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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. WhenWillYouLearn banned. Reason: Alt account of TouchingGrass "The efficiency of our moderation approach and moderation tools is dependent on the principle of each user being linked to a single account. It is therefore forbidden to register or use more than a single account per user without pre-approval by staff. Users with multiple accounts may have one or all of their accounts suspended. In the event of alternative accounts being used to evade a ban or restrictions on a main account, all accounts belonging to the offending user are subject to suspension (i.e. a ban) and any (pending) unban appeals are forfeit." Reference post
  2. This isn't currently possible. Blocking tags or authors provides a decent level of filtering. Anything more granular would require a rebuild of entire site search
  3. This post has had no replies since 2010... how did you even find it to necro?
  4. MHBA2K17 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, MHBA2K17 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  5. If we don't have a game it's simply because nobody has shared a valid mod for it yet. If you've made mods for Medieval then you could be the first! https://help.nexusmods.com/article/104-how-can-i-add-a-new-game-to-nexus-mods
  6. Please send a copy of the payment receipt to support@nexusmods.com so we can look into this for you. The error you have screenshotted usually means your bank declined the payment, so it's possible they didn't actually allow the payment and your account is showing an incorrect balance.
  7. If none of the free servers even start, then it's likely an ISP problem. I would recommend trying a VPN.
  8. Hi there, I'm afraid you post is missing some of the test results. Please see the guidance here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5322760-reporting-download-problems/ Without a full set of results I can't really advise you.
  9. We completed the migration and re-index yesterday so I'm glad to hear it worked.
  10. Hi there, If you cannot connect to any of our free servers that indicates an ISP or routing issue. Your best option may be to try a VPN.
  11. As with your last thread this has already been answered - in great detail - months ago. Please see the news post below. https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14538 I'm also asking you please read the resources I've linked here and in the last thread you made rather than posting topics that will only cause conflict. I am sorry you don't agree with these changes, but we're not going to make any additional changes for the time being.
  12. darksavage20 banned. Reason: Ban evasion: yushae Evading moderation restrictions invalidates your ban appeal. Reference post
  13. deleted130654088 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  14. If the uploader has chosen to hide the archived files, they don't want you to download it. As Zanderat says, you can ask them nicely to put it back up in their "old files" section or to unhide the archive.
  15. Sounds like your local security software has sabotaged your Vortex installation, try reinstalling it over the top of what is already there.
  16. the problem with this is, that it hides actual mods under the same tag category as well. Especially because authors post the presets under Miscellaneous as well as Visuals. You've named two categories. These are tags. You can block the "Reshade" and "Preset" tags specifically.
  17. You can use the tag blocking feature to prevent this files from appearing on your homepage: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/39-how-do-i-hide-or-show-adult-or-other-specific-content
  18. Mrazbyte has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, Mrazbyte has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  19. MrMephetran has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, MrMephetran has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 30 days Important links: Our terms of service
  20. EugenioInbahalad has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, EugenioInbahalad has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot download any file for 7 days This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days This user cannot send private messages for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  21. Not a bad idea. It might be something we'll consider for the next version of the profile page.
  22. I would strongly suggest you try out the Collections Open Alpha. A lot of it is based on assumptions rather than actually using the system as-is. These questions have also been answered at length in the past so there's no point in rehashing it all. #1 - https://modding.wiki/en/nexusmods/collections/FAQ#can-i-opt-out-of-collections #2 - Test the system and you'll see how it works. The default settings don't use archived files, but they can be selected where the collection depends on them. #3 - This was answered at length in our news post: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14538
  23. Sorry to hear you're having issues and thanks for providing the information. As you have no connectivity to any of our free servers in the test, it's likely to be a problem with your ISP or a routing issue. Those 5 test servers are in completely different locations around the world so a bad connection to all of them implies an issue closer to your end of the connection. You may be able to try using a VPN as a workaround?
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