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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........ It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand. I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh? Ya just never know. :D LOL ... at least if they're zombies you won't find yourself with any moral/ethical/should I go left or should I go right issues clouding your aim ... start a bit low and to the right of center, squeeze and release once off target (assuming full auto and right handed shooter of course). Rinse and repeat as necessary. Still rather difficult to acquire fully automatic weapons here in the US. :) Much as the left leaning press would like you to think that every gun nut has two or three of 'em. :D I DO have large capacity magazines though. Oh the HORROR! :D
  2. Corona is a threat, there is no doubt about that. At least, not to me.... (considering that due to my health issues, if I contract it, it will quite likely kill me.) Some in government would like to deny that, but, the evidence is there..... cold hard facts. I will grant you that Trump is on the wrong side of this issue, but, I still like him better than Hilary, or biden..... As for CO2.... it isn't a pollutant. Its a natural part of our atmosphere, and without it, we wouldn't exist. But, getting to what you are actually referring to, Climate Change.... yeah, the climate IS changing, and there is consensus on that. (and I agree with it.) The major debate is over just how much of it human activity accounts for. The thing is, the climate changes, regardless of if industrialized man is around, or not. Where I live, it has been both a tropical paradise, but, it has also been buried under a mile of ice, and industrialized man was nowhere to be found for those events. (of course, it has also been sea bed as well......) Water levels have risen, and fallen. We are still finding cities under the ocean, that have been there for centuries, if not millennia, again, long before industrialized man was around. ARE humans contributing to it? Quite likely. Are we the SOLE cause? Nope. To believe otherwise, ignores the facts. And then we have the whole thing of 'settled science'...... Scientists are not infallible. Look at history, what was once 'settled science', has, on far too many occasions, been determined to be in error. Are we wrong here? Maybe. Maybe not. We won't have an answer to that question for the foreseeable future.... if ever.
  3. Black lives matter.... but, it seems, only when they are killed by police. In the US, on average, cops kill about 200 blacks per year. Right around 500 whites are killed per year. Given that the press rarely reports about a white guy getting shot, it seems they are trying to give the impression that it doesn't happen. A tiny percentage of shootings are NOT justified. (maybe that should be "deaths at the hands of the police, as not all of them were shot.....) But, regardless of circumstances, if a black is killed, it makes the news, and the protestors come out in droves. If a white is killed..... crickets. Keep in mind, a fair few of the folks shot by police, are shot by black officers....... So, are we to believe that every white shot by a cop is justified? I find that highly unlikely....... BLM also likes to say that black on black crime isn't the issue here. But, isn't that the underlying issue behind cops being more inclined to shoot black folks? Black are around 13% of the population, yet they account for better than 50% of violent crime....... Not to mention that almost every victim has had a pretty significant history with the police in any event. Most have been convicted felons, that have been in and out of prison...... some, several times. So, maybe the fact that blacks seem to be more inclined toward crime has something to do with the way police interact with them? And then there is the whole black on black crime..... Blacks kill around 2500 of their own per year, including women and children. But, does BLM say anything at all about that? Nope. Even when little kids are killed sitting in their own living room at home..... If they are oh-so-concerned about black folks being killed, why don't they do something about one of the leading causes of death of blacks? BLM also claims that 'black culture' in the inner cities isn't the issue....... but, once again, that rings rather false. When your entire culture glorifies the thug life, killing cops, 'sticking it to the man', etc...... teaches their children mistrust of the police, or any authority figure for that matter, how do you expect interactions with said groups are going to go? Unless/until THAT changes, nothing else is going to change either. The same crowd screams about 'economic disadvantage'.... and how no one seems to want to open a business in their neighborhoods..... But, when their favorite response to a black person being killed by cops is burning down their own neighborhood, and looting/destroying businesses, is it any wonder folks don't want to open a business there? Not to mention the crime rate in said neighborhoods.... Why would anyone in their right mind want to open a business there???? And then there is 'profiling'. When the police do it, it seems it is a 'bad' thing.... but, when insurance companies do it, its perfectly ok. Along with a selection of other businesses....... Why is that? BLM seems to want others to solve their problems. But, the problem becomes, until the underlying issues are addressed, that BLM denies ARE issues, there isn't going to be a solution. Same goes for the inner cities. Until the folks that actually LIVE there take steps to point their culture in a different direction, nothing there is going to change either. It simply cannot be forced by people from the outside. We have already more than adequately proven that....... So no. I do not support BLM. An organization that was founded by marxists, and a convicted terrorist. They are in denial about the root source of their problems, which blows their credibility right out of the water.
  4. HeyYou


    We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........ It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand. I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :smile: I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D I hear ya ... won't be zombies behind them either, eh? Ya just never know. :D
  5. HeyYou


    We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........ It does seem to have some of the earmarks of a "shooting war" though Hey ... keep your head down, powder dry and flints at hand. I live out in the sticks, so, not really in a target area. But, I DO have several weapons, including a couple so-called "assault rifles", and around a 1000 rounds of ammo for them. :) I am more worried about the waves of refugees I will likely see coming from detroit. :D
  6. Need to see what the problem is first. I might be tempted to test your RAM, and make sure it isn't the problem.
  7. Use xEdit to have a look at that particular building, with all your mods loaded, and see who is doing what there. Might be a conflict that is easy to resolve.... or a host of other possible causes.
  8. HeyYou


    We haven't gotten to that point yet. We are merely at the 'civil unrest' stage. Currently, it is open to question whether it will be a political war, or a race war........
  9. What mod are you running that adds tracer ammo?
  10. Memory allocation error. Could be bad ram, running out of ram, or skyrim just being skyrim..... Are you running the any ENB? Is this Second edition? Or legendary? (oldrim)
  11. Compatibility mode in win 10 is actually pretty good. Worst case, for some of the really old games, just grab DOSBox.
  12. I never get flu shots. They always work on me. I end up with the flu......
  13. Yeah, a lot of mods will have some of the same folders. Just drop them into your data folder, and if it asks about 'folders with the same name', or, folder already exists, just till it to overwrite. The mods will have their own structure within those folders to keep assets separate, and everything that is there, will still be there.
  14. Ooooo, I LIKE that idea...... :) Something fires large caliber rounds would be awesome. (apply the bloody mess perk to anyone that gets hit. :) )
  15. But they don't move as you look around?
  16. The old north church. Railroad headquarters. There is also the Witchcraft Museum...... Don't recall exactly where that one is though.
  17. Paid mods 1.0 was actually quite successful, it was the public reaction to it that killed it. Essentially, valve chickened out. It was almost ideal for beth, all they had to do was make games, which they were doing anyway, release the construction kit, which they were doing anyway, and give mod authors the option to put their mods behind a paywall. Nothing changed for beth, except that they now had a new revenue stream, with zero cost. Why WOULDN'T they do that? But, then came the vocal minority, that raised all sorts of hate and discontent, and valve shut it all down. (the day after Beth had been singing its praises.) In that model, authors would set the price on their mods, and then they would get a cut of the proceeds, once they passed a certain threshold. Valve got their cut, Beth got their cut. In the "new" model, authors get paid a fee for their work, and then it belongs to beth. Beth gets ALL the proceeds thereafter. Of course, this also means that beth has to have the infrastructure to support it, along with the software to make it work. Which was the whole idea behind migrating to their 'new' website/layout/software package. (the original truly sucked, and wouldn't do what they wanted it to, so, after being up for less than year, they replaced the software, with something very similar, that actually kinda/sorta did what they wanted.... but it still sucked......) This way, beth had 100% control over everything, and weren't dependent on some third party chickening out, and screwing their revenue stream. I suspect the second scenario was going to happen when beth started making noises about their 'new' site. I KNEW it was going to happen when they announced mods were coming to consoles, which account for more than two thirds of their game sales. And with the restrictions Sony put on the PS/4, beth had a captive market for mods. But, in usual beth fashion, their implementation SUCKED. Can we actually browse CC content that we might be interested in OUTSIDE of the game? So far, I haven't seen that. Not to mention beth making every single rookie mistake when they set up their mod sharing site....... Three teenagers with a zero dollar budget have done a better job than what beth did..... and it still has its issues. And then there is the whole 'pushing out updates ONLY to support more cc content', but NOT fixing any of the glaring bugs in the game..... on a monthly basis....... Shows what their priorities are, eh? I suspect this is going to be the prevailing condition though. CC is here to stay, and subsequent games will support it. They will still release the CS, and support free modding, as much as they do now..... (for what it's worth.....) But, I fully expect that we will see the exact same issues on later games, as we do now on SSE, and FO4. Beth seems completely incapable of learning from their mistakes.
  18. Can you click on the button to start a new game? If you can, and the game crashes, post your load list.
  19. Or, add an exception to Defender (or whatever your antivirus is) for the Steam folder in Program Files......
  20. I agree with you. Beth's implementation of CC content is terrible. Some of the content actually is the root cause of games crashing. So far as I know, beth hasn't fixed any of that either. The idea that if I don't accept updates that do absolutely nothing for me, do not fix any bugs, or improve game stability, that makes me a 'troll', or 'hater', is mind boggling. I do NOT allow my game to update at beths whim, because they are notorious for putting out broken content. I prefer to let the patches 'stew' for a while, to see what, if any, new problems they have introduced, before I will update my game, at MY convenience. Not Beths. Certainly not for content I don't use.
  21. You have to consider the source. That particular author seems to think that beth can do no wrong, and he will defend pretty much anything they do, regardless of how stupid it is, or inconvenient for players. He fully believes that he is the only person that can possibly be right, and if you don't agree with him, he will resort to denigrating your intelligence, or various other subtle (or not so subtle) insults. Standard procedure for him. He can make a completely fallacious statement, that pretty much no one agrees with, but, he will defend his opinion to be the only correct one, till the end of time. He cannot possibly EVER be wrong. Arguing with him is pretty much a waste of time. It doesn't matter what you say, he will discount it, or ignore it completely. He is RIGHT! after all........ Hi is the FIRST person that made it to my ignore list, though I still do engage with him on occasion...... Generally much to my regret.
  22. Would be cool to automate that...... Could just write down the item ids as you go thru manually, then write a batch script to nuke 'em. Be a major pain once, but, easy thereafter. :D
  23. Is F4SE installed properly? Starting the game with FOSE_loader.exe?
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