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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. I was sure that I responded to this, but I must not have posted it. I use Vortex, but Dawnguard, HearthFires, and Dragonborn are the first three plugins, in that order, immediately after the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm files. What did you use to set your load order like you have?
  2. Faster HDT-SMP can be configured in tandem with CBPC to work with specific parts of the CBBE 3BA body. This can reduce stress on your CPU/GPU. The floor-board indicates the SMP is not properly installed, or is a complete mismatch with the wigs physics for some reason. I gave up on HDT-SMP wigs, because they got too twitchy, so I am afraid that I can't be of more help. From CBPC page - This mod overwrites CBP because it has the same dll name. You don't need CBP, this mod replaces it. Again from the CBPC page - It's not compatible with Realistic Ragdolls and Force because Realistic Ragdolls and Force is not compatible with XP32 skeleton(changes it). XP32 skeleton already includes that mod(not all but some features) so you don't need it. You'll get problems like bad skeleton issues(stretching body parts etc) when you ran it together with this mod. Because this mod needs XP32 skeleton period, and RRF overwrites XP32.
  3. Just a guess, take a look at the .ini file, maybe it shows where the plugin writes to, and can give you a clue as to how to correct the changes. There is also Fallrim Tools (have never used it, so I don't know if it will work for this).
  4. Daugherty, are you using Faster HDT-SMP? There are a couple of sub-versions built for certain GPU sets/processes.
  5. I believe that when others have had this problem, it came from a mismatch between a UI mod, a font replacer mod, and/or a translation file. I have never had the problem, can't be sure. Maybe someone with more experience in this will come along shortly.
  6. You need to tell ppl which version of the game you have installed, especially since there have been so many updates to the game from Bethesda, and at least one new source for the game itself. If you are on the most recent version now, and are still having the problem, you probably should have tried verifying the game files through Steam. If you are on an older version, verifying the files will get you the updated version, and require new d/l and install of all of your mods. If you do go the verification route, there is a 'downgrade patcher' that will allow you to change the game version to match the required version for your mod list. FYI - The newest version of ASLAL is on AFKmods, and requires the newest USSEP. No older versions are available on Arthmoor's site.
  7. stones - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/686 Other mods of Barenziah's crown or stones may also alter the droppable status.
  8. Probably not (especially if you use skse based mods), but you could go to the downgrade patcher ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618 ) to go back to the version you had installed before the update. Just make sure that you have set the appmanifest file to 'read-only' ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/11022483-how-to-permanently-block-ae-from-ever-deploying-onto-ones-system/ ) before you do, or Steam will update you again...
  9. FYI - Vortex has LOOT bundled in. Using Vortex with a standalone LOOT just ends up confusing both... The disabled mods may have come from incomplete Vortex installations. Sometimes, a mod will not be properly enabled, even with the proper auto settings in Vortex. As to the load order, just be careful which column you are sorting by in the 'plugins' tab, that tab certainly should NOT be in alphabetical order, unless you have sorted by the name column.
  10. If you have Hi-Poly Head, there is this: SEC Saints And Seducers High Poly NPCs ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78595 ). and this - Saints and Seducers Fixed Faces ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30537 ), extension mod Saints And Seducers Beautification - Improvements ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69405 ) 4thunknowns Seducers SE fixes and Recolour ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52893 ) Saints and Seducers Followers and Spell Tweaks ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39919 ) Maybe one or more of these will help!
  11. A conflict between body mods and outfit mods can cause this problem.
  12. There are several game "fixes" mods that could help. At the very least, you need to post your game version, Mod Manager (if you use one), and your mod plugin list (if this is more than 15-20 lines, please use the 'spoiler' tag, third icon from top left in the reply window. Anything you type in that tool looks like
  13. FYI - CWN has an option to use a book near Ulfric's throne to enable the purchase of Hjerim, unless something major has changed. Ulfric has a backstory that IMO, makes him a bit more understandable, albeit not more sympathetic. Elisif, OTOH, is probably being kept in the dark about many things by her handlers, so they won't have to deal with so much, or cause/make powerful enemies to want to make more rapid changes.
  14. DarkBlade, have you seen Civil War Neutrality ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21176 )?
  15. What about this mod, Dynamic Fires ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15195 )? I have never used it, but saw it in the past.
  16. This problem only started last night, and I have changed nothing in my setup for several weeks, since the latest browser update. Just thought that there might be something starting. It seems to be over now. Thanks.
  17. Do you have any character makeovers that only replace textures and meshes (and no plugin)? If one of those types are overwriting something, it won't show up in xEdit, as it won't be loaded to check...
  18. Was trying to respond on a Skyrim SE thread, and got signed out before I could post. A few minutes later, once I signed in again and got the reply posted, I could not edit my post. Both times, the forum showed I was not logged in upon a page reload.
  19. Verify your game files in steam. You might simply have corrupted files. You used 'Apply Filter to Show Conflicts' on your entire LO in xEdit, correct? This would show you ALL overwrites, except for textures. Your Tera Elin Race mod, and some of your other follower mods - have you tried disabling them (a few at a time), and starting a new game? There are a few LL mods in your stack, have you searched/asked there? I did a widenet search for "missing teeth skyrim se" - didn't find anything useful, just one or two questions like yours, unanswered.
  20. It would probably be as an optional mod on the original page, or even a separate mod, if not already included in the original mod. Different folder arrangements for different modders, unfortunately. There is also this ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37765 ), your follower might already be included. The info should show up on the original mod page, or under the 'Requirements' tab on that page. Alternately, a search in Nexus for a key part of the mod title might uncover a BS for that mod (also should be found in the Requirements).
  21. My knowledge is minimal for custom bodies, but if the author includes BS files, when you open BS, there should be a 'build all' button on the interface. Just check it (and the Build Morphs option), then click on 'Build', and some dialog boxes will pop up. Make sure that the custom body is checked in the first box, and confirm for the list. Then a second box may open, if there are conflicting meshes, and you have to choose which mesh(es) will be represented. With no bodyslide files, I THINK that you will have to open a new project in BS, and make the files yourself. Try searching for creating bodyslide files for custom body, or even ask the author of the mod itself...
  22. Yes, you will have to use BodySlide. You will also need Caliente's mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198 ) and CBBE 3BA ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30174 ) for better physics, if your other mods require it, or UNP-based stuff ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126 ) - ALL mod sites NSFW.
  23. Just in case you didn't know, if you click on the 'Requirements' tab on the page of a mod, it will contain links to any other mods that might be needed to run different versions of that mod (including DAR).
  24. Yeah, I lose FPS (usually 10-15) to ENB on a desktop w/Ryzen 3800x, 64GB DDR4-3600 memory, MSI RTX 2080 hybrid cooled (water and air). Everything installed on SSD, as well. I also have a lot of texture mods and DYNDolod (2.98) running as well. FPS can tank into the 20's.
  25. To get help, you probably need to: 1. Post what version of Skyrim you are running, 2. include what mod manager you are using, and SKSE version, if using either/both 3. post your Load Order (LO) - use copy/paste to place it in a spoiler. FWIW, may just probably be you have loaded body mods that conflict with each other. Give the information to help find the exact problem.
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