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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. You have ChatGPT running in the background, while the game is running in the foreground so that your game basically "sits on top of" ChatGPT. Thus ChatGPT can "see" the application as it is running. That was my understanding from that video at least. Hhhhmmmm.... Not sure how I feel about allowing an AI to interact with programs running on my computer..... That seems like it would be very easy to abuse.....
  2. I would be real curious what buffout changes that fixes it......
  3. A fair few fences came with Homemaker..... Generally, mods don't combine like that. Do the fences in the other mod work properly?
  4. I would dearly love an option to skip the exit save...... a workaround is to open the pipboy, and then exit the game. It will warn you that exit save is disabled, but, the game will actually exit.....
  5. This forum is for site issues.... If you are having issues with your mod manager, telling us which one you are using would be a really good place to start. :D
  6. Is your staging folder on the same physical drive as the game install? Have you activated your mods?
  7. Open your mod in FO4Edit, and simply delete the precombine/previs data.
  8. I run Scrap Everything. It breaks down precombines ONLY in settlement areas. (just gotta pay attention when installing) Works fine for me, and I don't have issues with CTD.
  9. I think the 'ins" select is from Place Everywhere, isn't it? I have ran into things that I couldn't even select in the console...... or, the point you have to click to select it is REALLY hard to find...... Also, I think if an object is part of a 'combined mesh', that'll give ya trouble too.
  10. I couldn't find Gristle either, but, I have never had a problem in Concord.... Not sure what that is all about. Added by a script maybe??
  11. Did you change any of your mods?
  12. I don't think that even with the correct form ID, it will give you the modified PA that you want. The mods are just keywords, and those don't seem to transfer well. The placeatme, as well as additem, stuff will have random mods on it..... Why the command won't take the form ID of your modified PA though, that's a puzzler. Might be if the ID starts with FF (which implies its from your save game.....) it just doesn't know what to do with it.
  13. I note there are other translations linked on the mods page..... So, apparently, he doesn't have an issue with folks doing them......
  14. So your claim is that when you install something, Vortex lists it in the order you install it? Because that's NOT what it does for me. If I install "leaf.esp" and then install "rock.esp", rock will show up at the top of loadorder & plugins, not under leaf. :huh: Vortex automatically sorts your load order, even as you install more. Load order does NOT equal Install order. Unless/Until you provide the information you have been asked for, numerous times..... no one can help you. If your game loads and plays, then there isn't a problem, and you are tilting at windmills.
  15. As I understand it, loose files take priority over those packed in archives. So, if there is a particular texture that is packed, and being overwritten by a loose file, delete the loose file.....
  16. He has been active as recently as the 26th....... So, he is still around.
  17. Doesn't the latest version of snappy have some angled walls??
  18. I think there is a bug in the tool you are using. Loading ESP files before ESM files guarantees a 'missing master' crash before you even get to the main menu.
  19. Then they will probably work just fine. If there is overlap between them, the one that loads last will be the texture you see.
  20. What does the collection change? What do those mods change? Install order doesn't matter any more with the way Vortex works. It's all about load order. The mod that loads last, wins any conflict.
  21. If you look thru the unmananged games, find skyrim, click on the three dots, then click on "manually set location".
  22. I thought there was a way to manually add a game, or, at least, point Vortex to it.... but, I can't find that option now......
  23. Yep. Vortex is just a mod manager. It doesn't do anything special to launch the game. (unless you tell it to....) If launching via steam works the way you want it to, then just do that. Unless you are shuffling mods, no reason to even start Vortex.
  24. Is Smartbyte software installed on your machine? If it is, get rid of it. have you tried increasing the number of download threads in Vortex??
  25. Microsoft stopped supporting win 7 more than 3 years ago. It IS obsolete.... No reason to stop using it though. :) Only reason I upgraded was the new hardware wasn't compatible with 7. I went right to 10. Windows 8 was terrible. If I wanted a tablet operating system, I would have bought a tablet. :D
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