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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Carla is an Institute asset? Wow, that's depressing...... and Cricket???? The chick that is constantly moving at warp 8, due to all the drugs she is on????? Using traders makes a great deal of sense, they are the ones that know what's going on in the wasteland the best. The infiltrators though, not sure how useful they would really be. Do they KNOW they are synths? Can the institute monitor them remotely? (I don't think so, else they would know where all the renegade synths were, and Acadia couldn't exist.)
  2. Have you tried PM'ing the author? He is still quite active here.
  3. I still have an oblivion mod that I am responsible for. :) Just a mod that I liked, and wanted more features for.... contacted the author, sent him some scripts, which he like, and added me as co-author..... When he left the scene, he gave me the mod. I don't think I have updated it in over a decade.... I still get comments on that one once in a while. :D I also have a fallout 4 mod up, that is a derivative of someone elses work. I got permission first, before doing anything. Fortunately, the original author was all for what I had in mind, and encouraged me to go ahead, and up load it. My mod is dependent on his, he gets full credit on my description page, and all permissions derive from his. Most of my morrowind mods are simply gone. I think there are a couple still available at Morrowind Modding History, but, the sites I originally uploaded them to, don't exist any more. :D Those were all my own work though, with a great deal of assistance from the good folks over at Great House Fliggerty. A Morrowind fan site that is still up and running. (but, soon to be rolled into Morrowind Modding History.....) There are threads in the MA forum, for "The caretaker", with a collection of terms/conditions from numerous authors of what they want done with their mods, if they leave the scene. Nexus implemented the Permissions page quite some time back as well, so, mod uploaded in recent years, *Should* have permissions set. Others have their permissions on the description page, or in the readme. Yeah, Nexus looks out for Mod Authors Rights. :D And they take that job VERY seriously.
  4. .. Ya, I found the kid at the diner just sad. I'm sorry he should have cleaned up by " now " .... .. I totally agree w/the Cait Accent. I'm sorry - but you would lose the accent. As to the settlement, the Settlers, I have often been heard, by my wife, " How the h... did these people live past puberty? " I mean seriously, they are totally worthless. Don't get me started on the Gunners and when they cry, " Daddy!!! " when a bit of counter attack comes at them. I always 'liked' the whole running off and cowering for a few minutes, screaming "I've had enough, don't kill me." and then shortly thereafter, there they are again, shooting at me...... :D I agree with your wife. :D
  5. One party deleting a private convo does not delete from anyone elses inbox. Still and all, it was suggested by a moderator, whose name I simply can't remember at the moment... that if the permission was in a PM, or Email, or whathaveyou, to screen shot it, and post it as one of the images for your mod. :D That way, its on Nexus site, for all the world to see.
  6. Deacon remembers stuff from before the war???? Brat at drumlin diner..... Seems to me, that after several MONTHS game time, he should be over the DT's by then... but no, there he is, still sitting on the floor, still whining.... and his mom, still saying 'he'll get over it'...... Sure don't look that way to me.... Settlements.. I LIKE the building aspect of it. I HATE the fact that settlers don't seem to be able to do ANYTHING for themselves.... Of course, it appears that no one else can do anything for themselves either..... everyone asks YOU to do it. Yeah, the "general" of the minutemen takes his walking orders from some guy he rescued.... yeah, that makes perfect sense....... Preston can't find ANYONE else to send off on his 'rescue the incapable idiots' quests??? YOU can't delegate them to someone else???? WHY????? Cait seems to have an Australian accent?? One would think, after 200 years, her family would have lost that, as so far as I know, there has been zero contact with any other countries outside what used to be the US..... If she is FROM some other country, how in hades did she get here??
  7. Yeah, those messages are pretty cryptic.... I would Love to know where the 'remote' location is..... The institute? The overseers terminal? Some other place outside the vault? Any number of possibilities there... I had always interpreted it as some variety of failure, that caused the control system to revert to the manual systems..... after all, some of the other (dead) occupants look like they have been dead for a while.... Or maybe that was just my creative interpretation. :D
  8. any mods in there that change the vats overlay? or change leveled lists?
  9. That's awesome. :D Friend of mine wants a version with a box/bed on the back, instead of missiles, so he can use it as his 'home away from home'. :D
  10. Erm, if there is nothing in the the mods readme, or permissions about re-uploading, or modifying someone elses work, you are REQUIRED to have EXPRESS permission to do so. If you can't prove you have said permission, or, it isn't spelled out in something published by the original mod author, your file will be taken down, and you risk being banned from Nexus. Best course of action, regardless of published permissions, is to ASK FIRST, and wait for a response. If there aren't any published permissions, and you don't receive an answer, then you do NOT have permission, and you can NOT re-upload the modified work.
  11. I have NPC's regularly walk away from while we are in convo...... they seem to be very easily distracted.....
  12. If the issue were between the game, and windows, you would see a LOT more folks having the same issue. (you are the only one I have seen with it so far, but, I haven't been looking either.....) Windows should NEVER bluescreen. If it does, there is something not-quite-right going on there. It may be an interaction between windows, and some driver, it may be an interaction between windows and the game, a combination of the two, or, it may just be crappy drivers, or failing hardware somewhere. (which I find those last two much more likely) What was the original bluescreen error you were getting, what file was it whining about, and is it the same error you are getting now? I EXPECT to see a selection of dcom errors in event viewer. I would be flat out shocked if I DIDN'T find any....
  13. No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. (Helmuth von Moltke the Elder) I used to DM Dungeons and Dragons games, and no matter how carefully I planned, considered alternatives, and other paths the players may follow, more often than not, the players would do something I had NOT anticipated....... Then I was forced to improvise from that point on during that session... and re-plan between then, and the next time we got together..... Lather, rinse, repeat. I am sure it is the same with open world games, though, the options are a bit more limited, there are still a fair few options, and the game won't have a path for all of them. It simply isn't possible. As for father. DID he initiate the release of the sole survivor? Or was it simply an accident the systems failed when they did? (and he is taking credit for it....) Also, I agree with Stormy. There would be pretty much zero attachment on fathers part, to his.... erm.... father.... He was taken at a VERY young age, and likely has no memories of his dad at all. The folks at the institute would be all he knew, and the whole 'blood relation' thing is likely irrelevant to him. He could kill you without batting an eye, have no remorse for it, and not lose any sleep over it.
  14. Yeah, it really doesn't matter what they do, either way, there will be some segment of players that will complain about it.
  15. I think it would be difficult, at best, to keep him living as a synth a secret though.... Too many people would have to know about it, and with the limited population there...... I don't think his secret would last long. Plus, while it was a secret, what would he be doing? The same drudge work the rest of the synths get stuck with? I really can't seem him going from in charge of the whole thing, to scrubbing toilets. :D
  16. I could see transferring to another synth body. (adult) That would make the most sense. After all, who wouldn't love immortality? I think he actually expressed some reasoning against that though.... but, don't recall for sure. (been a while since I played the institute ending.) As for then disappearing....... I can't wrap my head around that one......
  17. Any mods that affect turrets, or coastal cottage?
  18. And that right there makes it all "OK". :) It's a game, beth can do pretty much whatever they want, with no need to justify it be either rational thought, or scientific means. After all, downtown boston would be a lot duller without all those buildings there. :D (caves instead? :D)
  19. Given the number of survivors, and how far the west coast had come after the war, in just the short time in fallout 2, The commonwealth looks like it should be somewhere within 20-50 years after the war. Much later, and there wouldn't be any pre-war buildings standing at all. Anything that wasn't concrete would essentially be gone. Wooden structures, like, all the houses in Sanctuary Hills..... would just be small hills. Nature would have re-conquered the area by then. After 200 and change years, it would be forest.
  20. I would likely need to start a new playthru to update.....
  21. It *shouldn't*......... After all, the CS isn't the most stable program in the world, so, saving often is pretty much a habit for anyone that uses it. When you load up your mod, does everything appear properly in the CS?
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