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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. How are you installing them? Which folder are you putting them in? The one in the game directory? Or, the one in My Games? I had to put the archive invalidation stuff in the Starfield.ini that was in the game install folder for it to work properly.....
  2. Is Steam cloud turned on? If so, your saves aren't on your local machine.
  3. Not like accumulating wealth in the game is even remotely difficult...... That's where an overhaul of the in-game economy would come in. Reduce prices of things like food, increase ship prices, reduce or eliminate credit rewards from most quests, give the player a salary if they join the Vanguard or Freestar Rangers, etc. A dynamic economy is what's needed. If you dump a couple thousand units of iron in one place, the price of iron should bottom out.... Maybe establish 'thresholds' for the various resources, that alter the pricing according to availability? Probably have to wait for the CK for that though.
  4. Does that ONLY affect the Starborn ships?? Something to bear in mind on other ships though, anything in the captains locker falls into the void if you change ships, or modify it.
  5. Now there is an interesting concept. :D Even just having a menu option when you power the grave drive to go to the unity, or jump to another system would be nice. :D I leave a LOT of cool gear on the ground at the Buried Temple, since there is no point in picking it up.
  6. If you use the same password for every site under the sun, you get what you deserve. And no, I am simply NOT concerned about 'security' of my account on a GAMING website. After all, this is the ONLY site that requires 12 characters for a password.... so, this password is most certainly unique. Why anyone would bother trying to hack it is a mystery to me. There is literally nothing to be gained.
  7. I would wonder why folks feel it is necessary to have 2FA on a GAME forum....... Last time I had to change my password, it was 12 characters minimum, etc.... My BANK isn't that stringent, and there has never been a problem. I leave myself logged in here, simply because I am just not concerned about 'security'..... I am the only one that has access to this machine, and no one really has any desire to use my Nexus account, what would be the point??? It's a gaming forum. Security here is the least of my concerns.
  8. Not like accumulating wealth in the game is even remotely difficult...... On my current game, I have over 5 million credits, and I haven't sold a single ship. That's just from selling stuff I collect while out and about. Of course, I have this bad habit of picking up EVERYTHING that is worth anything. :D I constantly find myself over-encumbered. .....
  9. Depends on the size of your tank. :D My question becomes, is this for intersystem travel? We already need fuel for the jump drive.... Adding another tank for the main engines would add mass to the ship, which compromises acceleration, and maneuverability. A corresponding bump in engine thrust would be needed to offset that.....
  10. In the color menu, there is a line along the bottom of 'recent' colors..... so you can get the same color on individual modules you select....
  11. You can bet you will see a mod like this, not very long after the CK releases.
  12. Double click on a module, and it selects ALL of them. Then you can shuffle colors to your hearts content.
  13. Being able to sort your quests by system/planet would be GREAT. :D
  14. No worries. :D Construction Kit. The tool Beth uses to MAKE the game. Usually, they release the tools to the general public a couple months after the game comes out. There are several LARGE communities for modding beth games. :D Word is, it's supposed to come out 1st quarter of 2024. Here's hoping its sooner, rather than later. :D
  15. Check the install of that mod on the game that doesn't think it's there. Vortex doesn't always install mods properly for Starfield..... to the point that I simply don't use it, and install everything manually.
  16. Is your game up to date? Have you verified your game cache? (assuming steam version?) What mods are you running?
  17. Sanity is over-rated. :D Doing some really good work here though. :) Thank You!
  18. This one will need to wait for the CK to release.... There is already the ability to drop certain quests..... (those you get from the mission boards) but, not even all of them seem to have the option....
  19. If you save and reload while you are at the outpost, that fixes it as well. Supposedly, one of the patches was supposed to address this issue...... I am fully patched up, and haven't had a recurrence of this one.
  20. You can access your outpost inventory from your ships cargo hold menu. It lists everything available in alphabetical order. :D
  21. And that should apply to ANY skill. :) I would LOVE to be able to just fork out some money, have some time pass, and my skill gets improved.
  22. Yeah, fighting with it can be a real downer... However, and you knew that was coming..... a fair few mods are just GMST tweaks, or texture replacers, simple enough, and very low-hazard mods. ESP/ESM files, on the other hand..... we just don't know a lot about them yet, so, using them can be dangerous. You can try it, and if it works (or, seems to...) run with it. If it doesn't though, uninstall the last mod or three you just put in, see if the game works.... Worst case for these is, you have to reinstall the game. Not a trivial undertaking on a mediocre or slow internet connection though. :D All of this, of course, depends on YOUR comfort level of using mods. If you haven't modded a beth game before, don't understand the file structures, then best to wait until we have proper tools before you start modding the game. If you are familiar with modding beth games, then you already understand (or, should...) the perils of modding. Especially on a new release. :D
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