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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Biden is very much aware that China has us by the short and curlies. They could stop trading with us tomorrow, and it would hurt them, but, they would recover fairly quickly. We, on the other hand, would be crippled, and it would take years to recover. In the meantime, China would be the worlds sole super-power, and I am very sure they would take advantage of that.
  2. Yes, the majority voted against trump. That does NOT imply that they support everything Biden does, and trying to pass that off is disingenuous at best. Deluding yourself is more likely. And yes, because you are not an american, do not live here, didn't grow up in the culture, your opinion is, quite frankly, irrelevant. I suggest you go to Texas, say, Dallas, and start spouting off your 'supporting the second amendment is the same as supporting slavery' bull crap. You won't last 30 seconds.
  3. Oblivion CAN be a really fun game, when properly modded. I hated vanilla, to the point I played for about 45 minutes, and determined the game mechanics just sucked, and quit. Couple years later, when FCOM came out in it's full glory, Oblivion became a much more interesting game. (and I even have a mod out for it, Advanced Magecraft. Makes the magic system MUCH more useful.) Installing FCOM is an exercise though...... There used to be several REALLY good guides for it, but, those are becoming harder to find, as the sites that hosted them have disappeared..... I *think* there are still one or two out there. But, haven't played in quite some time. Morrowind was a great game right out of the box. It had some bugs, and it ain't for everyone, but, there are STILL folks modding morrowind. :D
  4. Your opinion, and as you are not even here in the US, I really could not care less what you think. You are not an american, you did not grow up here, you are used to your government pissing down your back, and telling you it's raining. We here in the states, however, don't really care to have our constitutional rights stepped on by an overzealous government, the whole reason the 2nd amendment is in there in the first place. So you can just take your opinion, and stick it where the sun don't shine.
  5. There is a mod called Better Console, That will give you the base ID of any item you click on in the console. First two numbers of the base ID corresponds to which mod in your load order.
  6. Modern Firearms is still out there. They have their own site now. Any particular reason you don't want to use it?? Of course, if you are playing on xbox, then the Beth site is the ONLY place you can get mods from.
  7. Personally, I don't see the connection there...... :) Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one. :D If it runs better, just play and enjoy. :D
  8. If the game was borked when you saved, that save is also borked, and, so far as I know, there is no way to 'save' it.
  9. Try contacting DD on his YouTube Channel.
  10. Are you still having shutdown issues?? Might wanna contact Steam support, and see if they can shed any light on your download issue.
  11. We obviously have different views here, and completely different perspectives, so, I am not going to engage you any further on this. Also, your link gives me an "Internal Server Error". Although, I did find the article you were referring to on the Everytown for gun safety website. Not exactly an unbiased source....... and their definition of 'mass shooting' doesn't exactly inspire confidence in their data either. You also assume that I am a conservative. I may vote republican, but, that does not make me a conservative. I simply do not agree with the democrat positions on a selection of issues that are important to me, therefore, I won't vote for them.
  12. Beth games are notoriously sensitive to overclocks. Stable or not, the game simply doesn't like it. Try running stock clocks, see if the game runs any better.
  13. No, it would not punish anyone, except those who refused to comply with it, who would be criminals by definition. Nobody law abiding would be punished in any way. Unless you're actually a petulant enough child that you think just having your toys taken away to prevent mass shootings is somehow a "punishment" to you. I assume that you feel speed limits are also "punishments" to car owners who should be allowed to drive at any speed they want? You keep mentioning gun crime, creating a strawman argument that this is about reducing handgun related crime, and isn't targeted at reducing mass shootings. Something the assault weapons ban did reduce, even after Republicans watered it down to exempt weapons made before the bans date to still freely be sold and kept. Banning a class of weapons, (even though the folks that want to ban them, don't have a definition anyone agrees on.) because a few people use them for ill, IS punishing the law-abiding for the actions of a few. Gun crime is ANY crime where ANY kind of gun is used. Want to see Mass Shootings stop happening? Ban gun-free zones. Or maybe you haven't noticed that darn near EVERY mass shooting has happened in a gun free zone.
  14. Once guy fixed it by talking to his companion first, then trying NPC's, seemed to work for him. Using targeting HUD on a power armor helmet? That seems to bring it about as well..... This can also happen if you exit a conversation with a quest-giver before they are done.... Can you go back to a save where dialog actually worked?
  15. No way on gods little green acre to eliminate all the CTD problems with Beth games. ENB, and Fallout Script Extender both offer memory fixes/stability fixes that greatly reduce CTD. Of course, what mods you run also makes a big difference. Mods that are incompatible CAN happen. Hardware also plays a role, if you have a marginal machine, and load it up with graphics mods, you WILL have problems.... Did you sort your load order with LOOT?
  16. Fusion core crafting. Recharge Fusion cores. Another fusion core crafting mod. Lots o' stuff out there for this. :) Also there are several perks that make your cores last longer.
  17. My argument is, our government is going to punish ALL of the law abiding, for the actions of a few criminals. Also, the measures the government is proposing, won't make any difference whatsoever. There is already precedent to prove that as well. The last 'assault weapons ban' did NOTHING to reduce gun crime.
  18. Ah yes, the classic "Laws don't ever stop criminals, so why bother" excuse that, curiously, never seems to stop conservatives when it comes to abortions, weed, or voting. Adding a bunch of faux-intellectual blather to it doesn't change the fact that you are just saying "Democrats keep saying things that make me mad, and that makes it their fault I will start killing Americans to shut them up" You realize that you could end the division whenever you wanted by just moving over to the Democrats side, right? Oh, but you won't do that? Cause you think that the things you believe in are more important than unity? Well, how about that, huh? Well, I'm not a fascist, racist, narcissistic white supremacist, so why would I join the Democrat party? The party founded, and sopported by such? The Democrat party hasn't done anything to help anyone but themselves for virtually their entire existence. You could always disavow those things, and start believing in personal and individual freedom and responsibility and join the Republican party. That too would end the division, and at the same time make the world a better place for everyone. Hey look, its an attempt by a conservative fascist to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened. Can you name a single thing after 1965 that the GOP has done for anyone but themselves, in their sociopathic single minded lust for power? The government banned drugs too, we see how well that worked. And this is just a case of the dems wanting to look like they are "doing something", even though they are very well aware that it won't make any difference at all. As Perraine pointed out, long guns in general account for about 3% of ALL gun crime. The so-called 'assault weapons' are a sub-set of long guns, which means their percentage is even lower. Likely less than 1%. Now, there are literally millions of guns in civilian hands here in the us. But, because a few folks use them for ill, NO ONE can have them? What about the thousands, if not millions, of owners that have never used their weapons in a crime? Are we going to punish everyone for the actions of a few? By that reasoning, we should ban cars, as cars kill just as many, if not more folks, than guns, every year. They are also used in mass attacks. So why are we not banning cars? Biden also wants to allow folks to sue the manufacturers, for the actions of people they have no control over. So, if joe blow shoots someone, the victim, or their family..... can sue the folks that made the gun??? Where is the logic in that? It's a blatant attempt to simply keep guns out of civilian hands. Can I sue GM if some drunk guy in his Chevy injures me, or kills one of my family members? Why not?? If I can't sue GM, why should anyone be able to sue any other product manufacturer? The laws biden is talking about are most certainly an infringement of my second amendment rights, and you can bet that if it actually passes, it will be challenged. (and if the supreme court actually deigns to hear the case, it will be struck down....) The rest of the laws he wants to pass are just making things that are already illegal, even more illegal...... If some guy is selling guns illegally, do you really think it is going to change anything at all, if it comes out that there is yet another law he is breaking? That's just stupid. The end goal here is to disarm the general public. Several dems have flat out stated that. They know they can't just ban them all outright, so, they are going to do it a little at a time. Thing is, if biden manages to ban a segment of weapons, what happens with the huge number of them already out there? As most of them are considered 'long guns', they don't need to be registered, and most aren't. If the dems expect folks to just meekly turn them in for the few bucks they will give you for them, they are going to be rudely surprised.
  19. And now we have Biden talking about removing some of our second amendment rights. He wants to ban "assault rifles", high capacity magazines, and bring about 'universal background checks'. This is one of the main reasons I did not vote for him. He wants to implement a bunch of laws that will make zero difference. The folks selling guns to people that should not have them, are already aware they are breaking various laws, adding another isn't going to change a thing.
  20. Seems to me I read somewhere about sim settlements possibly causing that..... but, I don't recall what the fix was. (I don't use it.)
  21. Seems to me, that power use/generation isn't going to change in any settlements that you aren't currently in...... (now, keep in mind, my scripting experience is from way back in Oblivion..... so, no idea how much, if any, of this would actually apply) So, have a quest running that tracks power. When you build generators, in an area with a 'sharing node', it adds to the available pool, which would be stored as a quest variable. Move on to some other settlement, create another 'power node' that can tap into the power pool. (or add to it, if you build generators in that settlement) The only time the 'available pool' is going to change, is if you build something that adds to it, or, requires power from it. No idea if you can dynamically alter how much the node actually puts out though..... Maybe fixed-value nodes, and if you need more power, build another one in series? (up to the limit of the available pool.)
  22. HeyYou


    Unsurprisingly, the vote was pretty much along party lines. Not a single dem voted Not Guilty. As it requires a 2/3rds majority to get the guilty verdict, it really shouldn't come as a surprise that it failed.
  23. If you can, stay away from the huge mechanical harddrives..... they are notoriously slow, and short-lived in laptops. Solid state drives have gotta a LOT cheaper of late, so, if you have the option, go for an SSD for the secondary drive. :D It costs a bit more, but, the performance improvement is WELL worth the additional expense.
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