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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I believe there is something to do with the fatigue effects. If you are going to use Oblivion Reloaded you really need to study (i.e. not just skim through) the manual.
  2. The DLC most frequently required by some mods is Shivering Isles, so from a modding viewpoint the smaller DLCs are less critical to have. I do have a question for you though ... what will you be able to get with the $6, and how will that compare to having the full meal deal version of Oblivion?
  3. One of the things that TES4Edit fixes when cleaning mods is deleted vanilla objects (the UDR part of UDR/ITM ... stands for Un-Delete & Restore if I'm not mistaken). The game doesn't like it when it's assets are deleted I guess. What happens if you set Initially Disabled to those NPCs/creatures (I'd start with someone other than Martin myself) instead of deleting?
  4. The game is hardwired to end when/if Martin dies ... could be that deleted is the same as dead to the game engine.
  5. Renaming Oblivion.ini (found in the Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder NOT Oblivion_Default.ini found in your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder) will force the game to create a new Oblivion.ini based on your hardware. Change the file name to Orig_Oblivion.ini or Oblivion_ini.orig and start the game. You will probably need to go into the menu and set your screen resolution etc ... it's an old game and doesn't know much about new modern hardware. If that doesn't work then it's a simple matter to delete the newly formed Oblivion.ini and rename your original back.
  6. Sounds like you are well on your way, and it also seems to me you have a valuable tool in your toolkit ... you are a reader (pretty hard to come up with a question that has never been asked about Oblivion, the common ones have been answered hundreds of times).
  7. The only thing of note from my perspective on Steam version vs disk version is the difference on how you install OBSE and get OBSE working properly. Other than that the other difference is in getting archive invalidation (i.e. BSA Redirection) working with Steam ... just a matter of putting the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) back to year 2006. That can be simply done either using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or from what Contra has told me, using Mod Organizer (MO).
  8. I would install Oblivion (including Shivering Isles), then install OBSE and Dibella's Watch and then put your old save in your Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. Note the other recommended mods from the Dibella's Watch mod description. Edit - I suggest a "one step at a time" approach. First install the game including SI and then start the game and get your game settings set to your preference on your new machine. Then install OBSE and start the game. Make a save and then check in your Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and confirm that you have two saves with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse) ... this is to confirm that OBSE is working (i.e. if you only have a single save each time you save then OBSE is not working). Then add the remaining Dibella's Watch required and recommended mods and confirm they are working (the Elys Silent Voices will be hard to test without a mod requiring it ... that test will take place after you install Dibella's Watch). Lastly install Dibella's Watch and copy your old save file to your Saves folder. It's not entirely clear to me from your post ... do you want to continue playing with Dibella's Watch on the new computer?
  9. Unfortunately when you use the console to change your character's speed it also changes the value displayed in the game's Attribute stats page in the menus. If you don't know what the original value was then all you can do is change your speed to one that you'd like to have.
  10. A couple of points to keep in mind ... The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) will not change the version number displayed by the game's main menu. Not sure where you've downloaded the UOP from, but if it's not from that particular page you could have some "unofficial" version of the UOP. I can't give any advice about which version of OOO you should use (RAR version or EXE version) as I don't use it myself. I do advise against using BSA Alteration as a method of archive invalidation though ... the best method to use is BSA Redirection. BSA Alteration is an older method than BSA Redirection, that had problems in keeping it working that are completely avoided with BSA Redirection. When/if you find an old mod that says to use BSA Alteration you can safely ignore that advice and continue along with BSA Redirection. On the subject of archive invalidation ... if you use the Steam version of the game you will need to go through one extra step to get BSA Redirection to work (Steam changed all the vanilla game BSA files like Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa to a modern file date, which broke BSA Redirection for all their users). For Steam users the steps in Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) are ... Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done. For disk versions of the game there is no need to click on Reset BSA Timestamps, but doing so won't hurt anything. You do not need to have the DLC to play the game modded except where noted in a mod description. It is fairly common to find mods that require Shivering Isles for instance. If in fact your game version is not version 1.2.0416 what happens when you install mods that are designed to work with the latest version of the game (so all but the very oldest mods that have never been updated) is that when you start the game it will silently ignore any mods that require the latest version of the game ... so it will be exactly as you describe. Figure out why you are going from version 1.2.0416 to version 1.0.228 before moving on to installing mods.
  11. Would the term "boobs to infinity" describe your problem? If so then install a BBBed skeleton.nif (e.g. Universal Skeleton Nif).
  12. I agree, that exiting to the desktop before continuing is a good thing. Also know that quicksave is a known corrupter of save files. Use the save from the Esc menu and don't overwrite saves. When your saves folder starts getting fuller than you'd like either backup to a different folder or delete unwanted saves. I just recently made a fairly major hardware upgrade to my machine (went from 2GB RAM to 8GB and from a video card with 896MB VRAM to one with 4GB). Many of my mods are the type that change gameplay (i.e. use scripts) and I have extensively Blockheaded over 200 NPCs. With my old machine I was lucky to get 15 or 20 minutes before I started seeing the black missing texture error (I'd monitor VRAM usage in my Logitech keyboard display and exit/restart when I saw I was getting over 800MB used). With the new components that problem has become a thing of the past. Now I'll crash after between 45 minutes and somewhat over an hour, depending on what I've been doing in game. Note that I have made settings to some mods that aren't recommended by the mod author, which doesn't add to the game's stability.
  13. Many older Oblivion mods require the use of BOSS for sorting load order and Wrye Bash for it's bashed patch.
  14. You're going to need to fire up your Time Machine. Don't forget to take today's tools with you on a USB stick (and good luck convincing yester-year's mod authors that these new fangled things are better than what they had back then ... doubly tough when what they had back then worked just fine, just required a bit more knowledge than "pushing the big green button", that's all). An alternative path you could explore is to learn to use the tools that worked back then (and still work today).
  15. Cleaning mods is another good place for "do one thing and then test thoroughly".
  16. BSA Alteration is an older, depreciated method of archive invalidation and not recommended. The recommended method of archive invalidation is BSA Redirection (in OBMM it's Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> BSA Redirection -> if you use the Steam version of the game click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done).
  17. My guess would be it's how you are trying to download. All of the popular body replacers are very old mods, and were designed to be downloaded manually (i.e. NOT with the Download With Manager big green button). Beyond that, which is best is a purely subjective thing. My Oblivion is much like the real world, and it's male and female NPCs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes (courtesy of Blockhead and every body replacer mod I've been able to find ... yes, I use them all as resources).
  18. Best advice is to uninstall the game completely and then re-install in a folder that is outside of UAC's grasp. The most common spot is C:\Games (and then all of your games are installed in sub-folders down from that ... e.g. C:\Games|Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion). If you use Steam then make sure that Steam itself is installed in C:\Games. What you are trying to do with changing read only won't work (UAC is taking care of that) and is more likely to create a balled up mess requiring a complete operating system re-install than solve anything.
  19. Not sure what to suggest ... maybe post your load order. I'm not much of a load order expert but maybe someone will see something there. So were you able to launch the vanilla game without problems (and if so then the vanilla game plus OBSE)?
  20. Sorry I don't use SDR so I can't say how the two would work together.
  21. I use it with my current character. It's nice, as it adds a further strategic element to combat (finding a location for a strike using either bow or spell that offers a spot to get hidden before the arrow/spell hits). Haven't run across anything I'd consider a bug while using it. Sometimes your hiding spot will get found while the target searches for you, sometimes not.
  22. My current character uses a custom class and I haven't noticed anything that I would attribute to using a custom class in over 2400 hours playing that character.
  23. So if you sort with BOSS, then rebuild your bashed patch, all should be green.
  24. Won't be home until Tuesday so I have no access to my gaming machine to see what WB says those orange errors are. If I was at home I'd be reading up in Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Mopy folder).
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