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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Did it happen right after installing a mod? Or a game update? New driver?
  2. Not yet. Official modding support is only a few days old, give it some time.
  3. Post in the respective mods comments threads. The author will probably have something to say about it. May just be the way he had to set it up, to make it work.
  4. When you remove/change a part on your ship, you get back some credits for it.... just, not very much. I think it's only like 10% of the value of the part that you paid....
  5. There is a purge all mods button at the top in Vortex. I really don't know if that nukes SFSE as well, or not.... Or, could do a clean reinstall..... Uninstall the game via steam, then, delete the three starfield folders, Install folder in steamapps\common, folder in My Games, and the one in appdata\local. Restart your machine, then reinstall Starfield. (need to purge all mods via vortex for this process as well, otherwise, they will still be there. :D)
  6. The command line trick at initial setup works. If you are already signing in with an MS account, I *believe* you can change it to a local account, but, one drive will likely still be enabled. You just won't necessarily need a password to sign in to windows. Haven't played with that aspect of 11 yet..
  7. Or maybe it is just a repeating cycle, that has been going on... forever? The universe expands to it's maximum, the contracts back to it's minimum, BANG, it starts expanding again.
  8. Glad ya got it fixed. For future reference though, if you want to change a drive letter, need to use Disk Management for that. Keep in mind, changing that letter can have some undesirable results..... Path not found error messages being right there at the top of the list. :D
  9. When is the last time you cleaned out the heat sink? From what I can find, max temp is 89 degrees C.... and running near 80 isn't unusual. A lot depends on environment, and air flow. If you have doubts, run Furmark. It has a GPU burner, that will use 100% of the cards capability, and graph the temp for ya. Let it run for a few, and temp should stabilize, if it is below the max temp, all's good. If it starts pushing close/over it, need to address that.
  10. Running around 70 or so at max load is just fine. So long as it doesn't hit that magic 80, you are good. Entirely possible the machine will shut itself down if the temp gets too high.
  11. Which game version are you running? And is it up to date?
  12. Download history is being wonky. Staff are working on it though... What happened to the drive the game was installed on? Can you rescue any files from there?
  13. I see some REALLY good ideas there..... Beth has NEVER had a dynamic economy..... Probably be a fair bit of work to add one, even for modders. (even WITH the CK...) I would love to see "Escort Missions" on the mission board. Those were fun in privateer. (and various other games in the wing commander universe.) Of course, Privateer also HAD the dynamic economy..... a game released in 1996...... (I think it was actually Privateer 2...) Outpost attacks would become tedious though, just like they do in Fallout 4. Once you pass a certain threshold, you spend more time defending/repairing settlements, than you do anything else. Maybe being able to hire ecliptic mercenaries to defend your outposts. Or introducing another faction entirely.
  14. Vortex should have a button for 'purge all mods' somewhere. The game updated again on May 15, have you updates SFSE?
  15. Mods contribute to the longevity of a game, but, no, there isn't really any way to quantitatively analyze that.... Also, only a small percentage of players actually USE mods... So, yeah, beth can do whatever they want, with zero consideration for mods/modders. Been that way since Morrowind. And the whole "This mod doesn't work." thing? Yeah, that's been around since morrowind too. But, that doesn't apply to just mods. The number of help requests I get that consist of basically "X thingy doesn't work, can you fix it?", Just boggles the mind. Apparently, anyone that does Tech Support is Psychic... and can pluck necessary information out of the ether. (you know, that network stuff.....) (I do computer/network support/repaid for a living.)
  16. Have the mods been updated since the patch? Seems things changed with meshes/textures with the patch..... I have several mods that look like they *should* work, but, they don't.....
  17. I was there in the mod author forum when this all went down. What I mentioned was indeed an issue, as was your point about associations. I think the biggest issue with authors leaving though, was the fact that deleting their mods was no longer possible. They would simply be 'archived' instead. Nexus reasoning for this was to make sure that "collections" would always be available.... It was also the fact that this was an UNANNOUNCED change, that mod authors discovered when one tried to delete one of his mods, and discovered he couldn't..... and then got an 'oh, by the way' from Nexus staff. It wasn't simply that Nexus was usurping control of peoples work, it was that they never even bothered to mention that it was going to happen... and only admitted it after the fact, when caught. THAT particular bit of chicanery caused a fair few folks to pull their work, and move on from Nexus.
  18. There are subtle differences between Nexus Collections, and Mod Packs though. A mod pack was a single package that actually contained all the mods. It was a single download, and you just dumped the package into the appropriate folder. Collections, on the other hand, are a selection of links to the mod authors page, to download the file. For premium members, the entire process can be automated, for standard members though, they would have to visit each page, and then click the link to download the file. Most of the objections to collections were due to the 'automated' process. (premium members only) The user would never have to visit the authors mod page. There was talk (at the time) of an 'opt out' option, but, I don't recall if that was ever implemented.
  19. Modding tools for starfield haven't been released yet either though. When those come, I fully expect modding for SF to EXPLODE.
  20. The current patch does address a fair few complaints about the game. Will it be enough? Probably not. I think I significant percentage of folks that don't like the game, blame it mostly on the sheer number of loading screens.... Something that should have been expected, but, peoples expectations, however uniformed, leaned more towards a 'space sim'.... Even though Todd specifically stated it was NOT. There are already a significant number of mods for the game, it is currently number 12 of over 2000 games on Nexus, by mod count..... And that is even before the CK is out. Yep, the latest patch broke pretty much any mod that added assets. What possessed beth to do that, is a mystery to me. I can't think of any good reason for it...... but, as mods still aren't 'officially' supported.... I guess we can't complain too much. Not like beth hasn't broken mods before..... In the end, only time will tell. I know "I" enjoy the game.... and I am most certainly NOT alone in that. :D
  21. Should be able to rotate the fence to get it pointing in the direction you want it to go.
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