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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. No, not at all. If these social media giants are going to lord over content...decide just what gets cast aside and what is allowed to post...they should be held responsible for their actions. Do you want organizations such as twitter and google/youtube to be the voice of one singular political party? An entity that can attempt to sway facts and non-facts as they see fit...according to their political preference? Realize the power and influence those two have. With that, comes responsibility. All I am saying is....once you step into the fray and cast neutrality aside, then you should be held legally accountable. Just like any other media organization. They have been showing their bias for years. Including in google search results. :) But then, the whole 'accountability' thing seems to have become a poison pill. No one is accountable for anything any more....... It's always someone elses fault, or, 'not my responsibility'...... They have been selectively removing things for years. (basically, since their inception.....) Numerous other sites do the same thing. Yahoo went so far as to disable comments on their news articles entirely. Seems they didn't like folks calling them out on their bias, and misinformation..... the disclaimer they now have in place of the comment section, talking about a 'safe environment', is friggin' laughable. The make noises about comments coming back, they even ran a survey, however, I haven't seen anything about the results of that survey, nor any updates on the status of comments. I suspect that they will magically reappear after the election. :D
  2. And you could continue to refuse to use it if it existed, and those of us who would like to show appreciation for a comment or idea, could simply "LIKE" the idea, reducing the number of posts in a thread, instead of having a thread spammed with a ton of +1 posts. That's what the minimum character limit for posts is all about. :smile: But, if we get 'Likes', why not bring back 'kudos', or cookies as well? Kudos is still around, you can give them on a modder's page Indeed it is, but, only for mod authors apparently.
  3. Holding folks accountable for what other people post on their personal page on your website???? Hhhhmmmmm.... so, does that mean that hosting companies that allow ultra right/left wing organizations to host on their systems, should be held accountable for what those organizations post???? I really don't see that as accomplishing anything good...... other than silencing certain voices...... And then what happens as perspective shifts? Will then moderates be considered 'ultra right/left wing', and be silenced as well?
  4. You canât say that in truth forever. Sony will come around with our External Assets someday. With the new deal between Microsoft and Zenimax it wouldn't surprise me if console modding will be exclusive to Xbox from this point on. It's not like Sony was very helpful when it came to opening up their platform in any meaningful way to start, so now they might not even bother. Speculation of course, it'll be a long time until we know for sure. I am hoping not real long........ and the infrastructure is already in place for PS/? mods..... and you can bet that Beth was planning to include them in the next iterations of their games. If they are a selling point for MS, then they will likely continue to support them, at least, this time around... after all, that's what MS is all about, that almighty dollar.......
  5. Hhhhmmmm..... Now THERE is an interesting idea. Being able to assign a defensive position to settlers would be stellar, even if it is just 'go and hide here until the attack is over'......
  6. The error you are seeing is about file paths being possibly too long...... so it is going to create a different temp folder to perform the backup. What happens when you click "OK"?
  7. 3DS max is what beth uses. It will do everything you need it to, but, it is by no means 'simple'....... Of course, I am not aware of any 3d modeling software that is......
  8. And you could continue to refuse to use it if it existed, and those of us who would like to show appreciation for a comment or idea, could simply "LIKE" the idea, reducing the number of posts in a thread, instead of having a thread spammed with a ton of +1 posts. That's what the minimum character limit for posts is all about. :) But, if we get 'Likes', why not bring back 'kudos', or cookies as well?
  9. You canât say that in truth forever. Sony will come around with our External Assets someday. Don't hold your breath on that. Sony has some proprietary formats for textures, and sound, and it's been suggested they do NOT own the copyrights for those, so, they cannot release tools 'into the wild' for their platform. (there are several threads about this on the beth forums...... from when mods first came to console.....)
  10. Currently, modders are using the same tools that Beth is using to make the game. There still needs to be a 'kit' for whatever game engine they may use, question becomes, could they legally release it for free, for modders to use...... I would like to think though, that MS realizes that the longevity of the games is DIRECTLY attributed to their moddability. People are still playing/modding morrowind, almost 20 years after it's release......
  11. Could you use something like Place Everywhere to scale them??
  12. Upload your video to youtube, or someplace similar, and then just link to it here.
  13. So what seems to be the issue? Does it just stop progressing once you get over 100? Or does it start giving you a ridiculous number of coins?
  14. Not to mention that actually own the rights to the game engine....... Sure, Gamebryo/Creation engine has been around for quite a while, but, its current version looks nothing at all like the original version used for Morrowind. As technology advances, the engine has been modified to take advantage of those. And now it has even gone 64 bit, which resolved a fair few other problems as well. The ESVI trailer looked pretty good, and that was released several years ago..... Should be interesting to see what they have come up with, when next they talk about it. :)
  15. HeyYou


    And if there were only 5 deaths, you would still be blaming Trump, and accusing him of all sorts of underhanded activities. How many died in the Flu pandemic after WWI? Was that Trumps fault as well?
  16. Does character language, game language, and mods language all match up?
  17. I don't think MS is that stupid..... Leaving out the PC market would be akin to cutting their throats. What good is have the xbox version moddable, if there isn't anyone to make the mods? (the PC players.....)
  18. So what he is really saying there is, "We wanted to expand our customer base to consoles as well, so we could make more money." :)
  19. His response was accurate..... Unfortunately. Which mod manager you prefer is largely a matter of personal taste. They all have their advocates, and their detractors. I personally use NMM, simply because I am most familiar with it. Other folks advocate MO2, still others will advocate Vortex... So, pick one, and stick with it. There is no "Best".
  20. Hhhmmm.... I suspect you would want to toggle certain notifications...... (which amounts to the same thing, just different terminology.....) Maybe put in a request to the DEFUI folks? (if they are still developing it....)
  21. HeyYou


    Yeah, I read somewhere recently that a full third of deaths attributed to covid, were actually from some other cause. (like, a car accident, or being shot.....)
  22. See if you can load an older save, just start working your way backward.
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