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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Hhhhmmm...... Might try firing up FO4Edit, load up all your mods, find the tire model in the base game files, then see what mods are changing it.
  2. Folks have been predicting the death of PC gaming since the first xbox came out. It's still going strong, and I expect that to remain the case for the foreseeable future. PC just has a lot more potential than any console.
  3. Use a good mod manager that will inform you about conflicts, or, get familiar with FO4Edit. :D Also, keep in mind that not all conflicts are 'bad'. A fair few of them are INTENDED. :) I have no problem using mods that haven't been updated for a while. (some of my mods are several years old, with no updates.) I run a little over 100 mods on FO4, and my game is quite stable. Granted, my load order could probably use some cleaning up.... there are some duplicates.... but, it doesn't cause troubles, so, I don't dink with it. :D
  4. Apparently, key bindings are stored in one of the ini files, though, which one, I have no idea..... I've never used the ini's for key bindings.... at least, not for base-game functions.
  5. Does it crash before you get to the main menu? If so, that's likely a missing master crash. If it crashes when you try to load a save, see if you can start a new game.
  6. Did that function get reassigned to a different key? (not sure how to check that, without being able to bring up the menu....... )
  7. Use the console to set your field of view, then do saveini. That *should* make the change permanent. If you are using Mod Organizer 2, it uses ini files in a non-standard location, so, editing the file in your My games folder likely won't do anything.
  8. Yeah, that's a missing texture. Get the "Better Console" mod, (requires F4SE), then you just open the console, click on the problematic tire, and it will tell you the last mod that touched it. Should point you in the right direction at least.
  9. Erm, my peripheral vision is a LOT more than 40 degrees...... And my eyes aren't that good......
  10. That's gonna be tough, given the prices of decent vid cards are just stupid at the moment. Good luck finding one for under 600 bucks....
  11. Distinct lack of information there.... What mods? What GAME??? What platform???
  12. Is that a 16X9 aspect ratio panel? I picked up a 34" 21X9 panel, and while the resolution is REALLY good. (ok, it's 'only' 2K, but, beats the crap out of my 1080p monitor....) Trouble is, games don't really seem to be able to manage the wider aspect ratio, and I get weird distortion at the edges. Things in my peripheral vision seem to be much closer than they are, when viewing them directly, or more toward the center of the screen...... Not a feature I really care for. Is it Bethesda's titles that are messed up? they tend to have a nasty fisheye effect going on and the higher the FOV the worse it gets. Yep. FO4. I haven't tried Skyrim yet. (legendary edition.) That is EXACTLY the effect I was seeing. Is there a fix out there for that??
  13. Should just be an update.... Which vortex should be whining that there is one in any event.
  14. Yeah, fallout 3, and New Vegas both run on the same game engine, so yes, you can mod the crap out of New Vegas, and it'll still run fine. :D
  15. I see this behavior with PANPC every once in a while. The game simply decides they need to be somewhere else... and Poof, gone.
  16. I don't have one on this machine. My desktop blew up on me, (system board failure..... not detecting any video device) and I am waiting on the replacement to show up. From China...... :D Yeah. Long story.
  17. Is that a 16X9 aspect ratio panel? I picked up a 34" 21X9 panel, and while the resolution is REALLY good. (ok, it's 'only' 2K, but, beats the crap out of my 1080p monitor....) Trouble is, games don't really seem to be able to manage the wider aspect ratio, and I get weird distortion at the edges. Things in my peripheral vision seem to be much closer than they are, when viewing them directly, or more toward the center of the screen...... Not a feature I really care for.
  18. I bought a 1998 Dodge Ram 2500 back in 2017. It was the replacement for my 96 Dodge Ram 2500 I had purchased in 2010. Why a 3/4 ton truck? Mainly because I can only afford to insure, and maintain one vehicle at a time, therefore, it needs to be able to do everything I need a vehicle for. The limiting factor being hauling around a 14 foot dump trailer. A less vehicle just wouldn't be able to deal with it. Sure, I don't pull the trailer every day, or even every month, but, when I need it.... I need it. :D Granted, driving a big, heavy truck as a daily driver ain't the most economical solution, but, I don't drive much in any event. Less than 5000 miles a year. Being retired has its advantages. :D
  19. A lot depend on just which game you want to mod. Everyone does it different.
  20. Build High? Or Settlements expanded?
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you need an xbox to port mods over, just a Bethesda.net account, you just wouldn't be able to test them yourself. Correct. Just tell the CS to upload it to bethnet for xbox, and it 'should' take care of it.... Should.... This IS beth software though, so, it doesn't always do what you think it should. :D
  22. All rivers flow..... :) Some are more enthusiastic about it than others, but, they all flow. The trick, I think, is for them to flow in the right direction..... A river should try and take you down stream, not stuff you against the bank, in a straight section of river...... Of course, I don't have the faintest idea how the game handles that particular mechanic...... In any event, if the water isn't deep enough for the game to consider you 'swimming', then flow shouldn't have much of an affect, if any, on you.
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