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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I do my friend ... I do. What lays beyond the final turn will be my entire moment in that moment, but that moment is not this moment. Granted, answers have a certain allure with their glimmer and flash, but what gives them meaning? Questions.
  2. Routines ... At times a familiar friend, easing the way through yet another day's worth of twists and turns. But not always. A familiar routine is to take a stroll through the Nexus Forest as a day nears it's end. Wending one's way through the always present echoing of the "No I'm right" and "No you're wrong", the notices of "Now you're screwed, see ya' ", peeking into the corners that sometimes hold the raised hands of "Help" wouldn't be complete without a glance into "that" spot. You never know just what may be found in "that" spot. It was a rather perplexing moment, that moment. The Sandman had already whispered his admonition ... "Early to bed, early to rise", and as is usually the case, he knows best. I knew one thing for certain ... it wasn't early. I fully expected a restless night, filled with permutations of Mr Carroll's creations, but instead was blessed and rose refreshed and invigorated, and ready to face the reason for early to rise. Now that the weekly foray into the COVID minefield is completed, it is time. But time has slipped, and what seemed in the dim shadows preceeding slumber as a challenge merely echoing undirected past my ear has turned, and has the thundering of the challenge that must be met! And so that blank page beckons, and holds it own challenge. There was a time, a moment that leads to an event, where a detail winked. It wasn't a Detail, and could easily pass as a simple item, but time can be an ally and give the chance to glimpse what could be innoucuous under different light. It wasn't an item ... in fact it has the earmarks of being The Detail. A simple vision of an object found, and then hidden away before prying eyes could pry. In the winking mirror that afforded my glimpse of the event it had the look of smokey quartz, forged in the belly of a younger Earth and then thrust into the daylight in way that only the appreciative could appreciate. To be appreciative took the right eyes ... the eyes of a youngster still able to see. Sometimes those eyes see too much. To be a link in a chain is not a bad thing. Each is a part of a whole that is greater than any one link. Great works are the work of chains, and chains can do those great things ... until the weak one is found. Sometimes the too much that is seen is still something that must be seen, for if it remains unseen the chain is parted, and the great works go asunder. Doesn't make the seeing any easier ... but then again when was easier any better?
  3. LOL ... Raise a little hell, raise a little Hell ... raise a little HELL!! Sorry Paga, I live well and fully in the moment (so I've just enjoyed my moment of Heaven). The next moment belongs to whomever picks up Paga's lost gauntlet. My! How many people who read the story about my namesake never seemed to wonder what his story was that he left behind. A boy, just starting out in the community in his new job watching over his people. A guardian of sorts. The author who wrote the short clip notes on the big posters, preparing him for his certain demise; didn't write what exactly that the lad did was simply put. Otherwise; too much technical data bores readers, so the scribe scribble short notes. Just wrote a some notes describing the two combatant's. They arrived and went straight into the ring (or Field) prepared for their meeting. There the loud announcing was turned over to the RingMaster. The referee stood in the middle between the two champions. When the names were called he raised one arm of the champion of the one group and then the others when his name was called. Nobody wanted to know what the new lad did back home. They all came from the boring little villages and shires. So they knew all about the ways their families lives mingled with the blacksmith the baker, the woodsman, the tailor, the candlestick maker, king, queen, and so on. Well the new lad had barely gotten dry behind the ears. He got a lot of jeers. While the old favorite got a lot of hooray's and girls fainted just looking at his size. One day the giant woke up. He sat up and looked around. Echos from his last arena event were mixed with boo's and hisses. No Yay's, flowers, and kisses. He dashed out of his tent. Ran to the stream to let loose the pain in his swollen bladder. They say that when he went, the creek rose so high it became a sea, fortunately all the folks in his family were tall and just walked out of it all before it got over their heads. While back in the little village where the new lad slept, three maidens sooth and washed his head with oils of fine fragrances. So his day started out staying in bed. One day he heard a call, looked around, and from his forge he saw Saul. The King knew of his great works and hired him to be his arms maker and advisor while riding around in the charriotte he handed Saul the weapon like a golf caddy and feared only the blunt thump if he made a mistake. Well he was as successful as a weapons maker and a weapons caddy making Saul the Favorite King for a long time. Until one day and advisor, I won't name, advised the KIng that his caddy was needing attention for the advisor put the fear in the Kings head that the caddy was getting too big for his britches. I hear the Lad heard while giving a messenger a gift wrapped in a fine birthday package, may have been ribbons on it too. He forged a brand new sword for his favorite King and sent the courier on on his way. When he was about to get back to the fire in the forge a little bird flew in and told him to worry, that the King's men were about, and looking to drag him in for questioning. The blacksmith being quite young and very spry sent the bird to tell his parents to move the family and his fiance. Told them to pack up and go to their old village. Then he said to the bird when you get there tell them; remember the rock. Like you Striker and so many more, the fear the king had got was just as is yours. All his family, the king gathered in the great hall, all his army, all his people too. He ordered them to get the lad and they all went out. The army sent the hounds men to find the lads trail, the shield spearmen followed close behind, the archers, the swordsmen all too were all in the moving wall. They arrived at the lads old village, but there was no one home. The courier that had the birthday gift that the lad had sent kept getting pushed aside all along. But persistent to do his job he followed the King's entourage all the way to the village. Yup! After they all arrived the King ordered all to set up camp. In the morning they would resume their hunt. The courier held steady and kept the package and danced about while holding his water at the entrance of the Kings tent. As the torches were lighted the King's advisors were sent away. My namesake never got mentioned, because the courier had to go so bad he stuttered and only was able to say that the package was a birthday present. The king was overjoyed and snatched it from the couriers grip. The courier raced away, a stream about to break any moment in his loincloth. He even left without picking up the gold coin the king had tosses his way. The king was so happy someone remembered his birthday. He tore opened the package like a ravenous lion. He saw the beautiful weapon. But a shadow in the dark spoke and told him it was an omen. That the lad had meant it to end the kings life. Fear rose, the beautiful sword kept one eye turned to it, adoring and swinging it around while his other searched for another in the shadows of his tent. The call of the guard went around the camp. Everyone shouted out on their watch. The camps torches grew dim. Comforted by the thought no one would pass the guards, even the advisors were off in their own to sleep they all went. Even the evil one, that advised the king against the lad was sound asleep. When the night grew darkest before the dawn there came a breeze into the Kings tent. A breeze not very strong. Just like the kings of old stories that have never been told this one began to shift its words to share. That rock the lads family knew of, they only knew about, was in the King's sleeping chamber in the king's huge tent. Of course the King would have his tent set up there. And yes the reason was clear why to all but the advisor whose evil plot was now in the works. He was about to enter and to lift the beautiful sword at the Kings bed table. When he slipped in he found no sword. The imaginary enemy! You've built up such a nice large family. And all because you have one. All their bodies to protect you like a castle walled so that no one can get to you inside. Unlike the one in this story your enemy isn't the lad or the advisor. But like the one in this story if you don't stop listening to your inner fears and don't stop chasing the one you think is your enemy, the true enemy who is inside you will advise you and when your family all are surrounded by another innocent lad whose life is in your mind like the one I write of, it won't go so well for you and yours. I found a rectangular shaped thing while I barely was out of my tender loincloth. I pondered it with the eyes of a child. Then buried it again. The reason why is known to me now. And the story I have written should give you a clue, for saying I have lost my gauntlet is like saying you think I am a king. If you decide to continue reading this story, you will have to find it where it was written by the scribes for those who know it in all and this part I've shared too, you'll found out, i.e., if things in the story turn out well for the lad. If you don't pick up the book and read the rest from where I leave off, and find out what happened in the next chapter, that is, last chapter. You'll never know who or what I do now, or what I ever will be. If I could pass I would too. :laugh: https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2020/08/13 LOL
  4. LOL ... Raise a little hell, raise a little Hell ... raise a little HELL!! Sorry Paga, I live well and fully in the moment (so I've just enjoyed my moment of Heaven). The next moment belongs to whomever picks up Paga's lost gauntlet.
  5. I have an older Logitech G15 keyboard that has an LCD screen. Using MSI Afterburner I can keep track of my GPU and VRAM usage while playing. I find it comes in handy when I've been in spots that really soak up the VRAM (my own fault ... sort of longer story than needed here) and I know when saving and possibly exiting for a restart is getting to be something I should consider. A lot of things that are mod added can really boost up the loads on your CPU and GPU. Meshes that have a gazillion vertices or textures that are far higher resolution than necessary are a couple of possible culprits. I've seen mod added jewelry that when disabled/removed via NifSkope made a huge improvement ... it wasn't the size of the mesh but how far overboard the mod author went on detail. Figuring out what is the root cause is the key.
  6. From what I see on the AMD page for your CPU it isn't a raw speed problem in my opinion ... it's more related to a "we're going to try to look as fast as possible" problem, that smoke and mirrors act I alluded to. What you'll need to do is decide on how important the features of a mod are to you vs the downsides that mod brings as baggage. So how much time do you spend in the "bad places" vs how long do you spend in the "good" places, and how good your skills of ignoring "the bad" are.
  7. If it's times when you have lots of NPCs I'd say it's a CPU bottleneck you're hitting. Oblivion isn't a modern game, and none of the available tweaks and utilities will make it properly use a modern machine. Modern machines trade raw speed for sophistication, and that has added a feature that works against Oblivion's basic design concepts. A modern machine will do many tasks at the same time. Because not all tasks take the same amount of time modern machines have introduced long pipelines to the actual execution units for their multiple processing units and use advanced guesswork to try to anticipate what a given program is going to want next. When a program actually wants something different instead, the entire pipeline contents for one of it's processing units needs to be completely flushed and then repopulated, which takes several CPU cycles. In general if the program is designed for multiple threads then it will suffer a less noticeable performance hit. Oblivion (for the most part) does one thing at a time. The game was designed back in the heydays of the GHz Wars, where each CPU generation was faster than the last in raw CPU speed. It was hitting the speed limits imposed by the physical structure of silicon and the expense of the materials needed to continue that speed advance that caused the sea change of looking faster by doing more things at once, where we are today. Oblivion doesn't even know that doing more than one thing at a time exists. On a fast modern CPU that's why you'll still see microstutters when playing Oblivion. The CPU thought that the game would want to know B after it found out A, but in fact the game needs to know C next, so we wait while the CPU flushes an execution unit's pipeline and then refills it with the info needed to find the value of C. If instead you have a more budget minded machine then your CPU is going to be less than blazingly fast. What that means is the microstutters will be more noticeable. The more NPCs you have in the scene the more the CPU has to do to keep them all moving. You increase the CPU's workload and the opportunities for a missed prediction on what the game will need to know next.
  8. You may want to post this question in the Fallout 4 forums. In Oblivion I have assembled a suite of mods that allow me to "resolve" combat without killing the enemy NPC when I choose (plus utilising abilities from the vanilla game that many don't both to explore).
  9. In the case of summons that is already the vanilla game behavior except if they have already begun combat with the player (NPCs in the game won't change targets unless the target has died or disappeared, as in the case of a summon timing out). So the trick with summons is to get a jump on them early and then try to allow the summon to strike before you do (if you summon and before the summon starts to attack you attack the NPC then you will be their target until either they die or you die). If you want NPCs to ignore you use a horse. As long as the NPC can see your horse they won't even know you are there (OK I'm being a bit facetious, but try using a horse and keeping NPCs from attacking the horse ... you will quickly learn to dismount far far away from the enemy NPC). I have a collection of on touch spells I've created that I use to aid whoever is doing the fighting against the NPC (be it a summon, Legion soldier or just one of the passerby travellers). Some are what you'd expect (healing spells for my ally) but most are offensive spells that either weaken or disable the enemy NPC (and some that actually damage the enemy's health). I've become quite adept at dancing around the fringes of a fight. A mod I've found useful is SM Combat Hide. If an enemy gets locked onto me then it's just a matter of putting some distance between us, finding something to hide behind and then summon. If I have been successful in hiding the "combat lock" on the player is broken, and because the NPC was already in combat with me my summon will automatically start combat providing the enemy is fairly close by. The system isn't 100%, but if it was I wouldn't enjoy it. The fun is in getting all the ducks to line up correctly.
  10. Lock Load Order is found in that same right click menu you just used to post the load order, just further down the list. Don't know much about MO2, but I'm guessing that it's "virtual install" isn't being properly seen by Wrye Bash (but that is just a guess). - Edit - Maybe have a peek at the bashed patch using TES4Edit and see what (if anything) it contains.
  11. Is the crash with both your TES4Edit patch and the bashed patch active at the same time? If so what is the load order of your TES4Edit patch vs the bashed patch, and also is your TES4Edit incorporated into the bashed patch or kept separate? No, just with the bashed patch. The merged patch from Tes4Edit is disabled when the bashed patch is active. For my load order list, is there anyway for me to post that in a spoiler tag? I don't want to create a wall of text. From Wrye Bash's Mods tab column header right click and select List Mods. Copy and paste everything from that report window including the spoiler tags into your post here. While you're in there take note of whether or not you have a tick mark beside Lock Load Order and let us know what you are using to sort your load order.
  12. Is the crash with both your TES4Edit patch and the bashed patch active at the same time? If so what is the load order of your TES4Edit patch vs the bashed patch, and also is your TES4Edit incorporated into the bashed patch or kept separate?
  13. One of the main "advertised" advantages of using Wrye Bash to install mods is it's handling of the uninstall (it properly replaces any overwritten files with their originals from whichever mod was overwritten ... the Anneal feature). I am on an older version of the UOP, and manually installed it. Fortunately for me there weren't any changes I considered "must have" in the subsequent versions of the UOP so I haven't gone through the tedium of making certain the right files are removed before installing the latest version of the UOP (I dislike relying on a simple overwrite when version updating ... probably analogous to a preference to eating brontosaurus as opposed to stegasaurus in my dinosaur analogy ... give me the neck, I like eating neck). Your situation does differ in so far as the UOP will probably never receive another update, so the utility added by WB's anneal becomes a moot point. Any new install/new character I decide to do will get the latest, greatest and last UOP of course, there isn't any reason to avoid it. Depending on specific hardware of course, but some older computers can actually be pretty close to "beast" when it comes to this game. It was developed for fast Pentium4s (so north of 3 GHz) and has not a clue what to do with the advanced features introduced after the GHz Wars hit the Limits of Silicon barrier and we got longer and longer execution pipelines. I'm running on an older model Core2 Duo at 3.0 GHz and have most of the parts to build a late model Core2 Duo at 3.33GHz. I've had the other CPU for almost as long as the older one (acquired maybe a year, year and a half after the 3.0) but have had little to no urgency to upgrade/finish building the new machine because I believe the 10% gain in CPU speed will be lost with it's longer execution pipeline when playing Oblivion. Pipelines have grown much longer in the time since the Core2 Duo days! The biggest challenge is finding compatible replacements when the video cards do the inevitable ... fail.
  14. I did try dowsing once, and could not believe that something as inanimate as the dowsing rod could do what it did in my hands (I found the waterline coming into a friends house ... they knew exactly where it was but I didn't, until then). Yes at times I'm a bit behind the conversation Paga, and I do appreciate your efforts to get me back into sync. Que sara sara ... and then all that follows. I am still that youngster marvelling at the wondrous beauty I find around the next corner ... just wrapped up in an older body. The new mixture seems to work for me. Maybe not the same as before but then again, what is the same as before (and wouldn't the same as before just get boring??).
  15. ENBSeries graphic modification for games
  16. Start where we all do ... at the beginning. Best advice I can give is to start with baby steps and work your way up to winning the marathon at your own pace.
  17. Don't see it in Training Exercises so I guess I'm a snoozer loser. Where there juicy pictures ... film at 11?? Now I'm all pumped to know what I don't know with nowhere to go!! Oooo ... watch Striker go, didn't knoiw you could spin like that!!
  18. Sorry Paga, but I see you are aware of how easily I am distracted. Apparently in Gore Bay the COVID lockdown is so extensive that even internet resources are suspected of conveying the virus and thus deemed unavailable. I did find some pictures but none that displayed the subject I wanted to present in sufficient detail. So here's a "best efforts" of what I found before getting well and fully sidetracked ... Not a good time for a road trip to Gore Bay (at least not if you're museum hopping), but by the power invested in Google by the Almighty his-self item labelled number six is the subject that they had hidden from view, and which I wanted to present for your consideration. If you were to wander (well a fairly brisk paced wander) north of the marina for about a half hour or less (leg length and your own personal distractability index are important factors that come into play while attempting to determine an appropriate timeline duration for the wander package ... ya, I've been working on AI packages again) you will find yourself at the Janet Head Lighthouse (which at one time had a nice little museum of it's own, now dispersed to various museums on the island). The lighthouse is on the west point that forms Gore Bay, and the west point is more extensively eroded that the East Bluff. Along the shoreline at Janet Head you'll find a limestone shingle beach of various sized, mostly flat skipping stones and almost all children and their accompanying adults will spend some time redistributing the most suitable of those into the bay in as "skipping" a manner as possible (no fear ... there seems to be a limitless supply, so don't hestitate to try your arm out). Some, while searching for that perfect skipping stone for the next attempt at ten skips, will notice what could be mistaken for some kind of tooth. I was fortunate in that my first visits to Janet Head were back when the Lighthouse museum was still operational, and they had a collection of coral horns. When I inquired regarding perhaps purchasing some I found out they weren't for sale, but plenty could be found at the shingle beach just across the road. The granddaughter quickly tired of the search, but while she resumed redistributing skipping stones into the waters of the bay grandpa continued with typical dogged persistence. Finding the first one is the watershed moment, and soon with more practice they practically jump out and into a pocket. Unfortunately I can't share a photo of my own collection as it is currently about an eight or nine hour drive away, but it is about 20 or 30 strong ... enough to fill two medium sized drinking glasses. I like to give one to any visiting kids I get introduced to, of course with full instructions to kids and guardians on where to look for more, and searching tips. Often my own "example piece" is returned along with a show and tell session on their own finds. The lighthouse shingle (indeed all shingle beaches in the area) are home to a wide variety of similarly aged fossils, all part of the record of the Great Permian Extinction event which has concentrated them into a particular limestone layer that is exposed extensively along the Manitoulin north shore. They have eroded out and the spring ice shoves renew the beach shingles regularly. You'll find many examples of fossil corals beyond the Grewinkia canadensis that predominate in my own collection such as numerous examples of Favistina stellate ( fairly large and easily found in the shingle due to the distictive whiteishness contrasting with the more predominately greyishness of the native shingle rocks) along with a number of species of Brachiopods and Gastropods. In some places on the island the exposed strata have yielded fine examples of Trilobites, and indeed almost all strata from the productive eons of the Ordovician and Permian periods are found somewhere on the island. Whew ... there I managed to put together more than I'd thought possible. It is surprising to me at times what I can get done when pressed, so thank you for the reminder Paga. - Edit - At first I was thinking of doing a little needling on how even though you may have more "man-years" than I Paga I have the greater "fossil-years" by a fairly significant margin ... and then I saw this. A little primer for those who aren't right up to snuff on your high school chemistry (Striker holds up his hand) ... Hydrogen symbol - H Carbon symbol - C Oxygen symbol - O Iron symbol - Fe Gold symbol - Au Phosphorus symbol - P Copper symbol - Cu So now I ask, how old are you?
  19. Without a personality there is no who am I? There's only: who do I want to be next? So you are saying you do not know who you want to be ... atleast in the next life ? I just thought that line up while I was focused on your various personality switches. Utahian! You switched so many times I suspect you've only begun to develop the Mktavish personality. New Orleansian. I wonder how many more you will share with us before you get seated into the new make believe you that you think you like now. Who were you before you became an Internet Personality? LOL ... will you girls get along!! He was an outernet personality of course Paga ... what else could Mk have been? - Edit - And I'll have you know Paga I'm still worried about what I may or may not see tonight while awaiting the little sand people ... the visuals I got of the Paga men's fashion show were traumatizing to say the least! - Edit 2 - Maybe the safe route would be to watch Mk's river ... it is 8 hours of the same sounds and same scene. If that can't erase a few memories nothing will!
  20. First to install is the Official Oblivion 12416 Patch. The download is a ZIP file, that extracts to an executable that you run and it patches the game to version 1.2.0416 (which is the latest/final version of the game). Some caveats about the Official Patch ... you will note that there is a patch for the Shivering Isles version of the game and a different one for the non-SI version of the game (all of the other DLCs don't matter). You must use the version that matches your version ... SI patch for the game that includes the Shivering Isles and non-SI patch for the original non-SI version of the game. There are also different patches for the different supported language versions of the game. The top listed download on the Nexus page is for the North American English version of the game without Shivering Isles, the version for the SI version of the game covers all English versions (note further down the list you'll find a UK English version for the non-SI game). Once you have the vanilla game patched to version 1.2.0416 start it and confirm it indicates the correct version number in the lower left corner of the Main menu screen. You will also go through the initial set up for video card etc. and the Oblivion.ini file will be generated (found in the C:\Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder). The Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) and Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (USIP) are simply big mods, and are installed the same way as other mods. You will need to decide whether you are going to use a mod manager to handle installing and uninstalling mods or instead go with manual install for mods. You make it sound like you are more familiar from past experience with manual install, but perhaps may be a little rusty. I personally use manual installs for the most part but have used Wrye Bash for a handful of mods in my load order. There are other mod managers available ... it will be up to you whether or not you want to learn a mod manager as well as get back into modding the game or stick with what may be rusty but at least more familiar skills (if I am in fact reading between the lines correctly). The extracted downloads for both the UOP and USIP are set up so that you put the files (ESPs) and folders in your game's Oblivion\Data folder (so you will have Oblivion\Data\Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and Oblivion\Data\DistantLOD and Oblivion\Data\Meshes as examples). My personal preference for manual install is to use Copy and Paste beween to instances of Windows Explorer open at the same time, but I am a dinosaur still using my tried and true Win 7 (in other words I can't say what is available for you to use in Win 10). The UOP doesn't absolutely require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) but if you do have OBSE installed it will use a couple of fixes for vanilla game problems (the fixes are the jail fix and training fix). Even though OBSE isn't absolutely required I recommend installing it as many of the "must have" mods these days require it. If you need more info or clarification just ask.
  21. Haha ! Exactly. Seriously, its a OS 2nd now. Perhaps the operating system aspect of the "package" is just an unavoidable consequence of their desire to own your PC and use it as a revenue stream.
  22. If it's not very long you can just copy\paste from the CS. If it's long then put spoiler tags in the front and back. At the start of the script (after you paste it here) put [ spoiler ] (except don't put the spaces before and after the [ and ]) and at the end put [ /spoiler ] (again no spaces).
  23. I also find it cool how he geys to maintain certain mannerisms across the morphing ... "Shaken, not stirred", "Bond ... James Bond" etc. Craig has been the one who's pushed the furthest from the classic Bond (not implying that I don't enjoy his take on him).
  24. And gets to shapeshift through some of the best actors over multiple generations ... not a bad gig!
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