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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Sometimes..... I can access my cargo hold when I am NOT in the ship..... but, I have no clue what the conditions for that are. I have tried repeating it, but, so far..... no luck. Having that interface in the cargo hold would be awesome. :D
  2. If the game is installed to the default spot..... It will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Starfield. THAT is where you want to put the SFSE stuff. (SFSE_loader.exe, and such. Don't need the "source" folder though.) Plugins for SFSE go in ....Starfield\Data\SFSE\Plugins The folder is not there by default, it *might* appear if you run the game once.... if not, simply create it. Keep in mind, that for any of it to work, you MUST start the game with SFSE_Loader.exe.
  3. That's just weird...... Have a look in your One Drive\Documents folder, see if there is anything in there... (are you even using one drive??)
  4. So far as I know, Beth doesn't do that trick. They should be in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves...... They aren't hidden or anything odd like that...... Younger generation? :D I'm 62..... I got tired of doing the auto tech thing for a living back in the 90s' though, and a friend of mine get my a job doing phone support for Borders Books and Music..... That was probably the best decision I have made in my life. :D
  5. There is an easier way to do it. Change the location of where "Photos" are saved, then simply nuke the data folder in the My Games folder. The game then defaults to the Data folder where the game itself is installed.
  6. If you use the same password for every site under the sun, you get what you deserve. And no, I am simply NOT concerned about 'security' of my account on a GAMING website. After all, this is the ONLY site that requires 12 characters for a password.... so, this password is most certainly unique. Why anyone would bother trying to hack it is a mystery to me. There is literally nothing to be gained. awesome response. really shows how utterly ignorant you are. well played. Or maybe how paranoid you are? no, i think its definitey a YOU problem - hence the fact that cybercrime is a multi-billion dollar industry. you're not alone in your ignorance and complacency. plus, it keeps me gainfully employed, so, thank you, i guess? Yeah. Uh huh. The password to a gaming site is oh-so-important...... You are apparently not familiar with the term "Acceptable Risk". You wanna live your life like everyone and everything is out to screw you, that's YOUR problem. Not mine. I choose to take a bit more relaxed outlook.
  7. Move any plugins out of the SFSE\Plugins folder in your games data directory. See what happens.
  8. Vortex has always had issues installing script extenders, best to install that one manually, and it goes in the game install directory. And, for it to work, you need to start the game with SFSE_Loader.exe. Starting the game via the "Play" button in Steam does not... so, nothing depending on SFSE will work. (make sure steam is already running in the background when you fire off the SFSE loader.)
  9. Fire up Steam, Click on Steam, then settings, then cloud. Click the slider to turn it off. Supposedly, you can view your save files stored in the cloud via your browser.... Steam > Account, and some where in there, is 'files', or 'cloud' or some such. Try this link.
  10. If you use the same password for every site under the sun, you get what you deserve. And no, I am simply NOT concerned about 'security' of my account on a GAMING website. After all, this is the ONLY site that requires 12 characters for a password.... so, this password is most certainly unique. Why anyone would bother trying to hack it is a mystery to me. There is literally nothing to be gained. awesome response. really shows how utterly ignorant you are. well played. Or maybe how paranoid you are?
  11. How are you installing them? Which folder are you putting them in? The one in the game directory? Or, the one in My Games? I had to put the archive invalidation stuff in the Starfield.ini that was in the game install folder for it to work properly.....
  12. Is Steam cloud turned on? If so, your saves aren't on your local machine.
  13. Not like accumulating wealth in the game is even remotely difficult...... That's where an overhaul of the in-game economy would come in. Reduce prices of things like food, increase ship prices, reduce or eliminate credit rewards from most quests, give the player a salary if they join the Vanguard or Freestar Rangers, etc. A dynamic economy is what's needed. If you dump a couple thousand units of iron in one place, the price of iron should bottom out.... Maybe establish 'thresholds' for the various resources, that alter the pricing according to availability? Probably have to wait for the CK for that though.
  14. Does that ONLY affect the Starborn ships?? Something to bear in mind on other ships though, anything in the captains locker falls into the void if you change ships, or modify it.
  15. Now there is an interesting concept. :D Even just having a menu option when you power the grave drive to go to the unity, or jump to another system would be nice. :D I leave a LOT of cool gear on the ground at the Buried Temple, since there is no point in picking it up.
  16. If you use the same password for every site under the sun, you get what you deserve. And no, I am simply NOT concerned about 'security' of my account on a GAMING website. After all, this is the ONLY site that requires 12 characters for a password.... so, this password is most certainly unique. Why anyone would bother trying to hack it is a mystery to me. There is literally nothing to be gained.
  17. I would wonder why folks feel it is necessary to have 2FA on a GAME forum....... Last time I had to change my password, it was 12 characters minimum, etc.... My BANK isn't that stringent, and there has never been a problem. I leave myself logged in here, simply because I am just not concerned about 'security'..... I am the only one that has access to this machine, and no one really has any desire to use my Nexus account, what would be the point??? It's a gaming forum. Security here is the least of my concerns.
  18. Not like accumulating wealth in the game is even remotely difficult...... On my current game, I have over 5 million credits, and I haven't sold a single ship. That's just from selling stuff I collect while out and about. Of course, I have this bad habit of picking up EVERYTHING that is worth anything. :D I constantly find myself over-encumbered. .....
  19. Depends on the size of your tank. :D My question becomes, is this for intersystem travel? We already need fuel for the jump drive.... Adding another tank for the main engines would add mass to the ship, which compromises acceleration, and maneuverability. A corresponding bump in engine thrust would be needed to offset that.....
  20. In the color menu, there is a line along the bottom of 'recent' colors..... so you can get the same color on individual modules you select....
  21. You can bet you will see a mod like this, not very long after the CK releases.
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