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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Game is limited to 255 esp/esm files, esl files don't count toward that limit, but, you still can only install so many of them. The esl files use reference IDs from the main fallout esm file, and there are only so many. How many you can run depends on a LOT on what the esl files are doing. If you have a bunch of 'em that need quite a few IDs, you run out. Add one more, and there aren't any more ID's left, so, the game chokes and dies. Looking at the log, you are missing something, and that will cause an insta-crash......
  2. Vid card is good, ram configuration leaves a bit to be desire though. Given that you have mismatched sticks, it won't play in double data rate mode. That leaves you with a single channel for ram.... which becomes a bottleneck. How much of one though, is open to question. (RAM is FAST...... but, yours could be faster.) I assume your playing the game from the internal solid state drive?? Are you seeing lags/freezing when moving from one cell to another? (especially outdoors.)
  3. Open the mod in xEdit, it will tell you what the master files for the mod are.
  4. Yeah, but it installs them in a 'virtual' directory, not to the data folder in the game installation directory.
  5. How much ram on your vid card? And how did you manage 20 gig of RAM??? :)
  6. I think Wrye Bash supports FOMODs. It only does what you tell it to. :D
  7. What hardware are you running the game on? How old is your harddrive? Checked it for errors lately?
  8. Been Binge watching Jeremiah, with Luke Perry... Sci-Fi post apocalypse series that aired back in the early 2000's. Maybe not the most accurate, but, it IS pretty entertaining. :D Done by the same guy that did Babylon 5.
  9. I always wanted to be ready with my 'fire and forget' rocket launcher as the Prydwen goes by.... But, at that point, you can't do any damage to it.... and I don't think they really care either...... :D
  10. That's a missing texture. Try installing the mod manually.
  11. If he already has 16gb of RAM, there is zero benefit to be had from adding more, or upgrading to faster. If there is any performance difference at all, it won't be noticeable.
  12. Is this on a laptop by any chance, with both integrated, and 'upgraded' graphics solutions?
  13. Are you running the game at your monitors native resolution? I don't think it will automagically figure it out, you'll have to tell it.
  14. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Oh.. I would suggest San Diego then.. unfortunately its in California. Yeah, cost of living there is just stupid. That, and I really don't wanna live in a state that is sliding off into the ocean at the rate of half an inch a year...... :D Ya ... even sailboats are faster than that (well most of the time). Sailboats are too much work. :smile: I wanna just turn the key, and go. Which is why I "suggested" I may be of some use. Some haul halyards and tweak sheets ... others watch the water go by. Always a job for everybody. I think I could manage watching the water go by. That sounds right up my alley. :D
  15. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Oh.. I would suggest San Diego then.. unfortunately its in California. Yeah, cost of living there is just stupid. That, and I really don't wanna live in a state that is sliding off into the ocean at the rate of half an inch a year...... :D Ya ... even sailboats are faster than that (well most of the time). Sailboats are too much work. :) I wanna just turn the key, and go.
  16. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Oh.. I would suggest San Diego then.. unfortunately its in California. Yeah, cost of living there is just stupid. That, and I really don't wanna live in a state that is sliding off into the ocean at the rate of half an inch a year...... :D
  17. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Here's an idea Hey ... a honkin' big sailboat ... there is always someplace on the planet that is 75 and sunny. If you're looking for a skipper for the boat I know a sailor ... hint, hint. I had considered that. :) But, I would have to win the lottery first. (one of the big ones....) I think Ideally picking up on one of US Subs large variety submarines..... (5000 square feet of living space.....) would be perfect. Then just cruise around to where the weather is nice. :D They were only 80 million bucks last I checked.
  18. :) I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D
  19. But move where Hey?? The paycheck to paycheck crowd are world wide (well as world wide as where there is something you could call a paycheck). Where we have rich people we must have paycheck to paycheck people (the system is built on it). I think Paga was on the only right track when he was looking for a small plot of fertile soil that wasn't too close to the rest of humanity. Someplace with less grass to take care of, and a smaller house. :) I don't need 2500 square feet anymore, nor do I need 3 and change acres. I have a fair bit of equity in my house, so, I could sell it, and have a very nice down payment on something even nicer, that is less work to take care of. :) I am getting old, and I don't have kids living here anymore. This place is getting to be too much for the wife and I..... we both have our health issues. :D
  20. Indeed. I don't think anyone wants to visit anywhere at this point. Trump just stopped travel to most places in Europe........ One of the things I found interesting about the current virus scare is, doesn't seem that younger kids are nearly as susceptible as adults. Anyone remember the Star Trek (original series) where the population of the planet had been experimenting with life extending treatments, and killed off all the adults? (and the kids live for hundreds of years.....) Miri. Yes I remember. Its a bit of mystery why kids aren't as susceptible its thought their immune systems are better though that doesn't apply in the case of influenza to which they're in the at risk group (had that when I was a kid it was one of my worst experiences of my life) I'm in a higher than average risk group for coronavirus so I'd be lying if I said I wasnt worried. Yep. That's the one. :) I am in a fairly 'high risk' group as well, not only am I older, my immune system sucks. So, if I catch it, good chance it'll kill me...... Not something I look forward to. :) (imagine that.)
  21. Governor of Michigan closed all bars, cafes, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. today. Take out food only. (so, my guess is, drive-thrus will still be open, for places that have 'em.) This is going to take a serious bite out of the economy. A lot of those folks, if they don't work, they don't get paid..... and this could last for weeks...... How many of the paycheck-to-paycheck crowd do you think will be able to pay their bills for weeks, without any income? Are we going to see a host of foreclosures next? Is real estate going to crash again? (time to move???)
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