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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Check startup programs. Maybe some updater is running in the background. Checking task scheduler wouldn't be a bad idea either.
  2. Really? I thought that problem with the way of the dodo, along with Cathode Ray Tube monitors...... :) Learn somethin' new every day. :D
  3. Did they have a fix for it? I don't think I have ever had that particular problem.
  4. Try running with AWKCR, but not some of the other mods that require it.
  5. What did you use to install your mods? Did you remember Archive Invalidation? Might try opening up your mods list in xEdit, and take a look at the conflicts.
  6. I would love to have a large screen tv for my monitor, but, I would need a bigger desk first. :)
  7. Might experiment with older/newer drivers for your vid card, and see if it makes any difference.
  8. The mod author recommends that one load dead last, right where it is in your load order. Seems that a selection of folks have issues with that though, and experience the same thing. Are you by any chance running an AMD video card?
  9. I can't find a download link that I would recommend anywhere..... Is it on Beth's site?
  10. Probably possible, but, I REALLY wouldn't recommend it......
  11. Take a look at startup programs. Turn off the stuff you don't need.
  12. Beth doesn't official support user made content on FO 76, so, they haven't released tools yet. There are also rumors that they ban folks for using mods as well...... So, mod at your own risk. :)
  13. Worked fine on FireFox for me.
  14. Climbing is something Beth has never done...... Much as I would LOVE to be able to climb the rocks and such, in various locations, so far, no one has done it. Much as I wish they would. I think the animations are the stumbling block.... There is one guy that made ladders, but, I think those are workshop items, so, you can only build them in settlements, and they are not portable. (and I think you can only go UP.......)
  15. I think you would have to re-do the aiming animations for EVERY projectile weapon to make it work..... I don't see that happening.
  16. He's been gone for a while...... and I can't find anything about permissions for his mods... So, my suspicion is, no, you can't use his altered work. However, you could start from scratch, and make a new one, and upload that......
  17. If the data has already been saved, then it will still be there. If you get an error when saving, that implies it didn't work, and that data won't be there. :) In all reality, USB is pretty forgiving. Flash drives you can just pull out, and windows will figure it out. So long as it isn't in the middle of some operation, it won't cause any harm. Now, a USB HDD is another matter altogether. Need to tell windows to clue in the drive that it is about to get shut down, so it can write anything still in the drives cache, to the platters.
  18. I found a whopping ONE mod that has cat beds in it. (2 of 'em, dog beds as well) but, it comes with like 40 human beds... Cat beds do have idle markers on them.
  19. If you have all the DLC, just install the Ultimate edition of Scrap Everything, but do NOT check the box that breaks precombines....
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