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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    Your Grandfathers died in vain, thanks to McConnell, and the Fascists in the Senate and House, who are enabling Trump. Fascists have very little in common with communists.......
  2. HeyYou


    I'm thinkin' ya gotta be at least a bit crazy to want that job.......
  3. Awww, shucks. And here was me thinking that, with a GTX 1070, I could do whatever I wanted. Why can a man not simply mod his game and have fun with it without issue? It honestly sucks the fun out of playing the game sometimes, with the troubleshooting and all. :sad: But yeah, I'll do that. I even have a plan in my head. Thanks anyway pal, have a good one. Well, you do have a pretty significant vid card, and processor, so, you can actually do quite a bit before it even STARTS to affect performance. I you start adding a bunch of 4K textures though, those will beat you up right quick. :D I run on a 1060, at vanilla ultra, and just turn off GodRays, lense flare, and the game runs great. And I only have an AMD X4 965 black..... (3.4ghz) Your processor is much more powerful than mine. :D YES, BEHOLD THE POWER OF MY CPU! :laugh: But seriously, does turning off god rays and lens flare make the game look ugly, or is it still good-looking? How many mods do you run, if any at all? I run 80 or so mods, but, none of them are to make the game pretty. Mostly game-play changes, or adding items to the game. (and the workshop menus....) Turning off 'pretty' features does indeed improve performance. I just turn off the stuff I don't really care about.
  4. Awww, shucks. And here was me thinking that, with a GTX 1070, I could do whatever I wanted. Why can a man not simply mod his game and have fun with it without issue? It honestly sucks the fun out of playing the game sometimes, with the troubleshooting and all. :sad: But yeah, I'll do that. I even have a plan in my head. Thanks anyway pal, have a good one. Well, you do have a pretty significant vid card, and processor, so, you can actually do quite a bit before it even STARTS to affect performance. I you start adding a bunch of 4K textures though, those will beat you up right quick. :D I run on a 1060, at vanilla ultra, and just turn off GodRays, lense flare, and the game runs great. And I only have an AMD X4 965 black..... (3.4ghz) Your processor is much more powerful than mine. :D
  5. You can have visual beauty, or performance, but, not both at the same time. :) Just the way it goes. Not to mention "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder. :D Best bet is to look at visual mods that change what you are looking for, and add them one at a time, and see how bad they beat up performance.
  6. HeyYou

    hi all

    Search for adult content. (a setting in your preferences) Lovers Lab might be more what you are looking for. (webiste)
  7. I tend to keep backups of esp files I have edited to my tastes...... Then, if I ever need to actually reinstall, I simply copy the entire folder of esp files to my data folder, and it's all good. :D
  8. Well, ya also gotta keep in mind, that the original settlers of America/Australia were pretty much all on the same page. I.E. They all wanted the same thing. In the case of post world war three USA, you aren't starting 'fresh', you are trying to build on the ashes of a once-advanced civilization. It also is not empty..... the previous inhabitants are still there....... Granted, I would think after 200 and change years, it would be more likely to have 'settled' to something akin to feudal lords, and the territory each controlled....... Folks whose sole purpose was to prey on others, shouldn't have lasted quite so long.....
  9. There are threads on the beth forums for just such an occasion. :) Most of them cater specifically to the console folks. Might wanna have a look there.
  10. What I usually did was install the game on the new machine, then copy the entire game folder from the old machine, to the new machine. Worked perfect for me, as I installed the mods manually. I know there is a way to migrate NMM installs to a new machine, but, I don't know what the exact procedure is, I *think* I remember seeing a thread about it in the NMM support forums.......
  11. Nevermind. I'm an absolute idiot. Turns out that this effect is a part of the mod and can easily be removed by using a gas mask wipe that you can craft infinitely at a chemical workstation for free. Sorry for wasting your time. God bless and have a great day. I never would have figgered that one out. :D
  12. Yeah, there are several. Do an advanced search for 'concrete' and select the category for settlement objects. (don't remember the exact name at the moment.)
  13. HeyYou


    English please? :) What seems to be your problem?
  14. Or simply start a new game....... I don't make it to diamond city till I am well into double digit levels......
  15. HeyYou


    Check the link in my sig, we have a school for skyrim CS. The classes will get you going with the CS. :) After that, you can play to your hearts content. (note, classes are for oldrim, but, se isn't much different.)
  16. HeyYou


    Which game(s) do you want to mod??
  17. What DID happen to him? I haven't seen him around for quite some time, and can't even find his username on here...... Buddah's last post... https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/49282-buddah/ Holy smokes, 2011???? I guess I am a bit behind the times....... I found a post from November 2012 as well. (I was spelling his name wrong, that's why I couldn't find it.....) Still, almost 7 years ago? Does anyone know if something happened to him?? Edit some more: Ok, last post was apparently in 2013, however, last active shows 2017??????
  18. The majority of beth's sales are on console so yea, mod makers are great, but we're hardly significant for the game's sales or lifespan. I would agree that mod authors don't really drive game sales, at least, not in any significant fashion, however, I do think that mod authors are indeed responsible the longevity of the games. How many folks are still playing Morrowind on their XBox? And how many are still playing on PC?? :D We don't have any solid data on who is actually still playing the older games on consoles...
  19. Find the mod you want, and then just copy the URL from your browser (it's in the address bar) to whatever app you are using that wants it.
  20. What DID happen to him? I haven't seen him around for quite some time, and can't even find his username on here......
  21. Should really post this in the Fallout 4 mods talk forum.....
  22. I would dearly love to be able to go back to age 11, or 12, and retain my current knowledgebase........ There are a LOT of things I would do different. :D
  23. A merged patch with xEdit, the delete the level list entries, and then a bashed patch, which appears to ONLY deal with leveled lists in FO4. Works a treat.
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