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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. I am currently using it on 1.6.353, just the 'free' four CC mods included. No problems.
  2. You are very welcome - someone had the same problem a week or two ago, they were clueless on which version of C++ to d/l. I agree that there could be better descriptive text on the d/l page, as I also had to scratch my head a bit before I grabbed it a few months ago.
  3. Are you sure that you are downloading the proper version? If you have a 32-bit processor, d/l the x86 version. A 64-bit cpu needs the x64 version, NOT the ARM 64.
  4. Thanks for the reply! I would much rather not do something that requires a reinstallation of ENB stuff. I barely got through checking the parameters of all the settings the first (second, third?) time, as I am not well-versed in the terminology or technology involved. I HATE having to manipulate a 'magic box' situation. I was just trying to see if anyone knew for sure how the shader caching should work, as I was under the impression that the ENB re-checked the shaders present, and updated them as necessary. The fog/mist and a few lights having glitches make me doubt this now.
  5. You might try to ask the author of the Settings Loader series, they might have some input.
  6. There is a mod that came out in the last week or so - Adoption Spouse and Moving Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92845 ). Take a look and see if it has something that you need.
  7. Ask one of the people that deal with the 'best of both worlds' downgrader if you should use the latest versions (matching what version you downgraded from) or the 1.5.97 versions of the mods on the modding wiki.
  8. Changed from older NVIDIA card to new AMD card. Should I have cleared the ENB cache to make it start fresh? Getting a few visual glitches.
  9. I thought that it was the appmanifest file that had to be set to read-only to prevent Steam updates?
  10. You are running version 1.5.97 of Skyrim (SE, pre-AE)? Check the properties of your Skyrim executable in ...Steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition to make sure that you haven't had a stealth update from Steam - just a guess. Or, if you downgraded using the 'best of both worlds' option, then go to those comments/forums and ask again. I know that Ultimate Dragons is not compatible with later versions, I used to use it, and have been searching for an exact replacement. Go to the modding.wiki site ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to double-check that you have the 1.5.97 versions of your mods, and not versions that are only compatible with later versions. The last time I had something that messed up the intro Helgen sequence was when I had 4 or 5 mods that conflicted - I moved on from 1.5.97 over a year ago, and removed my notes on which mods they were.
  11. I did use the modding.wiki above to set up my fresh install of 1.6.353 (about 1 month before 1.6.640 was released, of course. Didn't run into any problems then, the posted versions/alternatives worked well. Still running it until I upgrade again for the next playthrough.
  12. Take a look at this ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It has a (mostly?) current listing of mod compatibilities and alternatives/updates for older mods. I am sure that someone else will come along to help with your second question, but I 'think' that the "best of both worlds" version will allow you to use the newer mods. I do NOT use the downgrade at all, so am not sure.
  13. You can try to use More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) - make sure to grab the proper version for your Skyrim. This mod will show you the last mod to affect/change whatever you click on in the console. Once you get it installed, just load up your game, get to the bugged area, open the console, and click on the texture. It should show a refID, and the information windows will show you all kinds of stuff about what you clicked on.
  14. More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ) will show you the last mod to affect anything that is selected while in the Skyrim console. I do not know if there are similar mods for other Beth games.
  15. Have you looked at any of the body-swapping mods that give different body types to NPCs? You might find something in one or more of those...
  16. Glad you got it all sorted, I know it drives me crazy when something doesn't work like it should. I just got a new card, and will have to wipe the NVIDIA drivers and install the AMD stuff, so I expect something will break, but I hope not.
  17. Do you use any mods that restore or replace Helgen? Dyndolod can grab the wrong textures if your load order is wrong, or a bugged installation of the restoring/replacing mod.
  18. VP didn't like my e-mail address, so I couldn't even sign on w/Steam, even though I use that address for Steam and Nexus Mods.
  19. Maybe one or more of the mods you use has an improperly set esm flag. This often happens when someone messes up in making an esl-flagged esp, they make it a master file as well, at least in Skyrim SE/AE. I hope that I am writing it properly. I have never had the problem. You can use xEdit to check the mod headers.
  20. Yes, the most common way is to launch the game from Steam, but ONLY if you use the latest version 1.6.6xx, or have set the appmanifest file to 'read-only' to protect against auto update upon launch. I think that you could also check the SkyrimPrefs.ini in your Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition folder. Scan down the document until you see the [Launcher] section, check that sD3DDevice matches your video card model. I 'think' that is where the change is. It's only been several years since I have had to do this... I hope that someone else comes along and confirms this, or gives you something more worthwhile. BTW, there are a couple of Skyrim 'fixes' and/or 'tweaks' mods that might also help with stutter.
  21. Did you start the game from Steam one time after the GeForce driver update, to make sure that the game is using the proper video card driver? Alternately, the driver installation might have gone poorly, or the driver installation might have changed some settings. Double check, then try d/l and reinstalling the driver.
  22. For "C++ redistributable", search/Google the exact phrase in between the quotes. Once you get there, you will see three d/l options on the MS site - ARM, x86, and x64. The x86 is for 32-bit computers/laptops, x64 is for 64-bit processors and includes 64-bit ARM support, and I believe that the individual ARM version is for mobile devices and some tablet style machines. To find out which version of Windows you have, click on 'settings', then System, then 'About', and look for System Type, at least on Windows 10. Click on the proper d/l link from MS, double-click the resulting file, and restart just to be sure. Your C++ has been updated!
  23. Did you look at the various follower frameworks? I use Nether's Follower Framework ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653 ) - it has room for up to 10 active followers (I think that you can modify it for more), commands to have inactive followers stay/live at player-determined locations, and loads of tweaks, like inventory and clothing/outfit management. It uses SKSE, as it has an MCM, so the Settings Loader Series mod for it ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57022 ) will preserve your adjusted/preferred settings when you make them.
  24. I use Eradicate This Face ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17535 ) - it replaces female bandit faces. Also, Default Face NPCs Fixed ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54515 ) changes many generic NPCs and a few named NPCs. There are quite a few full makeovers for named NPCs, like the Bijin series, Pandorables, Charmers of the Reach (this one is its own race - can cause compatibility problems w/other mods), and several others. Just search out Bijin, look at the mod category, and click on the category to see more choices.
  25. There is a mod that will allow you to move through your followers - I'm Walkin' Here. There are two versions, one specific for your version of Skyrim ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742 ), and one that relies on the SKSE library ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77394 ). Extra added benefit - you will not be pushed over cliffs by your companions any more. A little closer to your exact request - GTFO My Room ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17968 ).
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