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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Do you get to the main menu? Or does the game crash when loading a save?
  2. Our society has been declining for quite some time. And for the very same reason the Roman empire collapsed. We are doing it to ourselves....... and the 'progressive' movement is accelerating that decline. What I REALLY expect to do us in though, is our penchant for spending money, that we don't have. If I tried to run a business like our government runs, I would have been in prison a LONG time ago. Eventually, folks are going to figure out that we can NEVER repay that money, and they are going to STOP lending, buying bonds, etc. Then our economy will simply implode, and the world economy will follow very shortly thereafter.
  3. Might wanna post in the mods comment thread.
  4. If possible, you should have the mod write the changes to an ini file, so that the changes carry over when you start a new game.
  5. So, when you cat leaves something like that on your doorstep, are they trying to say "Hey, I love you, here's something to eat that I brought you.", or, are they saying: "Hey idiot, here's what I think of you....."
  6. Or simply force of habit....... A learned automatic act.
  7. I would love to be dictator. Of course, that immediately disqualifies me for the job. :) I think I could be a good one, but, I expect I would be assassinated within the first year. :D
  8. Well, we have folks chopping up dialog, and then piecing together words to create new dialog lines, and beth hasn't said boo about that. Now, I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but, I *think* you should be ok.
  9. Maybe the school where they had the pink slime? Or the other one, where the principal was troubled by poor performance, so started distributing chems via proxy? I think the one in the south western part of the map actually has a playground.....
  10. It isn't just you poor souls south of "the border" (or across the crick in your case Hey). There has never been a proper democracy ... even those civilizations that proceeded ours, from which we formed the english word we use to describe that which has never been. The Greeks and Romans didn't have one at any point. It has always been the privileged and rich who have formed governments. Even the first English parliament was comprised of the rich English who were threatening to overthrow the royals. We only have this "system" in place called "elections" because those rich sods quickly figured out that it was no fun doing the ruling directly, so they got their stooges to do the dirty work. And those stooges have always known which side of the bread has the butter on it. Indeed. :) Up until recently, a 'pure' democracy would have been unworkable. There was simply no way to get everyones vote tallied, in any kind of reasonable time frame. Today, we actually COULD do so.... but, I still think it's a bad idea. :)
  11. Yup. We get to vote, but, someone else decides what names show up on the ticket. For the most part though, the 'average american' doesn't have a voice in government. That is supposedly what our elected representatives are for. Trouble is, they promise all sorts of stuff to essentially buy votes, but, once they get into office, all those promises fall by the wayside. They vote the way their major campaign donors dictate, or, they their vote depends on whatever is most advantageous to THEM. The 'good of the country' trails a distance 50th place or so. Why else would have a body that can legislate themselves better salaries, more benefits, and their FULL salary when the leave, even after only serving ONE term. Does anyone think that the american people, if they had been asked, would have said "yes" to such a proposal? I hardly think so. That is essentially what "free health care for all", and "reparations for slavery" is all about. Buying votes. That's it.
  12. Looking at your papyrus logs, something is trying to load the CC content..... which strikes me as rather odd....... My logs have maybe six lines in them, the last line being "Log Closed"...... And I know I played for longer than the timestamps would indicate.
  13. If the player is idiotic enough to request a hover where there are a bunch of hostiles around, I figure he deserves to be shot down. :) I think using this feature in combination with some variety of 'tougher vertibirds' would be a good idea though. If I had any idea how to do it, I would seriously consider have the game check to see how many hostiles are in the area, and if it is above some threshold number, have the pilot simply tell the player: "Are you crazy?? I ain't stoppin' here...." :D
  14. Repeal citizens united. Corporations are NOT people, therefore, they do not have rights ascribed to individuals. Campaign finance reform. Allow political donations ONLY from individuals, and cap it at 5000 dollars TOTAL, per year. Limit political campaigns to within six months of the election they are running for. In the age of instant information, available at your fingertips, there is zero reason for campaigns to start YEARS before the election. Our politicians are spending more time campaigning for (re)election, than they are doing the business of the country, that they were elected to do. That's gotta stop. Is any of that going to happen though? Nope. The only folks that CAN change it, are the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing it. Unfortunately, that applies to EVERY government reform. Therefore, the government will never reform. We here in the US have three options for addressing our government. The Soap box, which so far has proven ineffective, the Ballot box, which doesn't make any difference at all, doesn't matter whom you elect, the same policies continue, and even the most self-righteous "new" congress person is soon absorbed into the swamp that is Washington D.C.... The leaves..... the Cartridge box. Unfortunately, taken as a whole, americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy, to get off their duffs and DO anything about our runaway government, that is wholly owned by the military-industrial complex. End Result? We are going to continue on our current course, until it all catches up with us, and then our economy is simply going to collapse.
  15. If the games are installed on the HDD, then you are playing them from the HDD. With all the limitations that implies. If you want to play your games from the SSD, then the game needs to be installed on the SSD.
  16. If you figure this one out, and option for "Hover here" would be nice to have as well. :D
  17. HeyYou


    I don't think anybody can really say with seriousness what is going to happen by November this year. But I won't disparage your pipe dream :turned: :D True. It is entirely possible the Repubbies will do something to REALLY piss off the voters, and they may be the ones to get spanked. :)
  18. Problem is, who decides what is 'trampling', and what is 'for the greater good'??? Everyone has their own ideas of how things *should* be. And strangely enough, not everyone agrees on what those are. So you would end up with the 'majority' controlling the morals/values of EVERYONE. Something like what the dems are trying to do even now.......
  19. No no lol. That's for normal robots around the Commonwealth. I mean the robots you can create yourself with the Automatron DLC. You can't hack them or, yep, disable them. That seems like rather an oversight..... Of course, I suspect their reasoning would be "you built it, why would you WANT to deactivate it?"..... I think you can scrap them though, can't you? Yeah we can scrap them. But I want to just be able to turn off and store some companion robots in a warehouse when they're not in use. For role-playing purposes as well as lessening the traffic jams due to the brilliant pathing A.I of the settlers. Do I sense a touch of sarcasm there??? Nah. Gotta be my imagination. :) I am not finding a mod that does that..... I wonder though, if you shot him once, so he went hostile, could you THEN deactivate him? (assuming you had the correct perk?) But, would the rest of the settlers go hostile as well????
  20. I think any mod that inflicted pain on good ol' preston would be well received. :D The character folks love to hate (on). Personally, I would like to see him impaled....... in the medieval sense of the word. Scripting has changed a LOT since oblivion. Mores the pity. I don't think the new system is as effective as it was in previous games. But then, performance is better...... not having to run EVERY script, EVERY frame, certainly makes a difference... but, for mods that DEPEND on script timing... it sucks. (Unnecessary Violence being right there at the top of the list, was AWESOME in Oblivion, wasn't even possible in Skyrim..... simply due to unpredictable script timing. Yikes, we are wandering off topic here........ (it's your fault. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Your fault. :D I would never, ever, in a million years wander off topic........ ) :whistling:
  21. Yeah, there is that. :) You may wanna consider joining the PC master race. :D (that's a joke......)
  22. Remove all the mods, start a NEW game, get to the point you can, and then try it. See what happens. I suspect its a script error, that is baked into your save, right from the beginning..... but, one would think, that if you loaded a save from right outside the vault, NONE of those scripts should have fired yet...... (and thus, not being IN your save....) Yep, I have the HUD mod as well. Forgot you can pick what colors..... for mine, enemies are Red. :D Are there any mods that change the workshop script itself??? (not just scripts in general.) Adding things to the build menu *shouldn't* matter, I have tons of mods that add stuff to the menu, and I have never seen that particular bug, I have scrap everything as well...... but, something that changes the base workshop script, THAT may be a problem. It's also entirely possible its a bug introduced by the latest beth update..... the items showing up are pretty random in nature.......
  23. Ok, so before I start, please let me just say that I'm mostly quoting you because you brought up something that I wanted to talk about. I'm not quoting it to argue with you, Ethreon. Truth is, I've got a lot of respect, and you've helped me out with some of the questions that I've had in some of the other parts of the board. That said. There's truth to this, whether we like to admit it or not. And not just so much in games or modding, but for pretty much everything. Social media is a very, very prime example of what Ethreon is talking about. But back to mods, and the people that make them, and the people that "want". And to the original intent of the post. A really good example of the MA's perspective, and the normie's perspective...for me...is displayed in the mod request section of every gaming section of the forums. "I have a small request" or "I have a really simple request" made by a normie, who really doesn't understand the game mechanics, or the skill/time requirements needed to make their idea happen. In some of these cases that "small" or "simple" idea, is absolutely NOTHING simple or small! Especially for Bethesda games where the tools they give us to work with get less and less user friendly with each one they the make. I'm not going to fault them for that, as they well....dunno what they're talking about in most cases. If I didn't know anything at all about the mechanics of a car, I could say "Hey! It'd be an awesome idea if you guys could build a car that gets 85 miles to the gallon." Yeah, that sounds really easy, but it's definitely NOT. But back to the request sections. There's stuff in there, that people really, really want to see in this game. While I'm not typing this to belittle anybody, I see a lot of them on there that just makes me think "That's way too much work" or "I couldn't give two shakes about that". So while yeah, it's important to them...it doesn't matter at all to me. And who would be doing the work and research, and putting in the time to make it? Them...or...me? Now, that said. There's two sides to MA criticism. If you're gonna publish something, and make it available to anybody and everybody, a person is doing that, and they're drawing a target on their forehead when they do it. You can't please everybody, all the time. There is always somebody who thinks you could have done it this way. Or that way. Or this could be better. As MA's, we Have to know that we're making ourselves a target for that, when we release something. That's the choice that we are making. That's the reason why I personally don't publish anything that takes any time, anymore. As the new saying goes "I ain't got time for all that!" But the point of it is, that it's a choice. If a person chooses to publish, they choose to put that target on their forehead. They threw it out there, they can deal with what comes along with it. And that's why mod authors were given the ability to moderate their own comments threads. But, even so, there are some authors out there that respond poorly to ANY criticism/suggestions at all, and will ban anyone from all their content for even suggesting the possibility that their mod isn't perfect.... And that includes verified bug reports...... I suppose, given the volume of "hey, you shoulda done x instead of y' comments, it shouldn't really come as a surprise...... Folks can only take so much grief before their cup runneth over, and the banhammer comes out. :) I suppose everything under the sun has its good and bad points. :) That said, Stormwolf: I would LOVE to see some of your more 'complex' mods. :) You can always turn off the comments altogether. :D
  24. Wow, that's just weird....... Just out of idle curiosity, why do your settlers show up in red? They sure aren't acting hostile....... That's gotta be a mod interaction.... There was another member that had modified two vaults, in two separate plugins. He could load one, or the other, but not both, if he loaded both, he would see mix and match vaults. Parts of one, would show up in the other, and scrapped items, would show up in the other vault..... So far as I know, he has not found a solution to that. I didn't peruse your load list especially carefully, but, are you loading any mods that change the workshop scripts at all??
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