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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Those are usually under 'structural' tab in the ship builder..... Granted, the selection is a bit limited.
  2. I would like to be able to assign my excess ships to such a task..... I mean, what's the point of having a dozen ships, if only ONE is in use at a time?
  3. I am looking forward to seeing the ladies in the game wearing something more flattering. :D I play in first person, so, what I am wearing is pretty much irrelevant, it's what EVERYONE ELSE is wearing, that becomes the eye candy. :D
  4. Oh yeah. Once the tools are out, the number of mods, and things they are able to do.... will skyrocket. :D Keep in mind though, that a lot of mods for the older games were also just tweaks to various game settings. They were simply able to do it via an esp file though. :D Once the CK releases, it's highly likely that all those 'bat' mods, will become ESP files.
  5. Yeah, build mode has some issues...... One thing I would like to change right away is, being able to adjust the height of the shipyard at my outpost...... Having to climb all those stairs is a pain.
  6. I want the ability to Decline Missions. You can do so for the ones you get from the various mission boards after all. Some of them, like a couple on Neon, I don't want to do, but, I also don't want them cluttering my missions menu for all time either.....
  7. So, I got the RazorLeaf... but, it was so underpowered, I decided to rebuild it completely from scratch. Deleted everything, rebuilt it, renamed it..... Later, encountered some bounty hunters... imagine my surprise when they all started hollering "It's THE MANTIS!!!" turned friendly, and jumped away...... Ooops. :D
  8. Yeah, it would be nice if the cargo links worked like provisioners in FO4.... Build one in your outpost, and you are connected to EVERY other outpost that has one. The game already knows what each and every outpost has in inventory..... (and having a screen in your menus that would also show this would be awesome.....)
  9. Having another ship, (or two, or three...) that act as 'companions' in space, would be great. Just being able to use them as 'pack mules' would be a godsend. :D Have your nimble fighter-type craft that you generally fly around in, and have your massive cargo ship following you around. Of course, that would also require them having linked inventories. :D
  10. Yeah, you can hold that big, bulky cutter, but, can't hold a pistol??? Really? I would like to see scopes get something like the 'scanner' effect. :D
  11. I didn't think it was supposed to work in combat??
  12. Some rocks disappear when I build on top of them...... some don't, until I build something inside the hab, that also occupies some of that space.....
  13. There is even a utility that shows the entire list, that allows you to change 'em. :D
  14. That assumes you can get the ship to a yard to change it..... Which is the problem.
  15. You folks are just being sexist. :D Thinking women can only wear skirts. (can you see my tongue firmly ensconced in my cheek?) There is a LOT to wear while out and about. Personally, I think wearing a skirt under a space suit would be uncomfortable, at best. :D That said, womens fashions are sadly lacking. :D
  16. I think I have seen elevators in larger ships.... (UC Vigilance?) They just aren't available to the ship builder.... yet. :D
  17. Once we have modding tools for the game, you will see a proliferation of clothes/body/etc mods. I have seen some recolors so far, but, that's about it.
  18. Indeed, If I am wearing a suit designed to keep me alive in the vacuum of space, a sandstorm should be irrelevant. Along with things like snow, freezing rain, etc. I could see how the corrosive stuff could be a problem, but, just a chlorine gas vent? Should be able to stand in it all day....
  19. Swing and a miss. You seem to have missed my point completely. An internal drive will ALWAYS be faster than an external. Period.Yes, even an NVME external. Trying to run a game like starfield from an external drive might "work", for certain values thereof, but, if yer gonna spend the money, do an internal drive. You'll be happier.
  20. Can't you adjust the properties of the exe itself?? Which version of the game are you running?
  21. Ship blueprints will become a thing. I have no doubt of that. (its actually a really good idea......) Some folks go through a LOT of effort to build the ship they want, only to lose it when they start a new game. :D
  22. That's actually a reasonable idea in the interim. I also see mods that alter the 'curve' for level progression. I suspect those though, wouldn't work well on an already existing game..... and I have quite few hours invested in my level 50 toon. :D
  23. Agreed. I would LOVE to be able to see all the resources available at my various outposts..... not like the game doesn't already know this info. Maybe an additional button on the player inventory screen, "Outposts".....
  24. Coming into Diemos station one afternoon, all was well. When I left though, everybody was shooting at everybody... and they were all UC ships... No pirates or spacers or Va'Ruun to be found.... They weren't shooting at ME though, so I just jumped away.... when I came back later, everyone was friends again. No clue what happened there.
  25. I have found that external drives, while theoretically just as fast, if not faster... than those plugged into SATA ports, aren't..... :D It has been my experience that internal drives are consistently faster than USB...... Most boards these days have provisions for one, or more... NVME drives right on the board itself, which is the ideal solution....
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