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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    2 whole posts, and this wall of text is one of them..... Hhhhmmmm..... Trumps big issue is with ILLEGAL immigration. And now we have covid...... Which really puts a damper on things. Please name one politician that actually kept his campaign promises. I'll wait. But, not long...... Trump DID repeal the individual mandate from Obamacare, which is what most folks took issue with.
  2. Run a script on the player, to remove all items to a specific container. If you want to change their stats, then have it also poll everything pertinent, and store those values in some quest variables. Assign/give what you want the player to have, and let them be on their way. When the quest completes, just reset their stats, and give back their equipment. (you can make them worry about re-equipping it....) Problem is going to be, what perks do they have, and what happens if they make a level or three in the course of doing your quest.....
  3. HeyYou


    Well, the left has already more than adequately show that 'logic' and 'reason' have no part in their decision making process. It's all drama, and emotion. Another one of the reasons I will not vote for a dem.
  4. Here, let me geezerize this thread a bit more. :)
  5. Keys? As in, to unlock doors? So far as I know, neither of them adds anything to your inventory.
  6. So it's small dr with a . ... would that be correct dr.? lol typo I meant Dr. I tend to forget capitals when I type on my phone :/ Noted ... entered into that jumbled database I call a brain (on my good days, when I can remember what it's called). You will sometimes see it referred to as "the big gray lump" ... those will either be bad days or smartass days (I do need to present a moving target or Paga will surely connect the dots and get one up on me ... that would never do now would it??). Friend of mine had a cat they named "Lump", as all he did was sleep on the couch. If he wasn't eating, or in the catbox, he was in his spot on the couch.... My take on it? There is a cat that knows how to take advantage of his situation. :D
  7. Link doesn't work for me. Don't know if it's a problem on their end, or because I am in the US....... There's a trailing space character at the end of the link. Delete it and the link works fine. Thank You. Figgered it out. :) In that article, Russia isn't banning anything either, then are just attempting to require that electronics sold in Russia, also include 'alternative', russian-made software apps. Not a ban by any stretch of the imagination.
  8. Link doesn't work for me. Don't know if it's a problem on their end, or because I am in the US.......
  9. HeyYou


    It's obvious you have never been here, and basing your opinions on what you read. I question the sources of that material, as you obviously have a very skewed view of american history/politics. Trump most certainly is NOT the most morally bankrupt president we have had, he might rank as fourth, or fifth...... possibly even lower than that. Trouble is, if you vote according to the moral values of some politician, you wouldn't be voting for ANY of them. There is no such thing as an 'honest politician'. They ALL lie, cheat, steal, and have the morals of a field rat. Trump is just more obvious about it. And according to you....... I should vote for the most 'morally upright' candidate??? Or maybe that should be the 'least morally reprehensible'......... That's just idiotic. We aren't voting for a PERSON, we are voting on the direction we want our country to take. I could put up a pretty good argument AGAINST the dems, on purely moral grounds, however, that would be extremely politically incorrect, and tends to rub a fair few folks the wrong way, and draw this thread off on several tangents.... way off topic..... I have seen the moral and societal decline as well, but, it isn't just the last four years. It's the last several decades. And, in my opinion, it is democrat policies/positions that are driving that decline. Right off a cliff.
  10. I have MSDOS 6.22 on floppy..... Of course, I don't have a machine with a floppy drive any more..... :D I have original disks for (CD) for win 95, and win 98 SE..... Win 7, of course, and the installer for Win 10. I won't touch Vista, or Windows 8/8.1. They just sucked. :D
  11. HeyYou


    You can take your holier than thou attitude, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOU are the one making this a moral issue, when in reality, morals have nothing to do with it, as politicians, as a rule, DON'T HAVE ANY. If you read some of my earlier posts, you will see the issues I have with the dems platform. I have listed them more than once, just in this thread. At this point, The republicans could be running Atilla the hun, Saddam Hussien, or even good ol' uncle Adolf himself, and I STILL would NOT vote democrat.
  12. LOOT is already built into Vortex. (Second line in the post) He's most likely got the Settlement Bug where nothing he does will stop the crashes. I ran into that, you can't add, or remove stuff from your settlement without a CTD, and basically have to abandon the game and start fresh. So is that simply a list, or, is it the load order as well? If that's the load order, then Vortex is doing it wrong.
  13. May wanna check the mods comment thread, and see if anyone else had that problem, and how they solved it.
  14. You need to run LOOT on your load order. BostonFPSFix should be MUCH further down in your load order..... Then, rebuild your bashed patch. I have never been a fan of autosaves.
  15. LOL ... the flannel jammie bottoms. You are in training then Hey, training for the most important job you will ever get!! I call that the "retired guy's uniform" ... I'm "in uniform" as we speak! Me too. :) My wife bought me a plack: I don't want to. I don't have to. You can't make me. I'm RETIRED! :D
  16. Some of us ain't real far behind ya. :D I'll be 60 here real shortly.
  17. HeyYou


    Because we do NOT want a bunch of the stuff the dems have in mind, to happen. It really is that easy.
  18. I use MCM, and it works perfectly fine for me. It does indeed require FOSE, so, if you don't have it installed, MCM simply isn't going to work. You may want to try installing MCM manually. Some of the mod managers don't handle it well. (just like a few other mods.....)
  19. Ain't that the truth...... If I have time at some point, maybe I will play with various settings, and see what happens. Rumor has it, you can change settings on the fly, without having to exit the game, just open the console, do a 'refreshini', or some such, and it will run with the new settings.
  20. There are a lot of anti-vaxxers in the states........ Nothing new under the sun there. A fair few farmers raise feed crops, for livestock...... And I think it would be REALLY hard to avoid eating GMO-based food these days...... considering almost ALL of the commercial crops are indeed GMO. (which is why we have a garden.... buy our meat from our neighbor down the road, and get our eggs from our nephew that raises chickens....) I didn't see Georgetown university in any of your links. Of course, I didn't visit them either, as I have never heard of any of them before.
  21. A simple search will turn up numerous websites that agrees with my statement. Not a single reputable site has anything about Russia giving MS/Bill Gates the boot. Sure, there are a few articles on that dating back to 2016, but, most of them are the same article, and NONE of them are on a credible site.
  22. I had considered the tankless water heater, for exactly the reasons you put forth, I just haven't got that far into it. (yep, lazy..... :) ) I don't think I even own a sweater...... Sweatshirts for me. That, and my flannel jammy pants, and my insulated slippers, and I am golden. :D
  23. Do you remember which changes you made?? I know this is a lotta fussin' about... but, maybe 'undo' the changes one or three at a time, and see which ones affect the water? Watching your vid, it looks for all the world like the game engine isn't picking up on what you have various distances set to, especially the shadow pop-in like that. That's just bizarre.
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