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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, I recently had a customer that needed a couple 'new' machines, but, they had to run Windows 98..... as their truly ancient POS software was never updated, the company was gone, and replacing it would hit six figures...... I learned things about win 98 during that exercise that would NEVER have occurred back in the day..... Things like, having more than 512mb of ram would cause the installer to choke and die.... (or maybe it was one gig....) I still see XP machines every now and then, and some of my customers are truly reluctant to 'upgrade' from 7..... Most of 'em are forced to though, as none of the browsers support anything older than 10 any more. And 10 runs out of support in October next year.
  2. It appears that I can actually assign A and B to a drive..... how much that offend windows though, I don't know. I suspect it is left a "C" being the O/S drive, simply because of "tradition", and don't wanna confuse folks by changing that now. Still, that leaves room for 24 drives.... (including the o/s) I don't know that I have ever had an instance where that wasn't enough...... Maybe in a corporate environment, with a LOT of network drives......
  3. Your downloads folder can be anywhere, the folder where vortex actually extracts the mod, to link it to the game folder though, needs to be on the same physical drive. That's a windows limitation, not vortex.
  4. Mod staging folder needs to be on the same physical drive as the game.
  5. Technically, the authors still 'own' their work, and all the rights thereto, however, the EULA also states that beth essentially has a license to do whatever they want with your mod, without so much as a by your leave.....
  6. Bethesda FREQUENTLY takes ideas that modders have come up with, and incorporates them as 'features' in their next game. That's where crafting came from, and why plants change when you 'harvest' them. They have even gone so far as to HIRE a few modders.....
  7. MS owns RedHat Linux, so, no real surprise they have some other stuff to run on it.
  8. As this is something beth wants to implement, I fully expect this to happen. For them, there really isn't a downside, they can make money from something they are already doing, without much more of an investment. Sure, the torch and pitchfork gang will be out in force initially, but, that will blow over in a couple weeks/months, and that will be the end of it. Then beth will just rake in the profits...
  9. I would like to see it become a bit more 'realistic', and 'nail' your target to the nearest wall.
  10. Of course they do. Some of the content they put out is far superior to the stuff Beth wants to charge us for. And that applies to everything from small texture mods, all the way up to full blown quest mods with hours of game play.
  11. I don't think it's possible to change your home ship, while you are in it........ I don't think it's really doable with a mod either.
  12. Nail gun. After all, it fires flechettes.
  13. There are paired slots. A1, A2, B1, B2. you want identical ram sticks in A1, and A2, same for the B's.
  14. The 1030 is NOT a 'gaming' card. Its a low level business grade vid card. Not much better than integrated graphics.
  15. You don't need a lot of thermal paste, an amount about the size of a grain of rice is enough, and I just mount the heatsink on top of it, and let that spread it out. Does an amazingly thorough job. (having done this a few hundred times, yes, it works great.)
  16. The media don't solve problems. That's not their job. Originally, their job was to INFORM. Today, however, it seems their job is to sway folks to whatever position their particular bias dictates. The whole 'responsible journalism' thing has fallen by the wayside, now, it's all about clicks, and those almighty advertising dollars.
  17. The cart freaking out is usually caused by high framerate. Cap framerate at 59 via whatever method you have available, and see what happens.
  18. Did you get an updated driver for your vid card from the manufacturers website? Windows does not always install the best driver when it boots up the first time..... (though, sometimes, even a blind squirrel can find a nut.....) Also, make sure that the game is actually using the 980m.....
  19. The techs at staples have zero qualifications. I used to be one, years ago, when the techs actually WERE techs. Today, they are just bench monkeys. If they know how to hook up the cables properly, they are a 'tech'...... The staples here, (where I used to work) regularly sends work to where I now work, which is an actual PC shop. WE have a clue. Staples does not. Some of the crap they have inflicted on their customers here is laughable...... I do NOT recommend them for anything even remotely resembling 'knowledge'...... Yours might be different, but, I wouldn't hold my breath. Corporate stupidity took over there more than a decade ago, and it just hasn't gotten any better.
  20. You wanna post in the site issues forum.... This is debates.. we *could* argue that you CAN login, but, that wouldn't help you at all.
  21. Back in the day, the new media weren't quite as biased as they are today. There is not a single organization out there, that doesn't present ANY news story, without it's own political slant. You can read stories from either side, about the same incident, and you would have to question if it actually WAS the same incident.....
  22. I read that twice, and still don't get it. Isn't "equal treatment" by its very nature "Fair"? Isn't "equal treatment" what a fair few minority groups are screaming for????
  23. Is Nvidia still doing that? I notice I can get drivers now without having to log in.....
  24. Crossfire, and whatever Nvidias counter to that, I don't think is supported any more. I was never a fan really to begin with, twice the expense, for maybe 15% better performance? You would be further ahead just spending the additional money and getting a better single-card solution.
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