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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Gotta be a mod problem then. One of em has changed something at GreyGarden, that the game can't swallow. Post your load list?
  2. I think if Beth really doesn't feel like committing to one side or the other... they will simply not answer at all, or, give such an obscure answer, that it won't commit them to anything at all..... Sure, but if the only possible answers are "no answer" and "bad answer", why kick the bear? Simply put, if the idea of having to remove AI generated voices from your mod some day down the road is not acceptable to you, don't use them. Oh come on, everyone know how much fun it is to poke the bear, or the hornets nest... or the anthill..... :D Yeah, eventually, this will sort itself out, one way or another. Maybe Nexus should put a keyword, or some such, for folks using AI generated voice files, so, when/if the time comes, it will be easy to hide the ones in question.
  3. I think if Beth really doesn't feel like committing to one side or the other... they will simply not answer at all, or, give such an obscure answer, that it won't commit them to anything at all.....
  4. HeyYou

    why ?

    Corporate america has owned the government for decades. The Citizens United supreme court decision pretty much assured that was gonna happen. And it did. Both Trump, and Biden are both dinosaurs. Neither should be permitted to run for president. We still have some months before election time though, and who will actually end up as the 'finalists' is yet to be determined. Should be interesting. If Trump runs against Biden, he may actually stand a chance of winning. Anybody else though? (aside from Hilary) and he will lose.
  5. Thank you, I appreciate it. This is an issue that has the potential to disrupt our modding community, so having a clear path forward is really significant at this point. Personally I'd rather have Bethesda tell us no, than simply leave us hanging on this one. I agree. Knowing THEIR policy would go a long way toward resolving this debate... However, Beth just ain't known for being forthcoming on these kinds of issues..... Getting an answer from them is akin to pulling teeth. :D
  6. Any mods that change greygarden? or workshops in general? Can you use other workshops?
  7. Ok, after loading up FO4Edit, loaded in all my mods and then did a search for Radaway. Valdacil's Item Sorter had an error with the effect of Radaway, so I deleted the error file and copied and pasted the unofficial Fallout 4 patch line into Val's, loaded in my game and was able to cure the Radiation then stimpak myself back to health. Thanks HeyYou for pointing me in the right direction, was worried I had to reload all mods again and start a fresh new game, but it seems to be working fine now. Excellent. Glad I was able to help. :D
  8. If you look, most of your user profile folders are now in One Drive. That will tend to annoy a fair few programs. Of course, the whole 'loggin in with a microsoft account' thing isn't something I wanna deal with either, so, I bypass that part of windows setup. Easy on win 10, little more involved on 11.
  9. In the steam library, that is located inside program files If F4 is the only game installed, wouldn't hurt to move it outside the program files directory.
  10. That sounds a lot like a missing master crash.... do you have all the requirements for your mods?
  11. Not seein' anything obvious there..... Might need to open your mods in FO4Edit, and see who/what is affecting either radaway, or radiation in general..... Fair few of your mods though, I have no idea what they do. :D
  12. Depends on what is causing it..... What mods ya runnin'?
  13. They don't always show up in the task bar either... so, minimize all your other windows, and see if there is something hiding. :)
  14. If there aren't any external assets, just upload the esp file. :D
  15. Or post something truly out of line with the guidelines.... Generally, if it is something you could watch at work, it isn't an issue here either. So long as all the important bits are covered... shouldn't be an issue.
  16. LE is a 32 bit application, therefore, even with the large address aware patch, the most ram it can play with is 4gb. SE is a 64 bit app, and can play with as much ram as you feed it. I am not entirely sure how that applies to graphics memory though.
  17. I am not entirely sure what the problem is.... What is that setting supposed to do?
  18. Fallout 4 is a 64 bit application, so it is already "large address aware". If some aspect of enboost isn't working, have you tried reinstalling it?
  19. Vortex is written by the same guy that wrote MO2. :) It automagically deals with load order, and if you need to do some shuffling, it isn't too difficult.....
  20. NMM uses symlinks, or hardlinks, don't need to start the game thru NMM. It also doesn't do anything with ini files the way MO2 does. NMM started using profiles back in version 61, or some such. I remember the change, because I had to reinstall all of my mods again. :D
  21. Well, if you were using Mod Organizer 2, I think you would have to launch the game thru it, for things to work properly. I think.... Does you mod extend FOV? Or aspect ratio on the screen? If it effects FOV, you may be fighting with it.....
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