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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Not all turrets require power. Machine gun turrents shouldn't. Turrets are not part of precombines. If you repair the turrets, they should stop smoking...... If they aren't your turrets, gotta wait till the cell respawns. (then you can destroy them again. :) )
  2. It should show what perks are required, and which ones you do/don't have as well. Anything interesting there??? So far as I know, I think it only requires armorer 2, and science 3????
  3. When you first launched the game, did it detect your vid card, and recommend some settings? (low, or medium would be my guess.....) Where is the game installed?
  4. Just drop the script extender files into the main fallout 4 directory. That's easiest, and works best.
  5. I seem to remember a mod that would allow you to 'undo' recent changes to the settlement.... For the life of me though, I can't remember the name. So, if you scrap the wrong thing, poke a key, and it would come back.....
  6. A computer that didn't come with a harddrive??? How does that happen? Win 10 is fairly forgiving about swapping hardware...... and it may even pick up the embedded license in the new pc.... Assuming they are both the same version of 10.... (home/pro)
  7. And is that not yet another quest for power of individuals grubbing for more than their own fair share? Yep. Yet another group of folks trying to tell us how to live our lives.
  8. So long as there is religion, there will never be peace on earth. :)
  9. Government isn't in the business of solving problems in any event. They specialize in stop-gap measures, and treating the symptoms. After all, if they actually SOLVED a problem, they wouldn't be able to milk it for political points, and huge piles of money.
  10. That's because there's no internet. They can't plug them into twitter, reddit, and all the other social media reprogrammers and fake outrage news. :teehee: Nah, that's just brainwashing, not re-programming. :D
  11. Screenshot is too small for me to see anything...... (my vision sucks.)
  12. I agree with Jose. But, I really don't expect anything to change because of the pandemic. There will be some short term problems, until the virus is properly addressed, we will likely see shortages of some products, and it may even get to the point of rationing, depending on how long the crisis lasts.... but, in the end, this too shall pass. And when it does, we will go right back to the same 'globalized' economy, as that makes the CEO's and politicians the most money, RIGHT NOW! And that is all that is important to them. Now, unless this crisis lasts a couple years, don't expect anything to change.
  13. And on the other side of that coin, you don't have the right to deprive someone else of their life, their property, etc. either. There has to be some mechanism in place to deal with folks that attempt to do so. Left to the individual, we would end up with a society that is even less free than what we have today, as the folks that were able to gather the most power, would end up being the folks that made and enforced the rules, with zero recourse for anyone else. At least with a government when have some say in what laws are passed/enforced.
  14. My question becomes, what differentiates Gen 3's from Humans? Aside from their origins.... Gen 3's are programmed with memories/personalities, can the same be done to humans??? So far, I haven't seen that capability....
  15. "Almost good weather".... Yep, familiar with that. Early spring here, so, the weather is being psychotic. Sunny and warm one day, cold and wet the next...... Welcome to Michigan. Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes. It'll change. :D
  16. Indeed. I don't think anyone wants to visit anywhere at this point. Trump just stopped travel to most places in Europe........ One of the things I found interesting about the current virus scare is, doesn't seem that younger kids are nearly as susceptible as adults. Anyone remember the Star Trek (original series) where the population of the planet had been experimenting with life extending treatments, and killed off all the adults? (and the kids live for hundreds of years.....)
  17. Trouble is, password criteria isn't set on a per-user basis. So, if even ONE person had the need to the VERY strong password, then everyone else would be required to do so as well. Here, we have quite a few folks that actually need the strong passwords. Mod authors. So, everyone gets to have one.
  18. I'll second that notion. :) Happy Birthday! Got any special plans? (maybe that should be past tense?)
  19. You can't delete your own posts. :D No worries. Open your mods in Xedit, and see what is making changes to The Mechanist. I would suspect: The unofficial patch. no negative affinity or any of the other mods you have that affect NPC's.
  20. Again, as I pointed out in the OP - Yep, it most certainly will. The fact that in Power armor, you can be killed by a frigging rad roach, or mole rat, is just stupid. They shouldn't be able to damage your power armor either. Most small arms in the game should be ineffective. I could see them doing some small amount of damage to the ARMOR, but, NOT to the person inside it. (unless it was larger caliber, armor piercing ammo.) I like the damage system in New Vegas better. If weapon damage didn't exceed your Damage Resistance, you didn't take any damage..... That seemed perfectly reasonable to me.
  21. Trouble is, Beth's current formula works. For them. They make huge piles of money on their games, so, they have zero motivation to change course. Making a game that appealed to their 'core players' isn't as profitable as making a game that appeals to the casual gamers. Therefore, they make games that appeal to the widest audience they can. That's more money in their pocket.
  22. Any mods affecting the mechanist, her lair, or her armor?
  23. Specific steps are in post #2 of this thread........ :)
  24. What version of NMM were you running? Things changed around version 63 or so, with the API, so, older versions won't log in. Newer versions should work just fine. I've never had any issues.... and I use NMM for both Skyrim, and Fallout 4.
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