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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What is the exact text of the error message?
  2. Build area? For settlements? I believe that is a 'box' that you can shuffle the size of.
  3. I think Vortex offers the option to 'purge mods', which essentially uninstalls ALL of them, including any texture mods you may be using. (which don't necessarily require an esp file associated with them. Might wanna check into that.
  4. I'm not sure simply disabling lighting effect mods is..... effective..... :)
  5. Don't forget the file in C:\Users\yourusername\app data\fallout 4 as well. (that's a hidden folder, so, you will need to enable viewing hidden files/folders as well.) May want to reset your mod manager as well. (uninstall it???)
  6. If you go to one of the game sites, and open your profile there, download history is one of the tabs. I'm not seeing a way to list the mods you are tracking though.... Which seems rather counter-intuitive....... I get notifications on mods on my tracking.... (new comments), but, I just don't see a way to list them. Wonder if we are missing something obvious.......
  7. Kinda like the one that is up yours? Why can't mod users just accept that some folks don't want to use Beth.net.
  8. NSA All-in-One.esp NSA DLCCoast.esp NSA DLCNukaWorld.esp NSA DLCRobot.esp NSA DLCworkshop01.esp If you have the all in one, do you need the rest of them? (I have no idea what they are.....)
  9. He hasn't updated it since 2016.... and it doesn't require FOSE..... Wonder if FOSE could possibly add that functionality? Next question would be, does the author have any interest in implementing it. :D
  10. Ooops, missed that trick. :) PM the author, see if he/she will upload here?
  11. I also use firefox, and have no problems at all. But then, I never log out either..... I think the cookies expire once in a blue moon.... but even then, I can log right back in. Don't think I have ever seen the cloudflare page here....
  12. Did you also tell your mod manager that you uninstalled everything? If not, then probably a fair few of your texture mods were still there......
  13. Are you using the fallout script extender? It has some memory manage fixes built into it.... And then there is Buffout 4...... I have no experience with it, but, it is supposed to help make the game more stable.
  14. The problem with texture mods, and various others, is that simply disabling them in whatever mod manager you use, doesn't actually remove them from the game. There are some mods that specifically suggest you do NOT have them enabled when starting a new game. Don't know if any you are using fall into that category though.
  15. FO76 and ESO are both handled by zenimax online studios. A separate entity from bethesda game studios. So, while they share the same universe, they are two entirely separate games. No reason to think the single player games will have any sort of online component, aside from creation club.
  16. Well, there is this one, don't know how editable the lists are though. Not seeing a whole lot else. (like, none.... this is the only one I found.)
  17. And THAT is most certainly the correct attitude. :D
  18. FallRim tools will deal with a fair bit of it.
  19. Google gets really weird about what results it returns....... sometimes, I think it randomly decides what to hand you, or not...... :) And yes, You are doing it right. :D
  20. I suspect you would have to set them to zero, wait an hour, set them to vanilla, and then uninstall the mod.
  21. Wow. That's DARK...... :) Supposedly, how dark it gets at night is configurable.... might check your settings for that.
  22. Makes sense! But the worst part about the "subscription based payment'" thing is that it also makes sense: Or would you rather get payed only once in a few years for working every day? No, you would probably prefer to get paid every month ... That's why it is so difficult to do something against this scheme: Because it is a logical thing. So there are sadly almost no arguements agianst it, only my "personal problems with it" .... They are selling product, not a continuing service. They make a HUGE pile of money initially, and then income tapers off over time. Just like any other game. For beth games though, it isn't just 'one and done'. The modding community grants extraordinary longevity to these games. They are still selling Morrowind, after all. Almost 20 years after its release. What other game can make that claim? :smile: Game development, in this case, is an investment. The return comes when the game is released. This particular model has been working great for decades, and I really don't see that changing any time soon. Besides, who is going to pay a subscription fee for a single player game?? :smile: Alright, you have a point there ... I think I just need to stop worrying about this ... (Everytime somethng like this comes up, I just get "triggered", sorry for that ...) No worries. :) Myself, I am in 'wait and see' mode. I will wait until the game(s) have been out for a while before I purchase..... Let beth iron out some of the more glaring 'release day' bugs, and modders get a handle on what neat tricks they can make the game engine do. :) If they do something truly stupid, I simply won't buy the game. :)
  23. Makes sense! But the worst part about the "subscription based payment'" thing is that it also makes sense: Or would you rather get payed only once in a few years for working every day? No, you would probably prefer to get paid every month ... That's why it is so difficult to do something against this scheme: Because it is a logical thing. So there are sadly almost no arguements agianst it, only my "personal problems with it" .... They are selling product, not a continuing service. They make a HUGE pile of money initially, and then income tapers off over time. Just like any other game. For beth games though, it isn't just 'one and done'. The modding community grants extraordinary longevity to these games. They are still selling Morrowind, after all. Almost 20 years after its release. What other game can make that claim? :) Game development, in this case, is an investment. The return comes when the game is released. This particular model has been working great for decades, and I really don't see that changing any time soon. Besides, who is going to pay a subscription fee for a single player game?? :)
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