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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. That one is for Skyrim SE, and requires SKSE64... not sure that'll work in LE.
  2. I don't think Discord will never replace forums. Sure, 'real time' chat has its place, but, there is no history to search, no archive of solved problems, etc. If someone encounters an issue, they have to ask all over again... Imagine if Discord were the only thing available when Morrowind was released.... you would have 3 million people asking about the Dwemer Puzzle box..... instead of being able to search out the answer..... It's my view that Beth did their fans a major disservice when they shut down their forums..... Probably earlier than that, when they migrated to Jive.... (a very appropriately named software package if ever there was one.....) That particular trick was the beginning of the end for the forums. After all, what is a forum that doesn't even support the most basic of formatting code?? I stated then that three teenagers with a zero dollar budget could (and HAVE) done a better job than beths "new" site......
  3. Mods might have helped, but we do not know for certain if it is mods that Bethesda "needs" to provide longevity to sales. Although there is still a sales falloff range, Oblivion is one of those "classic" "must-play" games that has cemented itself deeply into many gaming communities. What I'm saying is, it's considered a timeless classic, which means that people have been and will be buying it for a long time after its initial release date. For a reference of what I'm talking about, just think of Half-Life 2's reputation, and its sales longevity is not tied to mods, but instead reputation. Sure, mods could help; but I wouldn't call it causation to Bethesda needing the modding community to make that happen. Exactly. Thank you for concisely packing that up back there. Beth games seem to sell well regardless. :) Sure, beth doesn't "need" mods to sell there games, but, I would wager it sure doesn't hurt. Morrowind is still out there, and still selling. :) A game that was released more than 20 years ago...... Looking at the sales numbers, Morrowind really started the roll for beth games, and sales numbers jumped dramatically from one game to the next. :) That said, I am still of the opinion that Morrowind was the best game of the TES series..... The story was actually GOOD.
  4. That's vortex talking about its profiles. I am more concerned about if Windows was whining at logon.
  5. I seem to recall that discussion was only a couple of years ago. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Which topic are you referring to - I'm not following you there? THe whole "does beth "need" the modding community" thing. I think that was mostly related to sales though, and given the numbers at the time, I was readily apparent that mods didn't do anything noticeable for sales. Longevity of the game though, yeah. People are still buying Oblivion. :) I haven't seen sales numbers for Morrowind..... I am not even sure it is out there in the world 'new' any more. Valid point. :D
  6. I vaguely recall at least one discussion on this forum (likely in GMAD) about the degree to which modding does actually increase the popularity of Beth's games, the gist of which was that since people who mod their game make up only a small fraction of the total player base, modding doesn't have as much of an effect on popularity as you might think. So I'm sceptical of the claim that Beth relies on the modding community because we don't know to what degree it increases the popularity of the games. It could be fairly negligible. That's not how it works. We have genres such as 'souls-like' and 'rogue-like' precisely because developers take ideas from other games and implement them into their own game or use them as inspiration. And I never used the word 'copied' - you used that term so you could strawman my comment. That doesn't mean they rely on the modding community. They hire from other developers as well. That doesn't mean they rely on other developers. Back when that discussion took place in GMAD, that was true. However, look at what the membership numbers here have done since that time. :) I remember when the topic was 'getting 1 million users'.... today, it's over 40 million. Granted, Nexus supports quite a few games, but, the bulk of the files/downloads are for beth games..... none of the others even come close.
  7. That's gotta be REALLY embarrassing. :D
  8. sorry forgot to quote you directly but vanilla w dlc is working! Cool. So, add your mods one or two at a time, make sure the game starts. Having a 'vanilla' save right before you exit the vault isn't a bad idea. :Dwhy are some mods taking priority over others? for example, start me up, fallsouls, ghoul mask, armorsmith extended and even the mod config menu are ALL being labeled redundant? Does it tell you what makes them redundant???? I've never seen that before.
  9. DId windows talk about a profile error when you logged in by any chance??
  10. Start vortex, click on settings, go to the mods tab, see where Vortex wants the mod staging folder. (MUST be on the same physical drive as the game is installed on.) Go to the downloads tab, see where Vortex wants to put downloads. This can be pretty much anywhere..... I created a specific folder for it on my D drive. But, all of my games are installed on D as well. If you only have one drive, (not the MS version....) Create a new folder somewhere, NOT in the program files directory, and point vortex there. See if that helps.
  11. HeyYou

    why ?

    I have no doubt that the human race will bring about their own downfall, I just wish they would wait until after I was dead. :D (and NOT because of the A bomb going off nearby. :D) I'm sure that's what all the UFOs are about. It's the aliens coming to see if we have killed ourselves off yet. They wanna watch the show. :D
  12. Actually, I think beth DOES rely on the modding community. It increases the popularity of their games, and it is something they talk about on a regular basis. They made a point to state the Starfield was going to be moddable..... Beth takes ideas from mods, and implements them into subsequent games. Yes indeed. It is a great source of ideas for them, because it comes with NO LEGAL LIABILITY. Now, imagine if they 'copied' an idea from another publishers game..... The lawyers would have a field day. Not to mention, Beth has actually HIRED modders. No, I am not talking CC content, I mean HIRED, as in full time employment. :) What better way to give yourself a HUGE talent pool to pick and choose from.
  13. sorry forgot to quote you directly but vanilla w dlc is working! Cool. So, add your mods one or two at a time, make sure the game starts. Having a 'vanilla' save right before you exit the vault isn't a bad idea. :D
  14. Ah... I use a mod that lets me scrap the radioactive barrels..... Maybe they don't die from it for me, since there isn't nearly so much radiation? I don't use companions either..... To much of a hassle.
  15. I suspect that's a missing master crash. Uninstall ALL of your mods. (Vortex has a Purge Mods option) see if JUST the game and DLC's will start.
  16. Thank you for your informative response. I do not have any of those installed. but i will now :smile: I tried vivid fallout before but the radtsorms could not be tunred off even with the "no rad storms" mod when i had visit weathers. I belive the existance of radstorms 200 yrs after anuclear war is just too crazy so I dont want them. Plus my settlers keep walking aroind in them even after I installed the upgraded AI that was suppsoed to fix that. Since i have no way of healing settlers rads that concerned me. So I am running the "nice weather only" mod right now but of course that also reduces realism. Do settlers even take radiation damage from rad storms??? I don't think I have ever lost a settler to radiation.....
  17. It's entirely possible that Comcast has site specific throttling as well....
  18. For beth games, Beths site is the ONLY place console players can get mods. They are locked in there. Only way to use mods from here on console, is to 'jailbreak' (for lack of a better term) the console. A practice which violates all manner of legal agreements the console owner agrees to. Console players also cannot use ANY of the mod management tools common to PC players. So, no OMOD installers, no load order tools, no merged patches/bashed patches, etc. There are a lot of limitations on console modders, that make a significant percentage of mods hosted here unusable on console. Script extender falls into that category as well.
  19. Yeah, let us know what happens. This ISN'T a Vortex problem though. :) Something else is going on.
  20. I think that second one we will see regardless of what the gamers think. :)
  21. I am thinkin' the even if it isn't, the modding community will be crankin' out mods for it..... :D They are notorious for fixing some of beths glaring mistakes.
  22. They're both plugged into the same video card... If I load the game in windowed mode, it will load on the correct monitor.. So do borderless windowed mode, and put it on the correct screen. :)
  23. You are overgeneralizing way too much here. Most of the problems you are complaining about are due to beths site, and bethesdas policies. Which have zero effect on PC gamers. The pc modding community is doing just fine.
  24. Delete the files in my games\fallout 4. Move your saves elsewhere, if you have any.
  25. Try starting the game directly from the F4SE_Loader.exe in the game directory. See if the game starts. Steam should already be running in the background when you try that. still crashes :sad: Do you make it to the main menu?
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