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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Could make a 'gun' that fires a zero damage projectile, at a high rate of speed, and then detect when it hits the ground? Maybe?
  2. Link to the post? Are you using Scrap Everything by any chance?
  3. Have a look here. See if any of that is helpful. I don't play the vanilla game, ever.... and steam is pretty well blocked at my firewall, (except when necessary....) as I don't like it updating my games on a whim. :D
  4. I suspect that you have to find the 'right' settler as well. I don't think just any Tom, Dick, or Settler will hand you the quest. :D
  5. "common" sense is what got us where we are today. I would much prefer folks exercised GOOD sense. :D If it weren't for all the bad weather we get we would never enjoy a day where we think the weather is good. Which begs the question; when is the weather actually good? Don't forget your liver spot cream if you're going outside during that great warm sunny day! :laugh: SKIN CANCER!!!!! Agghhhh!!! :D
  6. HeyYou


    And in that, Trump is no different than any other politician before him. As I have said many times already in this thread, he is still the lesser of two evils. There is no way on god's little green acre I will vote for any democrat, given the platform they are running on. There is just too much in there, that I vehemently disagree with, and in no way support. The dems have moved way to far left, and they are drifting further every day. Most of their platform involves removing rights, and spending tremendous piles of money, that they don't have, and have no idea where to get it. Reparations? Green new deal? Interesting ideas, but, no possible way to pay for it, yet they are still advocating for those, and more. (gun bans, restrictions on freedom of speech, etc.) The whole 'sensible gun laws' thing just really gets my goat, as not a single law they are proposing, including bans, will make any difference at all. (and that's a whole 'nother thread.....) Nope. Not a chance in hell will any of them get any support at all from me. That leaves Trump. So, Trump it is. Why is that so difficult for you to accept? Biden is not a saint. Even folks that know him are saying that he is not the man he used to be. (mind is slipping) Do we want Kamala Harris as president? A woman more prejudiced than a station full of cops? Wanna talk about 'dangerous', THAT would be the dictionary definition thereof.
  7. Can you set the value of the custom enchantment to zero?
  8. "common" sense is what got us where we are today. I would much prefer folks exercised GOOD sense. :D
  9. HeyYou


    Dangerous to whom? In what way? So far, up until the covid thing, the economy was doing fine, the country was moving forward, isn't that what we want from a leader? You are still mixing the man, with the platform he ran on. From where I am sitting, Trump has actually done a decent job, which is all I really ask. Does he have some personality flaws? You bet. Does it affect his ability to do his job? Maybe, to a certain extent, but, not in any sort of major fashion. He is actually standing firm against China, something previous presidents seem to have been unable to do. (south china sea.) In this particular instance, in my view, he is doing better than Obama ever did.
  10. Talk to the settlers there, rumor has it, they may give you a quest, and you can regain the settlement.
  11. Is this something you want to do continuously? Or just when hovering, and preparing to land? I can't seem to find any way to judge distance above objects on the fly...... I think the game has issues with it as well, as I see vertibirds do some odd stuff....... Probably need the FOSE folks to see if they can expose that information.....
  12. So far as I know, that is a designation added by the game itself. I don't see anything in the folder itself, in the file names that says if it is modded or not......
  13. Look in your user profile. It might be in Documents as well. Just looked, yep, in win 10, it's a subfolder of documents.
  14. I didn't create a new one each time. I had an empty cell with a selection of marker rats in it. :) Then I would just put one at some z position, and I think there was an OBSE function to instantly make it hit the ground. (at which point, I could get the position.) In oblivion, whacking someone with a rat wasn't considered 'an attack', and if you did hit someone, they didn't take any damage...... In fallout 4, however..... and papyrus....... I don't know if either of those will be the case. You can't remove collision from the marker rat, as it would just pass right thru the ground........
  15. And that's why I save all the mods I download. Drive space has gotten dirt cheap.
  16. I think there is a setting for that somewhere, but, I don't remember where. Is steam saving your unmodded games in the cloud, and the modded saves in the local folder? (C:\users\yourusername\my games\fallout 4\saves....)
  17. Yeah, I have a good gaming rig, and never really cared for console anyway, so, it is extremely unlikely that I will ever buy one. But, as pointed out by someone above, the consoles getting PC-gaming-rig levels of power, bodes well for what we will see in games coming out. They won't have to be gimped nearly as bad to run on the consoles.....
  18. :) I do builds for a living..... so, if I want one built, or someone comes to me about a build, I just ask the right questions, (what do ya wanna do with it, and how much do you wanna spend?) and put a build together for them. :D
  19. I don't know about 'trained', but, we have all seen the rate of our perception change, depending on what is going on....... If we are bored stiff, it seems time drags out.... If we are really busy, or truly enjoying ourselves, time flies by..... on the other hand..... if we are about to witness something terrible happening, like, being in a car accident........ the mind goes into over-drive, and it feels like time slows to a crawl. You can feel every wrinkle of the sheetmetal, every splinter of glass breaking, feel the g-forces build is you go from 60 or so to zero in about eight feet...... A truly unpleasant experience that you get to re-live over and over again in your dreams. (nightmares?)
  20. Usually, when I see that type of behavior, it is because there are too many mods installed.
  21. No idea what any of the information means..... aside from the load list. It's hard to interpret the data when you don't know where it comes from.
  22. That's what I had to do in Morrowind, and Oblivion..... I dropped an invisible marker rat, and got his z position. It actually works fairly well...... at least, in the older games it did...... So far as I know, there is no direct command/function to get ground height.
  23. HeyYou


    What you seem to be missing is, folks aren't voting for the MAN, they are voting for his policies. Yes, Trump is not really a good person, but then, I don't know of any politicians that are...... I really don't care if good ol' Joe is a friggin' saint, and sits at the right hand of the Pope. I still won't vote for him, because I disagree with his POLICIES.
  24. I think there is way to transfer the installs to the new machine, may be something in the Vortex forums on that, may wanna post there. :)
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