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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Everyone got weird with the power supplies not so very long ago. If it isn't a proprietary plug, it's the adapter communicating with the laptop, telling it what it is, etc, and if the laptop doesn't get that information..... It goes into a 'safe mode'... downclocks the proc, doesn't charge the battery, etc. For testing purposes, it's a right pain in the keester.... But, the manufacturers do that, so that you HAVE to buy one of THEIR adapters, if yours takes dump, or you lose it, or whatever.
  2. Go to your my games\starfield folder, and rename any .ini files you find there. Let the game recreate them.
  3. Yeah, when ya crank out that kind of money, you expect things to actually WORK..... We used to sell MSI laptops at work..... but, they were real hit or miss on reliability.... to the point we stopped selling them..... Some of them were great, no issues at all, lasted years. Others, not so much. It was random chance what ya got.
  4. If the battery gets below a certain point, (varies by manufacturer) the laptop won't turn on. Feed it power for a little while, and it'll wake back up. Of course, that means you need to be ABLE to feed it power...... Just holding the power button shouldn't reset cmos.... it will just put the machine in either hybernate state, or, actually power it off, depending on how long you hold it. Some have a little hole you can poke a pin into to either reset cmos, or, 'static discharge' the laptop. (which sometimes will cure some interesting ills....) But, if the machine doesn't recognize it's ac adapter, you are on borrowed time till the battery runs out.
  5. There is already a mod that does this. You can set the number of 'light bubbles' you need to hit to gain the power. I have it set to 1.
  6. Opening it would void the warranty anyway. If you have a volt meter, see what the p/s is putting out, if anything. Not sure on an MSI, but, on some laptops, bios will tell you if it detects the a/c adapter or not, and even tell you what size it thinks it is.
  7. Yep. The Mantis Lair would make for an awesome base. But, you are correct on the landing pad..... that would be a problem, as the ships I build are frequently very close to the 80 meter limit..... and that most certainly will NOT fit on the Lair Landing pad. Hhhmmm....... Probably going to be a significant task to enlarge that...... HURRY UP CK!!!
  8. Plugins.txt enabler is the game pass version...... SFPTE is for a different version of SFSE.
  9. Pull up the performance monitor, see if the proc, and storage drive are doing anything. Might also try alt+tabbing to/from starfield a couple times. That will sometimes shake things loose.
  10. And the current ship lowered? Oh, that would be fun.......
  11. Yeah, how do you go about playing an animation backwards, via script?
  12. Anti-virus software? Other startup programs??
  13. The latency times seem kinda odd to me. The 'highest" value is lower than the average? How does that work????
  14. Ok, that's just weird.... Only commonalities though, are proc, and system board..... Update your chipset drivers?
  15. Nope. You can also get SFSE at silverlock.org....
  16. Remove the ones that vortex is whining about, redownload and install.
  17. Do you get the pops and crackles regardless of what media you are listening to? or what device sound is output to?
  18. Delete your shader cache... I believe it is in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Starfield. (appdata is a hidden folder, so, need to make sure 'show hidden' is turned on.)
  19. Does your mobo have onboard sound? I would disconnect any of the other sound devices, and try using the onboard. The NVIDIA stuff likely has nothing to do with it, unless you have speakers on your monitor, and connect via HDMI. (or, a separate plug....)
  20. Cyclic redundancy check??? How is the drive the game is installed on????
  21. I am seein' too many possibilities in your load list. I believe that's a missing texture, does the console tell you what mod its from? (the first two numbers of the form ID indicate what the mod load order number is.)
  22. Maybe it's us????? Nah.......
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