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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. With the update to Skyrim, Bethesda has launched its new Verified Creator Program. This allows mod authors to sell their mods through Bethesda's Creation Club store and earn a cut of the sale price. This looks to be the long-suspected "paid mods" update to Bethesda.net ahead of modding being enabled for Starfield. Check out the details here: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/creators/bethesdagamestudios What do you think?
  2. As you might know, Bethesda's own modding service - Bethesda.net - has been offline since 29 November for maintenance. This has meant that the in-game mod browser and Creation Club content were not available for Skyrim Special Edition players on Steam, Epic and Xbox Game Pass (GOG users are not affected as they don't have these integrations). At 02:16 GMT Bethesda released the following statement on their official Discord server: This confirms that an update is coming very soon and will cause Skyrim Script Extender and any mods that depend on it to stop working. Further to this, Nukem's Creation Kit Fixes (and the updated version by perchick71) will most likely stop working for the updated Creation Kit. Backing Up Skyrim If you want to be able to easily switch back to the current version, I highly recommend you back up your copy of Skyrim (provided you have sufficient hard drive space to do so!). The best way to do this would be to use the "Purge Mods" button (if using Vortex to install mods) and then open your Skyrim Special Edition install folder. You should copy this entire folder to a new location. A list of files is provided below: If you're struggling for space, you can safely omit anything in the "Data" folder. Creation Kit 1.6.438.0 consists of the following files which are worth backing up too if you're a mod author:
  3. Check the "Extensions" section. You may have disabled it.
  4. This ban notice should answer your question https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13457389-yedlike-banned/
  5. @VirtualChrisMI'm sorry you're having issues, but you have to realise this problem is unique to your setup. We do thoroughly test extensions before they go live and this did not happen in any test case. As Nagev said, you may have misconfigured Vortex. Did you put your mod staging folder for Starfield in the same folder you installed Vortex to? If so, this would have been completely erased when updating Vortex. There are safeguards in the app to prevent this but if this is what happened you managed to get around it somehow. To be clear if Vortex was installed to "C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex" and your staging folder for Starfield was at something like "C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\starfield" the entire "Vortex" folder gets removed and replaced during an update to the core application (not an extension update).
  6. Webp can be "lossy" or "lossless" depending on if file size or quality is prioritised. It also varies depending on the quality of the original image. Because we're serving images for the web, small file size is slightly higher priority than quality. Otherwise the pages on the site will take a very long time to load.
  7. Bethesda have confirmed an update is coming to SSE/CK
  8. Turn off GPU acceleration in the settings. Your GPU is trying to anti-alias a flat 2D app (Vortex) and causing this weirdness.
  9. Stay tuned for an update on this For now it's just our team who can own them.
  10. Hmm ok, that one doesn't seem to be a super reliable source. He seems to be freaking out because Bethesda.net is down rather than talking about an actual game update? It's fair to say there will be an update once Bethesda.net comes back up.
  11. The subforums are now at the top of the page. Here's an example: We've condensed it down a bit because there were a lot of duplicates. It's also worth noting that a lot of the chat for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE can be answered by people with the same knowledge. I'm happy to talk about adding more subforums as we continue to migrate the posts across into the new format. Let me know what's missing and why you would like to see it added here!
  12. I've not seen any update on Steam yet. Where are you seeing these videos?
  13. You can open your messenger (top-right of the forum) and type their name in when sending a PM. If they've never used the forum or have PMs turned off you may not be able to though.
  14. This seems to be a bit of a Mandela Effect going on here. To reiterate, we have never had a feature to block comments from displaying for specific users on the NexusMods.com website. This has only ever been part of the old forums (and now the new forums).
  15. Please report any content you feel breaches our site rules and include any proof/context to help the moderators understand your complaint. In this case, I've personally spoken with Nvidia and they are fine with DLLs being shared as part of mods. Prior to speaking with Nvidia, these mods were removed based on the license you mentioned.
  16. This feature has never blocked comments. It simply filters their mods from your search results.
  17. We might do this. For now, we're preparing an update post for the site news that introduces the new forum properly and addresses the common concerns we've heard. That may not go live until we've finished the migration/restructure though.
  18. You cannot report user profiles anymore, but that was often not very helpful anyway. Users would often report a profile when they should've reported the mod/image/comment/PM that contains the content they felt was against our rules. Please use the report button on the content the member has posted.
  19. This is not a feature we have available on the website. You can suggest it at https://feedback.nexusmods.com
  20. You can try to message the mod author if you'd like to know more about why they have hidden them. The middle one is marked as "Obsolete" so it's pointing you to an alternative.
  21. We'll be making a site-wide news announcement soon, but in short, the "About Me" section on the website side will be hidden until we release the new user profile pages which are roughly planned for early-mid 2024.
  22. Please take a look at the common solutions here: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  23. You can suggest and upvote alternative providers here: https://feedback.nexusmods.com/?query=payment
  24. I'm afraid we don't support Vivaldi, please try it in a different browser. If this works, your browser or browser addons may be causing the problem.
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