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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. So your claim is that when you install something, Vortex lists it in the order you install it? Because that's NOT what it does for me. If I install "leaf.esp" and then install "rock.esp", rock will show up at the top of loadorder & plugins, not under leaf. :huh: Vortex automatically sorts your load order, even as you install more. Load order does NOT equal Install order. Unless/Until you provide the information you have been asked for, numerous times..... no one can help you. If your game loads and plays, then there isn't a problem, and you are tilting at windmills.
  2. As I understand it, loose files take priority over those packed in archives. So, if there is a particular texture that is packed, and being overwritten by a loose file, delete the loose file.....
  3. He has been active as recently as the 26th....... So, he is still around.
  4. Doesn't the latest version of snappy have some angled walls??
  5. I think there is a bug in the tool you are using. Loading ESP files before ESM files guarantees a 'missing master' crash before you even get to the main menu.
  6. Then they will probably work just fine. If there is overlap between them, the one that loads last will be the texture you see.
  7. What does the collection change? What do those mods change? Install order doesn't matter any more with the way Vortex works. It's all about load order. The mod that loads last, wins any conflict.
  8. If you look thru the unmananged games, find skyrim, click on the three dots, then click on "manually set location".
  9. I thought there was a way to manually add a game, or, at least, point Vortex to it.... but, I can't find that option now......
  10. Yep. Vortex is just a mod manager. It doesn't do anything special to launch the game. (unless you tell it to....) If launching via steam works the way you want it to, then just do that. Unless you are shuffling mods, no reason to even start Vortex.
  11. Is Smartbyte software installed on your machine? If it is, get rid of it. have you tried increasing the number of download threads in Vortex??
  12. Microsoft stopped supporting win 7 more than 3 years ago. It IS obsolete.... No reason to stop using it though. :) Only reason I upgraded was the new hardware wasn't compatible with 7. I went right to 10. Windows 8 was terrible. If I wanted a tablet operating system, I would have bought a tablet. :D
  13. Windows 10 is still supported..... Doesn't run out until October 2025. i didnt say anything about win10 - i was referring to the spate of tickets that arrived the last month or so where people are on win7 or win8 and vortex no longer functions because certain frameworks are no longer viable on out of support OS's. but win10 is fine and will be for some time to come. If MS is prompting him to upgrade to 11, he has at least an 8th gen processor, which won't run windows 7.... might run 8, but, not many folks are still using 8.
  14. Windows 10 is still supported..... Doesn't run out until October 2025.
  15. Skyrim Legendary Edition is 32 bit. That's the flavor that came out back in 2011. SE came out later, and is 64 bit. SKSE is version specific, and the 32 bit flavor won't work with the 64 bit version of the game. Get SKSE from here. Be sure to get the version for your game version. Same goes for SkyUI.
  16. That's a fact. In mutually exclusive ways. Running around in power armor with a fusion core strapped to your back... no problem. Drinking 'cola' heavily infused with isotopes which make you glow in the dark... no problem. Driving a nuclear powered car (without massive shielding)... no problem. Cary 100+ fuses in your backpack... no problem But drinking water (even bottled up water deep inside bunkers) 200 years after, will make you sick & rad-storms are somehow 'a thing'... animals actually immune to it, get 'mutated' (like scorpions), etc.etc. (of course there is the mysterious 'FEV' which can be used to 'explain' some of it) The list of stuff that actually does make sense is way shorter for this 'world', but even though I dislike 'm, at least I can 'suspend' my disbelieve and enjoy a good fantasy game. If at least things make sense within that world, which worked more or less up to FO3 (I can't say a thing about NV, never played it) but for FO4 even that is too much to ask, imho. New Vegas was actually pretty good. I liked it better than FO3.....
  17. Well, they can't even make their own beds...... Driving nails? Notta chance. :D Yeah, the 'people' & world is an absolutely weird parallel universe or something. They have 0 hygiene, live on top of 200+ year corpses and debris (without cleaning an inch.) - (They do have impeccable health & immune systems, as they should all be dead by disease) As said, they build nothing beyond crappy shack's or thents with 200+ year old cloth (which disintegrated long ago, beyond the fallout universe) But somehow they can produce pre-war fine cloth(ing) & bullets... & all that with electricity available! I mean, seriously, let me repeat: these idiots have ELECTRICITY. EVERYWHERE!... They could easily have rebuild ... from day 1 ... (or worst case +25 years) Those cars where nuclear powered, they should all still work, like the rest of the radio's, elevators, heavy machine factories etc. or should at least have been able to provide power. Don't use EMP's as an argument, as the power grid would be most deadly to anything connected. Like radio's, elevators etc. (& they still work ...) Apparently civilization created maintenance free, everlasting factories, machines & power stations, and for 210 years people did NOTHING with it. Well, realistically, after 200 plus years, most of the buildings you see would be gone anyway.... without ANYONE doing ANY maintenance at all, you wouldn't be able to tell downtown boston from a federal game preserve......
  18. Well, 60 years passed between your first wakeup, and the second.... and I thought the rest of the folks died from a malfunction? Or did the institute actually whack 'em dead? (that indeed does NOT make any sense....) So, given the passage of time, and Shawns age when he was taken, he doesn't have a clue who you are. There are no emotional attachments at all. I am not entirely sure he even CARED if you made it out or not..... If that was a major concern, why way half a century to spring you?
  19. Once you have your mods set up, you can start the game thru steam, or, if you are using mods that require F4SE, fire off the FO4_loader.exe file in the game directory. (I think you can also point steam to start that, instead of the game .exe....) If you go for the loader directly, make sure steam is running first.
  20. Or unpack one or more of the archives?
  21. Check the comments section for the mod, see if anyone else has the same problem.
  22. Did you play Fallout 3?? I think it was Veronica that was an intelligent Deathclaw..... :D
  23. Download and install Vortex. Use vortex to download and install mods. :) Don't get carried away though. (way to easy to do so.....) grab one or two, test the game, make sure it still works. Go for some more. :D
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