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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Usually, that kind of crash is a 'missing master crash'. I.E. one of the mods in your load order is missing a mod it is dependent on. Since you know exactly which mod causes the crash, do you have all the requirements for that mod installed?
  2. Not that I have noticed. I can jump the same obstacles, regardless of how much I am carrying, even when over-encumbered, and I still die if I fall from any height, regardless of carry weight.
  3. I highly doubt that is true. Finance Services is a highly regulated industry and there are stringent requirements around customer data including passwords. However if it is true then I'd move to a bank that treats your data with respect and secures it. Doubt what you want. My bank password requires only eight characters. There is an option for two-factor authentication, but, it is an OPTION. (same as it is here.) Longer passwords only make it more difficult to brute-force crack them. It does not make your account any more 'secure'.
  4. You wanna post in the vortex support forums.
  5. Yeah, I love my explosive shotgun. Using it at close range though, yeah, that's suicide. :) I learned that one the hard way. (wondered why I was dying so quickly.....) Only thing better I found, with mods... was my never ending, explosive, 10mm auto pistol. Wave it around, and everything down range dies. :D Does eat ammo though. :D
  6. Yeah, I see your point. My bank doesn't even have that level of security. :D
  7. The new format for Game forums is FAR superior to the long list we had previously. Makes finding the forum I want MUCH easier. Thanks Folks. :D
  8. Thumb drives have gotten DIRT cheap of late. You can probably pick on up for under 30 bucks, that you can copy your entire Fallout 4 folder to. When you get your new machine, just install FO4 normally, then copy over your backup. You will need some variety of mod manager to enable all your mods again though. If you used Vortex, NMM, MO2, or something similar, it gets a LOT more complicated on convincing the manager to recognize your mods...... Or, if you still have the downloaded archives, back those up instead, and use your mod manager to reinstall them.
  9. What problems are you having? Unfortunately, it doesn't get any easier than STEP.... Of course, that's a rather involved process. Nothing like jumping in to the Deep End, eh? :)
  10. Then that would imply you do NOT have permission... So, you can do it for your own game, but, no uploading it anywhere.
  11. Problem is, in the game, YOU are the landlord. :) Would be nice to be able to delegate some authority to some other sucker to deal with settlement issues. :) Sim Settlements is a start, but, I haven't played with it. (I am just not that into settlement building.)
  12. According to theory, max number of settlers is Charisma plus 10. I don't know if that also includes 'buffs' from various articles of clothing/armor though. 100 is way outta line though. That should be an indication that something in your game is indeed borked.
  13. Clearly not if you were able to raise children with moms. Are you one of those gurus with the weird light around you that seems to mesmerise women to become members of your harem? How did you get around the polygamy laws - oh maybe that explains why one of your kids became a lawyer..... Not at the same time. Not a mormon.... (in fact, I don't follow any religion..... atheist? agnostic? Something like that.) I am 60 years old, so yeah, I've had time to have a couple wives.
  14. Vanilla or mod added items in the settlements?
  15. Are you shooting an NPC? I had issues with that in vault 95...... Explosive rounds?? Vanilla, or modded weapon? Any weapon?
  16. The three aspects that you mentioned above are not criteria for determining whether someone has raised their children 'right'. If you genuinely think they are then you are suffering from a serious misapprehension. And what exactly does 'right' mean, in this context? Way off topic.... (but, not like that is unusual, eh?) I taught my kids to say what they mean. If I ask them a question, I expect THEIR answer, not what they think I want to hear. So, no lies, no excuses, no blaming someone else for something they did/did not do. Then one of them became a lawyer.... Maybe I did screw up? :)
  17. Clearly you're not a parent as this is total BS. Maybe you just didn't raise your kids right. I have several children that I have raised. (in company with their moms.....) Now I have grandkids.
  18. I actually like hangin' out with the kids better than hangin' out with most adults...... No, it's not creepy, just a preference. (and NOT a sexual one, thank you very much) Kids say EXACTLY what they mean, don't pull any punches, and have zero qualms about voicing their opinions. I actually find it rather refreshing. :D
  19. Well, lets see, Hitler worked real hard on genocide. Zi is also working real hard on genocide. If you miss the similarity there, that's on you. It's not a conspiracy theory, its a fact. But, we all know the liberals like facts almost as much as Trump does......
  20. So, inconvenient facts such as this should be disallowed? Typical liberal. Here we have Biden flat out stating that he isn't going to do anything about what China is doing to various segments of their population. (uighurs) It's on video. It was broadcast on national television. How is that in any way a 'conspiracy theory', or 'misleading'? You slapping labels on it, doesn't make it any less true.
  21. Just out of idle curiosity, why would you WANT to limit download speed? That seems really counter-intuitive to me. As a basic member, you are already limited to 1mb/s...... creeping along in this day and age....
  22. Did they separate out the armors from MF?? I think I am running 2.5, or 2.6...... (been a while since I checked it.) and there are all manner of different armor/uniforms available....
  23. Never had any dealings with epic, so, no idea there. Steam is *sometimes* good..... other times, not so much. :) Luck of the Draw.
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