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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. As pointed out, let the os and apps stick to the m2 and put your games on a sata or external ssd (: Ram alone wont improve the fps that much, atleast in a noticeble area, But nice to have while playing with mods and stuff. To the sata ssd, I doubt u need a cable, sata port should be on the notebook mainboard, on the other hand, since this notebook has usb-c i would also take a look at external ssd's like the samsung t5. Besides my samsung pro ssd's I'm also using a 2tb T5 and it's doing the job fine (: I am not a fan of trying to game from an external drive. The transfer speeds just aren't there. Granted, somewhat less of an issue with an SSD, but still.... If his laptop will support the drive in an internal bay, that is the best solution.
  2. I tried modern weapons but I found it to be way too overpowered for campaign play. Also not as detailed as separate packs with their own animations. There are companion mods which bring vanilla weapon damage into line with MF. (which I also use.....) And no 'weapon pack' mod is going to be as detailed as mods that only add a couple weapons, or just one...... Just the nature of the beast. So, you can get one, that adds a bunch of weapons, with less detail, or, you can download individual mods, with fewer weapons, and higher detail. I wanted the diversity of weapons, so, MF works great for me.
  3. Any mods that touch the pipboy, or menus in general?
  4. Modern Firearms. Adds a boatload of modern weapons, fully customizable, with leveled list integration. You will need a 'bashed patch' to go along with it, else all you will see if the modern firearms. :)
  5. I would go for installing an additional drive, leave the O/S on the NVME, install games and such to the other SSD. Also, make sure your Laptop can actually support the amount of Ram you want to install. So will only use up to 8gb, regardless of O/S. (though, the newer ones tend to support more.... imagine that. :) )
  6. I do believe you should reload any weapon after you fire the last shot, provided you have more ammo for said weapon. At least, that's the way it has always worked for me. (imagine my surprise when mid-combat, I discover that I am out of ammo for my battle rifle, and all I have left is a 10mm pistol..... with a half-dozen folks still shooting at me.....) Might be interesting to do some experimentation with that..... see if you can find any commonalities when it DOESN'T reload.
  7. Processor makes a difference there too.... I run at 7, on a GTX 1060 6gb, and an i7 9700KF. Framerate is still north of 40 everywhere. I tried 9 at one point, but, got screen tearing, and such, but, that was on the old AMD processor..... Haven't tried it on the new build. :D
  8. Probably a mod conflict..... or a script not updating properly...... Wonder if it is not removing you from the Dawngaurd faction, and therefore, they are all instantly hostile.
  9. I think you would need either higher res LOD textures, or, set UGridsToLoad to a higher number. The latter solution can REALLY beat up your framerate though, depending on your hardware.
  10. I've been here for a while. :D Are you running any mods that affect reloading? Do you get the same behavior from every weapon? Or just one or two? I run Pack Attack, NPC edition in my game, so, I ALWAYS get more enemies than vanilla. (sometimes, a LOT more....) And they are smarter too..... To offset that, I try and use weapons that have a pretty significant magazine capacity. (Mods) I think my personal favorite is the FAMAS Faelin with it's 100 round drum magazine. :D I seldom need to reload mid-combat... and if I do need to, I know I am in deep dark doo-doo. :D
  11. Check out Pack Attack, NPC Edition as well. :) It can make the game feel crowded. :D
  12. Hhhmmm.... The only time my weapon doesn't reload after firing the last shot, is if I am out of ammo for that weapon.... Otherwise, it works as intended. I am paranoid in any event, (and have military training) so, I pay attention to how much ammo is in my mag.
  13. HeyYou


    Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about. I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape. You know, there was this group of people, in the 1930's and 1940's, who justified the killing of millions of other people, by redefining what "human" is and claiming that those others didn't qualify, in their opinion, so it was okay to butcher them by the train car load. You then have the newly sworn in El Presidente, who, among his first acts, decided to remove the bust of a leading politician who fought against those same murderers, and replace it with the bust of an avowed Totalitarian, and Authoritarian, who heroes and influences include both Hitler and Mao. Kinda makes you think ... And I don't believe either HeyYou or anyone else on these forums has ever claimed that they approve of murder. The psychopaths are defined by the psychiatrists as extremely greedy for power, rejecting the least constraint, loving manipulation and ready to commit any crime as soon as it serves their unavowable interests and beyond help lost causes. In other words the psychopaths are naturally evil beings with a dictator's mentality. Do you still want to continue your pathetic diversion? I would love to see where you got that definition from..... Everything I read doesn't really jibe with what you are trying to sell.
  14. Cool, I will have a look, and take it from there. Also have to consult with my software vendor, and make sure it will run under linux. I *think* they have a version for that. Nah, I got to work because I actually enjoy doing the work. The people are just an added bonus, as for the most part, I am locked away in the service area, and don't interact with anyone very much. (and the whole covid thing has only made me more secluded, I am old, and in several of the 'high risk' categories.... so, my boss hides me away.) I just like doin' the work. Makes me use my brain a bit. I enjoy a good challenge, and some of the stuff our customers can come up with, are truly interesting. :D And the custom builds are REALLY fun. :D At least a part of that though, I think is that I enjoy spending other peoples money. :D
  15. I went from XP to 7, about six years after support for XP ended. :D To make it even more exciting, I was running 64 bit XP pro. It seems that no one wrote printer drivers for that O/S, and I couldn't convince the 32 bit fellers to work. :) So, I emailed anything I needed to print to myself, and printed from another machine. (at work, as I don't use one at home enough to justify owning one.) I went to 7 shortly after Firefox ended support for their browser on XP...... 7 was good, but, I still liked XP better...... :) I played with RedHat linux, and a couple other (much) older distros when I worked for Borders. (books and music, a company that no longer exists.....) But, my purposes at that time were work related, not gaming. Still running windows on my gaming machines back then. Now, I am retired.... for the most part.... just work part-time at a local computer shop. I don't really need the money, but, I enjoy the work, it's a cool place to work, and I get along with all of my co-workers. (a rare occurrence..... generally, there has always been at least one that no matter what I did, we just could NOT get along..... I do not miss that.) Oddly enough, I consider it "fun"..... (is there something wrong with me??)((you can lie to me, please. :) )) I have a laptop that I use to talk to various automotive computers.... Might try some flavor of linux on that. Provided my software will run on it. :D (yeah, I did the auto tech thing for many years as well. I like computers better. Smaller, cleaner parts, that NEVER see a Michigan winter. :D)
  16. I knew that win 10 was simply spyware masquerading as an operating system....... But, my only experience with any variety of unix/linux was almost 20 years ago.... So, I'm a bit rusty. :D I wanted to get up and running as quickly as possible, and windows fit the bill. I like win 7 a LOT better than 10.... but, starting around the 7th gen of intel processors, there wasn't any support for win 7 any more. Bummer. :D In early versions of Win 10, you could actually turn off Cortana...... I think that went away around 1703..... More's the pity. I don't use cortana, so, I don't need it eating resources I would much rather be using to run my games.
  17. I remember, me and my friend were fighting in HOMM3-Multiplayer by nights, me - for Solmyr, he - for undead (a lot of troops resurrrected), and the results were 50/50, we were roughly even :smile: Eh, I was only starting to learn programming languages in times of HOMM3, and didn't think to mod games... Good... But you didn't mention the Dragon Utopia :smile: I am still running windows. Recently rebuilt my machine, and was forced to go to Win 10. Of course, I have been dealing with win 10 at work for several years now, so, I know most of the tricks to turn off the telemetry MS is attempting to gather. (for the 'typical' user, that just accepts the defaults at first boot/installation, windows 10 reports EVERYTHING you do back to mother MS.) That and the forced updates are a couple of the (many...) reasons I don't like win 10. But, it works reasonably well, and I can generally beat it into submission to do what I want. :) So, I'll likely stick with it for a while yet. I am still waiting for some flavor of "ix" that will natively support DirectX. :) Modding HOMM3 is just editing various tables that establish the base chance of anything in particular happening. What skills you are offered, what spells show up when you build new levels to the mages guild, etc. Took me a bit to figger it out, but, turned out exactly the way I wanted. Which surprised me. :D Rarely does that happen. Dragon Utopia can be a real killer in the early game..... and I don't wanna sacrifice a significant number of troops that early. :D So, I usually hit 'em about mid-game. I think it would be cool to set them up so they also have the artifacts from any other heroes that have fallen prey to their lure. :D I would also like to 'inherit' the money/resources from any players that you eliminate. :D Or at least pick up some from taking over towns. But, I have no clue how to do that. Yes, I still play the game. With a bit o' tweakin' it runs great on win 10. :D
  18. HeyYou


    Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about. I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape. If you think Trump is a psychopath, you need to re-look up the definition of that term. He doesn't qualify. Narcissist? Yep. Arrogant? Yep. Egotistical? Yep. I would also add "somewhat delusional"...... But psychopath? Nah. Still and all, calling for someones death because you don't personally like them, is just a bit over-the-top. Doesn't really say nice things about you either.
  19. HeyYou


    Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about. The only 'tolerance' they have, is for the folks that agree with them.
  20. What a coincidence! :smile: Also, totally OT: I remember, my favourite player was Solmir, with Chain Lightning... Ah yes, HOMM3. :) I always play Tower city to start, and Solmyr as my main dude. Chain lighting at low levels is awesome. :D I also modified the skills table, to make sure my Wizards get useful skills, and not some of the waste-of-slot fellers. I am still trying to figure out how to do the same for spells in the mages guilds. :D Town Portal plus Advanced/expert Earth Magic makes you pretty much unstoppable. :D
  21. Patience was never my strong suit either. My wife suggested I go to WalMart, and see if they have any on sale..... but, I just couldn't bring myself to go there. :D
  22. In the famous words of Colonel O'neill, "It's what I do." :D I am running an i7 9700KF (no onboard video, and no hyper threading, but, still, it's an 8 core......) with a GTX 1060 6gb, and it runs things like Skyrim and Fallout 4 VERY well. Framerate seldom drops below 40 FPS or so. I am happy with it, and will run it until the 30 series cards become available again. (April??) Hopefully the prices won't be as stupid. :D If you look at the chart, you can gauge expected performance by it's position in the list. Get as much VRAM as you can, as I suspect that is going to be the primary factor for performance for the immediate future. I was considering a 3060 with as much ram as I can get. Should keep me future-proof for the next couple generations of games. I hope. :D
  23. I actually like Oldrim better..... as a fair few of the mods that I don't want to play without, don't seem to be available on SE.....
  24. How much ya wanna spend? Good graphics cards range in price from a few hundred, to over a thousand dollars. Your CPU is pretty stout, so, you can get as weird as you want, just make sure your power supply will support your new vid card. At this point, the Nvidia 30 series cards are top o' the heap, but, it seems almost everyone is out of stock, and those that do have 'em, are asking stupid money for them. You could go with a 20 series card, as they still seem to be out there, or even the 1660TI, or Super. There is a nice ranking chart here. Have a look, and pick one in your budget. :D (keep in mind the power requirements as well.)
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