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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. There's a modding.wiki site that has information on which skse-based mods are compatible with the different versions of SE/AE. I don't think that it is completely up to date on some of the very latest, though ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  2. If you have used SSEEdit (xEdit), you could check that mod you mentioned to see if it set Ulfric to 'Essential'. If it did, you could change it back yourself, then re-load your save and kill him. I had to do this once (or twice), when mods for Alva did the same thing in Morthal.
  3. Two CC-removal mods that may be worth looking at, I don't use either as of now. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86131 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58783
  4. I missed something - the 'Settings' tab on the left sidebar also has a selection available in the 'Interface' tab, under its 'Automation' section. It is 'Run Vortex when my computer starts'. You might have accidentally activated this somehow.
  5. In looking at the included files for the More Expensive Mercenaries mod, it has separate .esp files for each of horses, houses, and mercenaries, and a merged .esp. combined with the FOMOD, this suggests that you may be able to install just the parts that you want, and not all three... If you install all three, you could also disable the .esp of any part you do not want to use, and the rest MAY still work.
  6. While in Task Manager, as shown above, click on the 4th tab, 'Startup' in English, I think your image has its label starting with 'D' - it is a bit too blurry for me to read. See if Vortex is somehow set to start up when you boot your computer. If you see Vortex on that list, simply change it to 'Disabled'.
  7. You could try to install the mod More Informative Console, then load your game, open the console, and click on your problem NPC/item/texture. This mod will show you the last mod that has affected what you clicked on. This may give you a starting point to begin your resolution.
  8. This is driving me crazy. Got the quest to kill a 'bandit leader' at Gallows Rock. I avoided it until I got the Companions quest to go help Skjor. Cleared Gallows Rock, but the marker for Anneke's quest was still there. I tried to use setstage on the radiant quest for kill the bandit, but sqs showed that this was not active. So many quest stages in amorousdibella, I don't really know what I am looking at. Sqs on this shows stages 15 and 20 as 1. Anyone have any ideas on what I can change to fix this? Thanks.
  9. There's Fewer Septims per Firewood ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37282 ). Trade and Barter ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23081 ) allows for a lot of adjustments, including racial adjustments for vendors, take a look at it, and see if it helps. It has a couple of addons ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57926 ) and ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23220 ). Just did a quick search for 'horses' on the Nexus, got More Expensive Mercenaries, Horses, and Houses ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9452 ). It is an older mod, maybe you could tweak it a bit in xEdit to get the prices you want, once it is installed.
  10. I had all 7 d/l in the notification area, only the last was displayed openly, and I clicked on its install button. All of the others were suppressed in the notification area, and the button did not say install all, just install.
  11. I d/l 7 mods for Skyrim SE from the Nexus, via Vortex. The final one was an SKSE-based script, so I clicked on its 'install' dialog in the notifications bell. Vortex proceeded to install all 7 d/l files. Two questions: 1. Should the dialog have installed all of the mods, even though I only clicked on the displayed last d/l? 2. The d/l files were all disabled after install, even though I have checked the settings to enable on installation. (Glad that this happened this time, made it easier to uninstall the mods I didn't want to install yet.) Thanks for your time, and the wonderful tool Vortex.
  12. Well, I fixed it, I think. Turns out that the Diverse Werewolves Collection mod and the method to correct the invisible female WW skin caused the problem. Reinstalled Poisoned Aela, she was still invis outside, but snapped back to normal when entering the keep to get the Skinner.
  13. Just finished the scene in the Underforge, made transformation. In the aftermath, Aela approaches my PC, begins conversation, but is completely invisible. If I click on her in the console, use setNPCweight 20 (as per her appearance mod), she shows for a moment but fades out. Still present, can talk to her, but faded away. I upgraded the following mods today, in this order - Assorted Mesh Fixes Flickering Meshes Fix Standing Ambusher Fix NPCsUsePotions After the invisible Aela manifested, I then proceeded to edit her .esp in Poisoned Aela Sylvan Makeover to remedy her invisible WW body, hoping to score a double, but no success. Has anyone seen other fading NPCs, or had this problem with Aela specifically, and found a fix? Thanks!
  14. Maybe your d/l is corrupt? Have you tried obtaining/installing a fresh copy?
  15. Maybe you should also ask on the downgrade mod comments, perhaps someone there has had something similar.
  16. You are using NetScript Framework, so you are using v. 1.5xxx of Skyrim SE? Did you roll back your installation? I see a lot of CC content, if that is from the paid AE, then you might have trouble if you didn't roll back your installation.
  17. You could try loading your original save, then going into an interior cell, like a house, inn, etc., and wait for 10 in-game days (in extreme cases, 30 days). This can often allow a bugged cell to reset.
  18. I use Tempered Skins for Males - SOS lite, but it comes in two parts, one of which is from LL, which I assume is the site you discussed above. It seems to do what I need, and is less taxing on my game than SOS. Maybe those who use the others will come along and give you some insight.
  19. Actor Limit Fix, Bug Fixes SSE, Logical Crime Report, NPC AI Process Position Fix, Scrambled Bugs, XPMSSE spazzing skeleton fix. There are many 'tweaks' by powerofthree, papyrus tweaks by Nightfallstorm, Fixed Dragon Stalking Fix, Barter Limit Fix, and Assorted Mesh Fixes. Take a look at them, but make sure that you d/l only the ones compatible with your version of SE/AE.
  20. StDrake - There are several general makeover mods, usually focused on the female NPCs, like the Bijin series, Pandorable's makeovers, and A Rose in the Snow. I am sure that there are others, some for males. I really like Mature Mamas version of Delphine ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42698 ), and Poisoned Aela ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35262 ). Expressive Facegen Morphs ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35785 ) helps with facial gestures, Default Face NPCs Fixed ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54515 ) changes notable NPCs, Mercenaries Replacer ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29564 ) changes other standard NPCs. Project ja-Kha'jay reworks all of the Khajit, Eradicate this Face ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17535 ) changes female bandit faces. I use all of them in my game (1.6.353 - no paid CC stuff). Take a look at them, and see if any do what you want.
  21. Going up to see the Greybeards - no 'fogs'. Going up higher to see the 'leader of the Greybeards' - fogs.
  22. Nyrue - there is Hide SkyUI ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12770 ). I have used it for a very long time, and have had no problems.
  23. In the Vortex 'Mods' tab, the settings gear has a checkbox available for 'Deploy Order'. When I display this on my Vortex, it shows both mods with and without plugins. Maybe that is the term you might search for, instead of load order when looking for help. Since load order is specific to plugins.
  24. Maybe your thermal interface material on the card is losing its contact/flexibility from age? You might think about removing the heat sink, cleaning all, and applying new material. You could do this once you have a new card as well, for a backup.
  25. Sorry that I wasn't much help. Maybe try to post this in the Mod Requests thread, or message some of the active authors in the User Interface category, and see if they might help, or tell you if it can be done at all.
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