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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Wait ... what are you saying?? That we can leave Oblivion?? Where'd you find the door ... is there a door?? Maybe you just put on the right colour shoes and click your heels. Guess I'll need to do some research.
  2. Funny how they seem to come around once a year eh? :laugh: Happy birthday OA!! - Edit - I just had a little read back to the start of the thread and see that you are now past the hump and into your second "third of a century". Beware that it will be no time and you'll be wondering where those 33.33 years went and begin pondering what's in store as you get closer and closer to the century mark. Revel in it, and embrace each day as though it's your last. Tomorrow is not yet here and yesterday but a dream.
  3. I vote for Arnie to play the Site Bot.
  4. Miss ... I'm a "straight up, no ice" kinda' guy The next person has eaten Thai food and liked it.
  5. Feedback, suggestions and questions ... how are you doing Hey? Has it been warm enough for you on your side of the crick? Warm enough? :smile: One way of putting it..... I was stupid enough to say "Yes" when a friend asked me to help him with 'some tree work'....... I thought, a couple hours..... in reality, it was a couple days. In the 90+ degree heat, and high humidity... That was fun. :smile: At least it paid well. Cooler today, as we are having thunderstorms roll though. So, it's alternating between HOT and humid, and merely warm and humid. :smile: At least I have central air in the house. :D Here's hopin' life is treatin' ya well. :D If they'd let me cross the border I'd take home a bucket or two of your ACed air ... there are no such conveniences here at the Striker Manor. Weather Network claims it's down to 22C (72F on your side of the crick). Maybe they're sticking the thermometer into the lake. I watched the radar picture you had overhead earlier, we got our turn with it just a while ago. Life ... it's a box of chocolates isn't it? Never know what's inside 'til you take a bite. When we went house shopping, central air was one of the requirements, due to both of us having various health issues. (we don't deal well with heat. :smile: ) That, and a two car garage, any outbuildings would just be bonuses. :smile: It's expensive to run it, so, it doesn't see a lot of use...... but, in conditions like this? Yep. You betcha. It cools off acceptably at night, so, we open windows, and run a couple fans once it cools off outside. It's downright NICE out this morning. Temps in the low 70's. I don't expect that to last though....... seems the storms have passed, and it is a cloudless blue sky out there. So, HOT today. :D Ya my central AC worked when I bought the place, stopped working around the same time I retired. In normal times I'm up north most of the summer so the non-working AC isn't an issue. Obviously we are not in normal times anymore. Yes the cooler air and NW breeze is welcome. I live in the moment but I did take a peek at the weather lies from the weather guys on Weather Network. How does that saying go ... all good things must end. - Edit - Kinda' nice to find a thread to hijack in an obscure corner. I do miss our chats on the Alliance shouty (seems like eons ago sometimes).
  6. Haha. Yes. Well if most whole wheat communion wafers buyers also bought those then I guess it will still be the case for most of the future buyers, so the algorithm still works in most cases... so while it may not be intuitive, it's not wrong practically either in most cases :b since it guesses something they'd be interested in. Another possibility ... the algorithm suggests something that has a high profit margin. Is there that much money in crackers, even special ones?
  7. Wasn't Elon looking for Mars volunteers a while back? Maybe you could hitch a ride the rest of the way from there!
  8. Miss ... and they need trimming. Did you get dive bombed while trying your good deed? The worst I've been on the receiving end of was a bluejay. I was trying to encourage the fledgling off the road and mom was trying to take my scalp. She came closer to success than me. Now I'm back to your previous hit ... hmm ... The next person to post can say "But I didn't inhale!". :laugh:
  9. Feedback, suggestions and questions ... how are you doing Hey? Has it been warm enough for you on your side of the crick? Warm enough? :smile: One way of putting it..... I was stupid enough to say "Yes" when a friend asked me to help him with 'some tree work'....... I thought, a couple hours..... in reality, it was a couple days. In the 90+ degree heat, and high humidity... That was fun. :smile: At least it paid well. Cooler today, as we are having thunderstorms roll though. So, it's alternating between HOT and humid, and merely warm and humid. :smile: At least I have central air in the house. :D Here's hopin' life is treatin' ya well. :D If they'd let me cross the border I'd take home a bucket or two of your ACed air ... there are no such conveniences here at the Striker Manor. Weather Network claims it's down to 22C (72F on your side of the crick). Maybe they're sticking the thermometer into the lake. I watched the radar picture you had overhead earlier, we got our turn with it just a while ago. Life ... it's a box of chocolates isn't it? Never know what's inside 'til you take a bite.
  10. Hit ... always my problem. Good thing you left those worms alone. Nothing worse than dealing with an angry male robin first thing in the morning (you hear them telling the world every morning ... These worms are belong to me!!). The next person to post will have never dreamed of floating varnish on (pity them) ...
  11. Feedback, suggestions and questions ... how are you doing Hey? Has it been warm enough for you on your side of the crick?
  12. A golden coin clutched tightly in a fist hidden away in a pocket has no value to the one holding it in his last second, exhaling the last breath he will ever take. I fully understand the dilemma, for to give away the golden coin means that another will enjoy it's beauty. The solution is to enjoy their enjoyment and revel in what they are able to accomplish with it ... but perhaps that is not so much a solution as it is an art form. I'll give you a miss Paga as the only epiphany I know is actually Epifanes, and while many swear by it I'm a Pettit kinda' guy. The next poster will be pretty sure that Striker is certifiable. :laugh: - Edit - Up with the birds again Paga??
  13. Miss ... only about 14 oz (I actually had to break out a measuring cup and do the test ... not an Archimedes style test so no eureka at the end). When coffee goes the wrong way for me it's generally because I'm gulping it after it's turned cold. The next person to post has way way too much time on his/her hands.
  14. Hi! I have totally forgot to check the time of year me beeing stupid. Thanks for reminding me! It's Heartfire the 12:th. So no wonder the weather aren't beautiful. :- ) Looking on the bright side, your character will not need sunglasses for at least another six months.
  15. Miss ... not online, not offline. For me the amount of water doesn't vary (exactly one mug full) but the amount of coffee grounds does (most for the morning cup, least for the noon one and in between for the evening after supper one ... and "most" and "least" are variable depending on the day's mood). The next poster will rarely rise to the bait when being trolled.
  16. I read somewhere that the LOOT folks were integrating the BOSS masterlist but it sounded like an ongoing project rather than a one click and we're done type thing (and that was probably more than a year ago).
  17. Pretty sure that they don't go away in BOSS until the masterlist is updated (either by somebody curating the list or the user). BOSS is for all intents obsolete and abandoned at this point in time so only relics from the pre-history stages of life are still using it (yup ... that'd be me).
  18. Can't say for certain how LOOT implements it's warnings but in BOSS those are just part of the masterlist (which is just a text file ... you can edit it if you want). May give you someplace to start digging around.
  19. You may want to report your "new account" with an explanation ... wouldn't do to get one thing sorted out only to wind up in trouble over multiple accounts (have a look through the Forum Rules and Warnings forum if you're unsure what I'm going on about).
  20. Could be that because they have arrows and a bow in their inventory and have a higher skill in Marksman than either Blade or Blunt the game "substitutes" practice ranged for the practice melee that you have left for them. Do a test by using the console to bring their melee skill up to the same or higher than their ranged (so "getav marksman" then "getav blade" and then "modav blade x" where x brings their blade up to or slightly above their marksman result). If my theory is correct then they should always practice melee as long as they have a blade weapon in inventory. If it does turn out I'm right then the only option for actual gameplay may be take away all of their practice packages away or live with them using the bows even when you'd prefer they don't. Don't know about how you are in your game but my guy always has gold out the whazoo from about level 10 or so ... I'd just cart them off to see a smith and pop in to see Vigge or similar on a regular basis, though with them I guess I wouldn't mind fixing their stuff and recharging myself (generally I use smiths and Mage's Guild for that so that stuff doesn't get repaired beyond 100%, though for recharge it doesn't seem to matter if you recharge yourself or use the guild, the items still don't stack in containers).
  21. Skyrim Special Edition Mod Requests
  22. I suppose it depends on how deeply you want to dig into the technicalities and semantics of the whole thing. :smile: But, in essence, I DO agree with you, "DLC" implies official content, "Mods" implies 'unofficial' content. Whew ... was worried there that perhaps my 162 mod load order was really only six (the six I've created myself ... the rest were all downloaded). The odd thing for me is that it was "monetisation" that got me to release any of "my" mods publicly (my is in quotes because not all of the assets were created by me ... in fact my contribution is the most trivial part of the whole deal). When Nexus introduced the Donation Points system I saw a way for "Mr No Online Financial Transactions" (ya that'd be me) to find a way to pay for a premium membership. In truth it's turned out to be a lot longer drawn out affair than I at first anticipated (probably in the range of three years to get one month) but it has opened a new door for me (well maybe more of a window into the minds of other mod authors). That aside (for I am after all an extreme outlier case) to me at it's root this push or movement towards mods being a paid for commodity is just a natural progression in the world of business. Show me one single richer than God guy at the top who says "No, no, I've got more than enough money ... please spend your money somewhere else". For one, they never would have made it to the top with ideas like that even being anything except alien and incomprehensible. They are hardwired to always want more and are incapable of seeing that as anything except being better for the world. In a way I believe that it is we modders (if I dare place myself in that same class) who are responsible for them getting the idea. Not a large leap to go from modders saying it's not right that the companies make money from games that modders extend the life of, to rich guys saying "Hey ... I can make more money from charging for mods ... I'll just call them something else so the dumb smucks with the few pennies left in their pockets are none the wiser". By wishing out loud for a piece of the pie we gave away the whole bakery. Is that right? I guess yes if you ascribe to the notion that what is best for the rich guy must be best for the world. You can probably guess that I don't belong to that particular camp, but then again I did say I'm an outlier.
  23. The game processes packages from the top of the list down and runs the first one it comes to that satisfies conditions (time, percent chance, available equipment etc). Make sure their practice melee is listed above their practice ranged and that they have a melee weapon in working condition in their inventory.
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