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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Probably have to look at the scripts for those quests, and see if anything interesting presents itself. That said, Gristle should be hangin' out outside when you first show up in Concorde...... Not really sure why a more spawns mod would change that... I run PANPC, (By Greslin, not on Nexus anymore, gotta join his discord to get it.) and it works perfectly, and I haven't seen any issues with it yet.
  2. I am not a huge Dima fan either. He kinda gets presented with his soothing voice with the well worn meme "civil rights leader for the oppressed" ,snicker, but (well spoilers so I wont post it) Also after a bit I also figured out, he likely he tries to convince just about eveyrone that they are a synth. So not a fan of Dima as a "person", if this was all real, no matter how gentle or trusthworthy he sounds. And of coruse we found out quite abit about him so his goals are still honorable (as far as we know from his own statements) His goals may be honorable, but, his methods certainly aren't...... He is no better than the institute, and uses the same methods....
  3. I could see how if you have multiple games you are dealing with, having all the downloads for mods in one folder would make finding the ones you want interesting, if you had to reinstall a game or two. I like the idea of 'per-game' download folders.
  4. I never bother wearing the CoA garb, and no one even mentions it. Personally, I think their lair would make a GREAT settlement, once they were all gone, of course. :D
  5. Somerville?? I don't recall encountering that one... Gonna have to look it up. :D
  6. So far as I know, the older versions worked just fine as well...... There *might* be some compatibility issue with newer versions of the game though..... but, that's me grasping at straws. :D
  7. Welcome to Nexus. :D You really wanna post this in the New Vegas mod request forum. Go to Game Specific forums -> F -> Fallout: New Vegas -> Mod requests. Yeah, it isn't real obvious, but, you'll get used to it. :D
  8. i have done a speed test in vortex its self and the download speeds went up drastically, however, when i try to download anything its capped at 3 Do you get the same speed via manual download as you do via vortex? Tried using a VPN? Yes, ive tried a VPN and nothing changes, its stuck at 3MB/s and yes i get waaay faster downloads manually Faster from Nexus?? Think I would try logging out of your account with Vortex, give it 20 minutes or so, then log back in. See if anything changes.
  9. Windows looks at the disk in any event at boot, just to see what, if anything, is there. :) Your typical disk drive is mechanical, and works essentially like a record player. Spinning disks and other such like. They are old tech, and most machines are going to solid state drives. NO moving parts. MUCH faster than the old mechanical fellers. There is probably a YouTube vid that explains the differences better than I can in text. :D Fire up Vortex, Select SkyrimSE, (click thru whatever other windows you have to.... and if you don't get any errors that stop you....) go to the mods tab, and in the toolbar above the mods listing, is "Purge Mods". That *should* make it go away. :D Then you can unmanage the game as well. (back on the games tab, click on the three dots on the game, and click on 'unmanage') Theoretically, there is a way to "Reset" Vortex.... but, I don't know what it is, nor do I know where to find that particular option. :D I am just curious why vortex thinks it should be managing a game that ain't there. :D I would expect THAT would toss some interesting errors. :D
  10. i have done a speed test in vortex its self and the download speeds went up drastically, however, when i try to download anything its capped at 3 Do you get the same speed via manual download as you do via vortex? Tried using a VPN?
  11. You get the same speeds doing manual downloads as you do with vortex??
  12. That's why I stick with a heatsink and fan.... nothing to leak. I don't overclock, so no real need for a truly serious cooling system. The heat sink I am using now though, is MONDO. I have zero heat issues on this machine.
  13. Have you tried logging out, and logging back in? (may have to do that with vortex as well....) Increasing the number of download threads Vortex uses? (setting in vortex itself)
  14. Does Vortex start with windows? If it does, tell it not to do that, see if the problems go away. Mechanical or solid state drive? if it's mechanical, might run something like HDDScan on it. (free, standalone, and gives a pretty picture of how your drive is.) If windows, or some app, is trying to hit the drive, and the drive is slow.... the whole PC slows down. (windows will dedicate its life to doing something that it simply cannot do..... get some weird behavior that way. :D ) Can you purge that particular mod from Vortex??
  15. Do you have Oldrim installed? Might have grabbed a mod for SE by mistake? How do you define 'acting weird'? :D
  16. Yea that would be a step to fixing the issue for sure but i don't know enough about Buffout 4 to try to figure out what it did. I have a couple hours in game with several exit to desktops and still no freeze since i installed buffout 4. I think there is a mod called Buffout and one called Buffout 4, the one i installed is buffout 4 I can try to get some logs for you if you want if you have to talent try to figure it out HeyYou. Way beyond my meager skills. :D But, right in the description is this: It fixes engine bugs ..... Apparently, yes, yes it does. :D Don't see where it talks about WHICH engine bugs it address, or how it does so though, but, I didn't go diggin' real deep on that either.
  17. Raiders: Universally 'bad guys'. I kill 'em when I see 'em. Gunners: Pretty much the same as raiders, with better equipment. :) RailRoad: A group of folks that think they are 'helping' synths by essentially killing them first. (mind wipe) BoS: I really don't care for these guys. Their attitude of 'if ya ain't brotherhood, ya ain't nothin'.' really grates on me. And Danse referring to me as 'civilian'?? Good chance that Nate has more combat experience than he does..... but Danse never asks about that..... I build myself a targeting missile launcher (fire and forget) JUST to take out vertibirds..... :D Minutemen: Yep, Preston is annoying. Makes me The General, then orders me about like a private..... Once I take the castle, I banish Preston to there. I will help out settlements when I come across them though. And go see preston if that's what I need to do to collect the experience, and close the quest. I also run a mod that only allows him to give me ONE quest at a time. If I currently have a MM quest, he does NOT give me another. Institute: These folks have a pretty dim view of the surface dwellers.... and how they treat them turns me off in a big, big way. I may not directly confront the institute, (and blow them up....) but, I don't join them either, and synths and such are universally hostile to me, so I have zero problems wiping them out when I find 'em. All that said.... I still think the MM are the best course of action for the commonwealth...... :D
  18. Why would you take out the leveled lists?? I have another mod that makes ALL weapons available at level 1. Makes for a really interesting start to the game. I still see pipe weapons, and vanilla weapons as well. Combine this with PANPC mod, and the wasteland just got a LOT more dangerous. :D What mod is that? This one. Caution: It makes early game MUCH more challenging. :D Combine it with Pack Attack: NPC Edition, and even at normal difficulty, you die a LOT in the early game. :)
  19. That's odd.... Have you tried re-downloading/reinstalling that version of homemaker?
  20. Can you run the uninstaller for Vortex manually? I don't know if that will remove all Vortex data or not.....
  21. I saw that error if I tried to start the game, when steam was NOT running already..... (I don't have steam start with windows.)
  22. Download the full latest version, and run THAT installer. Be sure that Vortex that is currently installed is NOT running.
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