and can clear just the rules for that mod, then try again.
SSE Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) - in two parts, make sure that you get the proper version for your Skyrim installation.
Well, I don't have any more ideas, unless there is some sort of magic command to force Mzinchaleft to refresh its contents and spawn Grimsever. According to the article you can try to spawn Grimsever in by console command.
NFF lets you assign outfits for the NPCs, but they will lose all crafting buffs. Usually, I have no problem with just giving equipment to each. Sometimes have to use the showinventory and removeitem console commands on a few occasions to get them to use what I handed them.
Well, that means that the quest is hung up before it even starts, as you thought, and not stuck at some later stage. Make sure to use the "getrelationshiprank" console command after clicking on her in the console, to see if she is not wanting to talk to you. Have you tried going to Mzinchaleft and picking up Grimsever anyways, then speaking to Mjoll? The article I linked to said that the setstage command would not work, but you could try it - "setstage FreeformRiften09 10". Similarly, you could try the "resetquest" console command in place of the getstage command I showed you earlier. I suggest that you make a save immediately before trying either, seeing if one works, then reloading to check the other method, if the first doesn't. I have no magic bullets to put down this bug, however.
In the console, type getstage FreeformRiften09, hit return, and see what the result is. If you have any other Radiant/FreeformRiften quests active, it might not start, kind of like Ysolda's quest in Whiterun. There is an article on the UESP.wiki ( https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim_talk:Grimsever's_Return ). Look and see.
Nether's Follower Framework ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653 ) will allow you to bring along up to 10 NPCs as party members, plus any quest-related NPC. Can be quite crowded in places. I suggest you add in I'm Walkin' Here ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742 ) to allow you to be able to move when surrounded by party members. NFF also allows you to make some edits in the NPC stats, and make/assign home bases for NPCs.
Decide which mod's features that you want to see in-game, then click on the arrow that points to the interaction you must change to make it happen. My personal preference is to let the more specific mod overwrite the mod that is more general in nature, in this case, probably TGC should load after JKs Skyrim, so double-click on the second arrow, and tell Vortex to reverse that rule. Probably some weird interaction from Vortex's built-in LOOT. You might want to double-check both mods for some sort of patch file, look at the requirements for each on their respective pages, and see if there is a patch that is dependent upon them.
Well, if you didn't, it would help to actually read the messages and warnings. They could help decide on what option(s) you have to remedy the problems. Take a screenshot of any warnings you do not understand, and post a few at a time here. SkyUI needs SKSE, so if there was a warning for SkyUI, you either have the wrong version of SKSE, or SkyUI for your game. If you tried to 'recycle' Skyrim LE mods in your LO, then you will have a lot of warnings.
Hey, guys, I think that you should place some kind of gentle reminder on the Modding General, Mod Troubleshooting, and Mod Ideas forums that one should state or tag their post with the game that they are inquiring about.
Companion Always Armed Idle Animation Bug
7531Leonidas replied to Roktim17's topic in Mod Troubleshooting
Which game? You could also check the 'Game Communities', above left, and check to see if your game has a separate, dedicated forum here on the Nexus. You have to join any community to post. -
I can't seem to log into Vortex - Certificate expired?
7531Leonidas replied to BonsoirMesChaverim's topic in Vortex Support
The current version is 1.11.6. Unless you absolutely need your older version for some type of workaround (older OS versions come to mind), you should probably d/l and install the newest version. Yours may be too old to auto-update. -
When in Vortex, go to the 'Plugins' selection on the left, and click on it. Then, go to the column header labeled 'Flags', then select the filter "LOOT Messages". That should show you all plugins with problems identified by LOOT, click on the individual 'balloons' to see the problem(s). You could also use the "Warnings" filter afterwards, to see if anything else has been identified. This will not help you with mods that do not have plugins, such as landscape texture mods.