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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. AP should regenerate while sneaking. Apparently, one of your mods changes that.....
  2. I have never taken her with me to find the institute.... I don't do companions.
  3. It's ... Don''t forget! :mad: What Striker879 wrote! :tongue: Practice your Illusion magic. :dance: And join the Fun! :teehee: I don't know Paga ... Illusion just doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore for me. I'm thinking of leveling up Alteration and see if that makes a difference (and if that doesn't do it either then maybe Conjuration ... perhaps a companion or two??). - Edit - Ya skip Alteration ... I'm going with . You are going on a rocket? I can understand 'social distancing', but, this seems just a bit over the top........ :D
  4. If you like the way it looks, leave it alone. :) Its really just a matter of personal taste.
  5. There is also a mod out there that brings vanilla weapon damage more in line with Modern Firearms. (which do significantly more damage than vanilla.....) It isn't dependent on MF, so, you can run it standalone, and boost damage output for ALL the vanilla weapons in a quick and easy manner.
  6. Check in your installed programs, and see if you got any new updates, or interesting programs in that time frame. Have a look at startup programs as well. I don't like AVG. It's spyware pretending to be an anti-virus. Especially the free version. If you are running windows 10, you simply don't need it. Defender is more than adequate to the task.
  7. I am curious what the institute hopes to gain by sabotaging the surface dwellers...... It's obvious they don't have any real use for them, aside from subjects for their experiments.... but, they regularly replace folks, with no apparent rhyme or reason. The Mayor in DC I can kinda understand, but, regular (useless) settlers? WHY???? What's the point?
  8. Maybe they thought you had the right idea, and this was just a convenient time to get everyone living the same lifestyle? Hey I'm a few hours drive NE of you ... that means that you got that nice weather before I did. I kinda' wondered about how it didn't seem quite as nice as was portrayed by the "Weather Lies from the Weather Guys" but now I'm startin' to think on it in a different direction. Did you use up more than your fair share of the nice while it was strollin' by? Looking on the bright side ... it was One Nice Day in a Row!! Apparently so. We seem to have ran out of nice days..... It was actually trying to SNOW here earlier. I wasn't trying very hard..... but, still and all, snow in mid april? Come on guys... what's that all about? But, it IS Michigan. So things like 'consistent', and 'predictable' simply don't apply to the weather around here. :D
  9. Travels? What? I haven't left my property in over a week. My boss doesn't want me at work. (I'm old, and my health ain't the best in any event.) The only scenery I see is how tall my grass is getting, and it's to cold to mow it. We had ONE nice day in the last couple weeks...... I want MORE. :)
  10. Try blocking the games via your firewall. See if that changes anything. (windows should have a built in firewall for just such an occasion.)
  11. Yeah, I think I pointed that out pretty early in the thread. You get the freedoms your government is willing to give you, and you keep them only so long as they are willing to let you.
  12. If the whole system needs restarted regardless of what game you start, that's likely a hardware issue. Test RAM, and the HDD, and see what comes up.
  13. Would that be infinite loading screen? Try using load accelerator. Requires FOSE though.
  14. Well, we HAVE wandered pretty far off topic. (now theres an understatement if I have ever seen one.....) Not really unexpected though. I would actually be surprised if a topic DID stay on-topic....... It's the internet after all. :) I worked on a farm one summer..... Does that count? Never really worked on something I would consider a 'ranch'...... (unless it had dressing on it.....) I have cool t-shirts though, various colors, most with some variety of predator silk-screened onto it. And then the plain jane ones (with a pocket) that I wear under my work shirts. :)
  15. LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out! - Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable? Jeans and a t-shirt. :) Comfort wins every time.
  16. I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D
  17. Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas). So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first? We can flip a quarter. :D
  18. Not if its the original version of those clothes....... :) Pretty sure disney doesn't do nudes.... but, haven't seen their version of it yet. :) (and not in a hurry to either....) We trade off. Until one of us dies I suppose.... Then we'll need to come up with another candidate. None of my kids though....... I can just see the evil look in their eyes.... "Dictator? Seriously? Oh yeah, I would LOVE that job......."
  19. Does that menu just not show up? Or do the items not allow themselves to be placed? (always staying red)
  20. You run some of the same mods I do...... When did you last update your vid drivers? Might be tempted to roll those back a version, and see if anything changes. When it comes to video, newest is not always bestest. :D
  21. Yeah, I agree. Given how little settlers seem to be able to do for themselves, I am surprised there is anyone left at all......
  22. I use modern firearms/modern sidearms, so, I have a WIDE selection available. I usually carry three, an auto-pistol of some sort, full auto rifle, preferably a bullpup design, and a sniper rifle (and all three are silenced). I pick which one I want to use depending on circumstances. For just wandering around outside, I usually have the AR in hand, inside, it's the pistol. Sniper rifle comes into play when I find a hostile location of some sort. If I can get a sneak attack in, it's generally a one-shot kill..... otherwise.... well, I tend to carry a fair bit of ammo..... :D
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