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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. As I said before, the definition of "right" has mutated. Now, it means "a game that the console players will scoop up, and spend money on lootboxes."
  2. There IS an easier way, if you have win 7 install media........
  3. Get your new drive installed, and windows happy. Then, you can try and run the game directly from the executable files where they are installed. I really don't know how steam will feel about that....... it does tend to complicate matters. :) See if it works.... If not, you may have to reinstall steam, (put it in the directory it is already in, on the HDD, just reinstall right over it.) Steam *should* be able to figure out what games you have installed.
  4. Which games do you want to mod?? For some games, TESA has some good tutorials to get you familiar with the CS. Check the link in my sig.
  5. Wasn't there another book that had an interesting title, but, the only text was "redacted due to content" or some such? :D
  6. HeyYou


    And I take it back that I don't see me and you ever seeing eye to eye. I'd be willing to bet we could see eye to eye on a great many things if given the chance :wink: Folks emigrate to the US for "A better life". Referring to the illegals specifically here, they are looking for opportunity..... to be taken care of. Free food, free housing, free education, and whatever money they make, (under the table) they send back to family 'at home'. This is a drain on our resources, that could be better spent helping folks that are here legally, or, heaven forfend, are actually citizens...... We send money to the countries that most of our illegals are coming from, to ostensibly 'help' them, so they will actually stay in their own country. That obviously isn't working. The powers-that-be in those countries live well, and get rich of amercian aid dollars. You know, american tax dollars from the folks that actually work for a living. (or, simply money the government produces out of thin air.......) So, effectively, all we are doing is enriching a very few at the top of the power ladder in those countries, while the citizens of those countries are still living in abject poverty. Quite frankly, closing the border, and telling them all "no", is a viable option here. As is cutting off those aid dollars. (since they aren't helping the folks they were intended for anyway.) We also need to get rid of birthright citizenship. We are the ONLY country that does that. Go into ANY other country illegally, have your baby, and you will ALL be deported, as soon as you are discovered. if not imprisoned. And no. It is NOT our job to 'fix' other countries problems. We simply can't afford it. I have already mentioned that we are downright terrible at it. Most of those places have been dealing with the same issues for decades, or longer.... it is ingrained in their culture. The only fix for that is going to have to come from within their own community. If they aren't willing to put forth the effort to solve their own problems, how does that make it OUR problem?????
  7. HeyYou


    No, the wall won't solve the problem. But, it will go a long way toward reducing it. Eliminating the reasons that folks come here illegally is NOT our problem. It is not our job to solve other countries problems. (much as our government seems to think it is, provided said country has resources we can exploit....) Illegals are not solving anything by coming here. They are RUNNING AWAY from their problems. They should stay at home, and work on fixing their OWN country, rather than coming here to leach off of us. Not to mention that when we step in, in an attempt to 'solve' other countries problems, we make a mess of it, and things end up being worse than they were to begin with. We simply CANNOT 'fix the world'. It is impossible. Why? Exactly as you say. Greed. And a lust for power. It is human nature. Look at what happened in Iraq when we stepped in. We took a stable country, and turned it into one giant terrorist training ground. Our wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan led to the 'Arab Spring', which further destabilized several other countries. We turned our backs on governments we had been allied with for years, and watched as the civil wars started. You can bet we were selling arms to both sides though. The US has a proven track record of being absolutely terrible at Nation Building. We don't have the money, the military, the political will, or citizen backing for any more of it. We need to address our problems right here at home, including illegal immigration, and get OURSELVES back on track. Once that happens, maybe THEN we can turn our eyes outward again, and see what we can do for those less fortunate. But, ARE we going to get ourselves back on track? Looking at the current situation, I don't see it happening any time soon. The political divide is just too great, and it is getting wider. With the current direction the democrats are heading, all they are going to accomplish is to further divide the people. We are heading for a fall, and its gonna be a big one. Things simply cannot continue as they are. Something is going to give, and when it does, the entire world will be affected. I fully expect to see civil war in the US again, within the next 20 years. If not sooner.
  8. HeyYou


    If you are attempting to enter this country ILLEGALLY, you are indeed a criminal. Simply allowing folks in because they made a long journey is senseless. Maybe they should have stayed at home, and fixed the problems in their own country, instead of making a dangerous journey, and then expecting some other country to take care of them. Also, by and large, sure, the folks trying to come here illegally aren't necessarily 'bad' people, however, they do tend to be low-skill, low-education folks, that are more of a drain on our resources than the folks that come here legally. And of course, we DO get a fair few criminals as well. It really ISN'T that complex of a problem. Folks are trying to sneak into our country illegally. They are starting out their 'life' here, by breaking our laws. Quite frankly, that is NOT the type of people I want coming in. Build the wall, patrol it. Secure our borders.
  9. HeyYou


    Iraq had invaded Kuwait, that's why we went there. To boot the iraqis out, which we did. Then, we left. (for the most part) other folks stayed to help put out the fires the Iraqis started. They ASKED for our help, we gave it, then left. I have no clue what you are talking about the US invading them. That didn't happen. It's been a couple decades since then, and the US has stuck their nose where it really doesn't belong several times in that region, and thoroughly screwed things up, so, today, yeah, I wouldn't want to go to Kuwait, or anywhere else in the middle east for that matter. There will never be peace on earth. Not while humans are around anyway. To many cultural/religious differences for us all to 'just get along'. Too many folks thinkin' THEIR way is the ONLY way, and we'll kill anyone that disagrees with us. Nope, don't expect peace on earth. Ever. No, the government is not in the business of fixing things. If they fixed something, then it wouldn't be available as a political football during the next election cycle. Can't have that. I am not a fan of war either. But, I AM a realist.
  10. On that software? Nope, notta clue. :) If the game itself runs good on whatever settings you are using, and it just chokes with the software...... check thru the settings, or, see if there is a tutorial for setting it up somewhere. Don't neglect your background processes though...... sometimes, something simple will conflict, and give you all sorts of interesting issues.
  11. HeyYou


    I don't think we have fixed any other countries problems since roughly World War 2...... our latest incursions into the middle east have done nothing but destabilize the entire region. Our efforts with the Palestinian/Israeli debacle has gone nowhere, and now, even some of our allies are turning to our one-time enemies for support....... Kuwait may still like us for the 1991 war, but, I would expect that they are the ONLY one......
  12. It probably wouldn't hurt, but, in all reality, I just don't know. Never played with any of it. One of my kids used to do live-streaming of games, but, he had a BEAST of a machine, and some specific software, that I simply can't remember the name of at the moment. He lives 700 miles away now, otherwise, I would just ask him. :) I don't think he is doing it any more though......
  13. Could be any number of things..... I would start with the settings in OBS, and see if anything there will give you better performance. Then I would take a look at the game settings you are running. Maybe turn off some of the eye-candy stuff, see what happens. Next I would look at the O/S, and see what other processes were running, that don't really need to be, particularly, things like third-party anti-malware apps.
  14. Yes. You need all requirements. If you are missing one, your game will crash at startup.... or, if you get really lucky, it will start, but, will crash randomly while playing. Both are very frustrating propositions. :D
  15. Todd Howard, and Pete Hines both flatly stated the reasoning for 'streamlining' the game, was to appeal to a larger audience. (console gamers.) There are various interviews on youtube from 'back in the day', (after Oblivion was previewed at the E3 conference in 05??) And you are right. The term "RPG" is a VERY broad meaning... and I don't think any two people will agree on it. :) For these purposes though, it boils down to character skill trumping player skill. The character has enumerated skills, and stats, and those numbers determine success/failure in whatever endeavor. Morrowind was a 'real' RPG. Pretty much the same mechanics folks have been using for pen and paper RPGs for decades. (yep, I am an old school dungeons and dragons player. I started on the first edition, that came in a slew of paperback booklets. :) )
  16. In all reality, it is BECAUSE of streamlining/feature removal/etc, that beth games are selling so well. It seems that most folks don't want a "real" rpg, with stats, and skills, that actually matter. We saw this whole argument between Morowind, and Oblivion..... and then again between Oblivion, and Skyrim. The "majority" that beth is trying to sell to, don't WANT an RPG, they want a game that is fun to play. That's what beth gave them, and they sold rather well. Do I like the direction beth is taking their games? No, not really, but then, I am not one of the majority that beth is marketing to either. I actually ENJOY a REAL role playing game. Not merely an action/adventure game with some RPG elements tossed in, for old times sake....
  17. Why would nexus host mods for a game that doesn't allow it? (FO 76)?????
  18. There is nothing that better exemplifies the broken messes that Bethesda games are. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What makes Bethesda games good is that they are basically open world frameworks for people to build content on top of. Beyond that, they are garbage. Fallout76 really proves it - without modders to save them, the game is unfix-able by the incompetent buffoons at Bethesda, and it's in a death spiral to oblivion. Until Bethesda gets some humility and realizes they largely didn't earn their success, and that is was built on the back of tens of thousands of community members working for free - they will continue to fall flat on their faces over and over. Actually, that's not even remotely accurate. Beth sells tens of millions of copies of their games, and only a tiny percentage of players actually mod their game. Consider: Most of beths sales were to console players, and they only got mods relatively recently. Beth does make fun games, (note: I did not say "Good".....) and they sell exceedingly well. Mods or no. Where modding comes into play is in the longevity of the games. People are STILL playing/modding morrowind...... Not too many 18 year old games can make that statement.
  19. HeyYou


    Still like him better than Hilary. At least with Hillary we would have a somewhat idea of what direction things was going. But I actually don't care, America was a bully long before Trump, and will be bullies long after, and side with them, just a question if SA , NK ,China or Russia. Same goes for Britain, Germany, France,and a few other European countries, they are, if nothing else, opportunistic turncoats. America has not fought a justified war since the Japanese dragged them into ww2 kicking and screaming, and have f***ed over impoverished peasants ever since to attain dominance, and dragged my simpleton government into it. So yeah, i'm pretty much done with any of them. They are bullies, and i hate bullies. Edit. I'm talking about the vampires you vote into power and not you as an individual. No worries. :) I am not a fan of my government either. I didn't care for the direction Hilary wanted to go, that's why I voted against her. Yeah, our government does some truly stupid stuff...... if I tried to run a business the same way, I would have been tossed in prison a LONG time ago. Congressional approval ratings have been hovering near/below 20% for almost a decade, yet the american people STILL continue to put the same people back in office. And then we wonder why our country is going to the dogs....... ( I had a less polite term in mind, but, it's against the rules. :) ) We have some truly intelligent individuals here, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. Now, Trump wants to get us out of Syria, and was even making noises about getting out of Afghanistan. Both decisions I can seriously get behind. We aren't doing anything worthwhile in either country, and our record for "nation building" is downright abysmal. We suck at it. We should suck it up, realize the truth, and GET OUT of our assorted wars in the middle east. We are causing more problems than we are solving. Considering we aren't solving ANY..... NOT being there would be the best thing we could do. For us, and for them. Same thing for the Israel/Palestine thing. We have been poking at that one for decades, and have accomplished nothing. I don't see that changing any time soon either, so, why do we bother spending time/money/effort on it? We have enough problems right here at home that need addressed before we start thinking we can solve anyone elses problems.
  20. HeyYou


    Still like him better than Hilary.
  21. Well, they try and do things 'right', it's just whose definition of 'right' are they using..... I'm sure they though FO76 would be a smashing success....... and we see how that turned out. Someone there has a mighty severe case of anus-cranial inversion...... and so long as that person is still making decisions..... Well, you can guess how that will turn out.
  22. Beth isn't going to do away with free modding. That would be flat out stupid. Free mods are why their games last as long as they do. (people are STILL playing morrowind......) Now, the CS likely won't release with the game, and I fully expect the game to have some interesting bugs upon release. That is why I will wait six months to a year before I buy it. That gives beth time to fix the truly horrendous bugs that they always seem to miss, and give the modders time to fix some of those bugs that beth won't. :)
  23. Real curious how that got changed....... :D Windows update?
  24. Something changed. Check the game settings, and see what resolution it thinks you are running. Compare that to your monitors native resolution. I will bet there is a difference there.
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