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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I believe Morrowind was the first game Beth released the Dev Tools for.... and modding really didn't have much of an impact on sales. Now, the game is STILL being played today though, and I do believe that modding is the primary reason for that. But, it wasn't until Beth started offering mods on consoles that I think it REALLY started to pay off for them... Paid Mods 1.0 would have REALLY made some money, but, small, but VERY vocal group nixed that particular idea. Which is really too bad... as modders could have benefited significantly from that as well. Paid Mods 2.0 is ok, but, modders get zero residual income from that..... Great for beth... Ok for modders, probably invisible to players..... except that version 1.0 wold have had significantly more, and arguably better, content......
  2. I would love to see the creation engine be able to fully take advantage of more than two cores..... That would be a DRAMATIC performance increase.
  3. That's a new system? From what I am seeing, that proc came out in 2014, which makes it rather old by computer standards....
  4. Yeah, mod authors come up with some REALLY cool stuff. :) That is why Morrowind, a game that came out in 2001, STILL has an active community modding it. :D
  5. Yeah, that video I think was something like a 300 mile wide rock hitting the ocean? If so, yep, that is a life-ending event. The entire surface of the earth would be wiped clean of EVERYTHING. Some stuff might survive in the deep ocean on the other side of the planet, but, likely not for long.....
  6. Pump yourself full of med-x, to increase your damage resistance. :)
  7. Are you starting the game with the F4SELoader??? (steam needs to be running in the background as well.)
  8. It started with Nixon going to China back in the 70's. Then we had NAFTA, and various other 'free trade' agreements. Of course, all that did was allow china to generate huge amounts of money, which they then spent on their military..... To me, that has "bad plan" written all over it..... but, nobody asked me....
  9. Ok, that's better. :) If you are using F4SE, and any of those mods are plugins for it, MO2 has a habit of not installing them properly. Generally, a manual install will solve that. Most of those though, I have no experience with. :)
  10. Game version seems a bit behind the curve, where did you get it from?
  11. Here is an interesting mod.... may or may not help. The other option is use the console to 'adjust' your stats. player.modav attribute value so, player.modav perception 6 Should bring it back to where it needs to be. And yes, it does accept negative values. :)
  12. Wages here for SKILLED jobs are actually pretty good. My son runs a concrete company, and his workers START at 25 bucks an hour. The problem we have here though, is that most of our good manufacturing jobs all left, and we are now a 'service industry' country. Most of those have historically been low-wage jobs. And then we have McDonalds, and jobs of that nature. Those jobs were NEVER intended to support a family. They are low wage, entry-level jobs, that were expected to be filled by teenagers just getting into the workforce. (and likely still in school....) but, with the mass exportation of manufacturing.... all those factory workers needed to go somewhere. I have no real desire to spend 15 bucks for a meal at McD's, when I can spend just a couple bucks more, and get a REAL meal at a sit-down restaurant, with a nice waitperson.....
  13. Disable any dll mods you may have. (F4SE plugins) See if anything changes. That's gotta be a mod conflict.
  14. Wow. Utilities prices are friggin' stupid there. My electric bill runs around 100 per month. It can run a LOT more if I run my A/C on those hot summer days..... I use propane for heat, and that runs me 1500-2000 per YEAR. It used to be half that..... Then the electric company decided that a 50% rate increase during 'peak' hours was a good idea.... Ouch. That one HURT. So, take pains to reduce usage..... it kinda works. We have homeless as an issue here as well. A lot of 'em have various mental or health issues that prevent them from working..... but, the government isn't in the business of taking care of them..... Some locations spend millions of dollars trying to reduce the problem, but, in typical government fashion, it seems the more they spend, the worse the problem becomes. After all, who wouldn't move from an area where you get nothing, to an area where they give you everything?? But, health care in general leaves a fair bit to be desired here. Too many folks simply can't afford basic care. Sure, there are government programs, and many take advantage of those, but, get a raise at your job? Or get a better job? You suddenly don't qualify any more, even though your income barely went up. And mental health care?? Don't make me laugh. In this country, it's only for the wealthy. And lets not forget, that 'government controlled healthcare' (single payer....) is COMMUNISM!!!! And we certainly can't have that.... :) Of course, our government doesn't handle money, or budgets very well in any event.... just check the 'debt clock' for the US government..... There is a clock that is ever increasing its pace, NEVER stops, and will never, ever, run backwards. How much debt can we accumulate before folks start questioning our ability to EVER pay it back? Or even keep up with the interest payments???? Contrary to what Ronnie Reagan stated, debt DOES matter..... I already believe that is a debt that will never be settled...... Of course, not sure how the world would feel about one of the major economies going bankrupt.... That would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the gears of commerce, now wouldn't it? That said. I do fairly well. I am on disability, due to health issue, and work part time, so I have at least some income. I bought my house when real estate prices had crashed, so, my house payments are cheap, (and include the taxes and insurance) I am a vet, so, my health care is pretty much covered... except dental.... (which I need to address here.... I have been neglecting my teeth too long. :) ) My truck is old, but, it still gets me to where I need to be. It's going into the shop on wednesday for some problems that have annoyed me enough that they need fixed. :) Life is good. :) I ain't rich, in fact, it's likely that my income puts me below poverty level, but, like you, I have a roof over my head that doesn't leak, a warm place to sleep at night, and I don't go hungry. So, it's all good. :D
  15. I see a lotta parrellels there..... :) Here, the 'opposing' partie's sole purpose in life, is to make sure the party in power can't get anything done. Neither side wants the other to be able to claim "We Did That!" and take credit for something.... So, only stupid stuff makes it through. Of course, that does prevent them from doing something truly stupid... for the most part. Personally, I think we should draw lots for those jobs. Short straw gets the job. Whether you want it or not.... :)
  16. Elections here are the same way. Vote for the lesser of the two evils. I want a "None of the Above" option on the ballot. And if that one wins, we scrap all the current candidates, and run it again with new ones. :)
  17. Well, I am actually surprised it was fixed, given the skill level of 'carpenters' available in settlements..... They seem incapable of fixing anything at all.
  18. Yep. To Earth we act like a virus, killing the host. "Luckily" for Earth, we'll die first & it might survive. (But its not impossible we set in motion the 'Marsification' of Earth) Humans would need to change radically in many ways. Too many & radicall I fear. Our "ego", "believes", "emotions", "indifference" & irrational behavior have served us well in the past, but will be our downfall. Once humans are gone, the earth will recover. It has been MUCH hotter, and also MUCH colder in the past. We aren't really changing that, we are only changing the rate it which it changes. What took nature thousands of years, we can accomplish in only a couple centuries. Barring a large asteroid impact, of course. :D No, that's not a given fact. In most cases it is probable, but you can't rule out the destructive potential of humankind. Meaning, we could at one point in time, do something which will (eventually) destroy (ALL life on) Earth. By which I'm not referring to the current 'global warming', or any new ice age. Those would kill a lot, but never all. For that it would require a drastic change to the magnetic field, the atmosphere or Earth's core. (or a big enough asteroid of course, but we can't 'cause' that... well... unless we do :cool: ) Given sufficient time, the Earth will recover. Granted, it might only be cockroaches left alive...... :D Nature is pretty much an unstoppable force. Sure, it might take thousands of years, but, Earth would recover.
  19. Compulsory voting? I don't think that would fly here...... As it is, I think if we get 40% participation, we feel we are doing good..... And then, we have the various folks with their redistricting, and various other nonsense with voting laws, hoping to prevent some segments of the population from voting... and then we have the 'other side', that doesn't even want to require some form of ID to vote...... Theoretically, you have to actually be a citizen to vote, how are the pollsters going to determine that, if they can't ask for ID???? Trust them at the word??? Yeah, right, that'll work out just fine..... And a FINE for NOT voting??? Hhhmmmm..... I have seen some 'stupid government tricks' in my time, but, that one REALLY takes the cake. :D I guess that just shows that public servants the world over are uniformly retarded. :) Mosquitoes really weren't all that bad here this year. But then, it wasn't all that wet either. I used to spray the yard for fleas/ticks/skeeters, but, the wife complained that also got the lightning bugs, and put a stop to that.... Though there have been occasions when we had a wet summer, that she was seriously tempted to have me break out the sprayer. :) Flies aren't too much of a problem... I am surrounded by farmers fields, and they spray on a regular basis, which dramatically reduces the insect population..... Of course, all the bugs fleeing the fields come into my yard... so, for a couple days, going outside can be hazardous to your health. :D Of course, we also have horse flys. These guys are BIG. and they DO bite. Fortunately there aren't many of them..... :)
  20. Yep. To Earth we act like a virus, killing the host. "Luckily" for Earth, we'll die first & it might survive. (But its not impossible we set in motion the 'Marsification' of Earth) Humans would need to change radically in many ways. Too many & radicall I fear. Our "ego", "believes", "emotions", "indifference" & irrational behavior have served us well in the past, but will be our downfall. Once humans are gone, the earth will recover. It has been MUCH hotter, and also MUCH colder in the past. We aren't really changing that, we are only changing the rate it which it changes. What took nature thousands of years, we can accomplish in only a couple centuries. Barring a large asteroid impact, of course. :D
  21. Permissions might be a problem... The author doesn't specify any in that section, and nothing in the description either. He hasn't be around for more than a year.
  22. Yeah, I have very little use for politicians. Of ANY party. They are all equally criminal, liars, thieves, and various other insults. :smile: They campaign on the premise that 'they will be different', and that lasts about a week after they are elected, then, they are just like everyone else there. So, my goal, what little I can contribute.... is to keep a balance. I don't want EITHER party to have complete control of government. That's just a bad idea. I suppose I am just old, and cynical. :smile: I gave up caring what other people thought of me some time ago. It really just doesn't matter. The folks I deal with on a daily basis know who I am, what I am about, and accept me. I don't do public much, I have no real use for it. (that, and I have health issues that complicate matters.... :smile: ) I am perfectly happy hanging out around the house, playin' on my computer, or doing the various things that being a homeowner requires. Currently, I have a dead tree layin' in the yard, that I need to address, but, it's not in the way, winter is coming HARD, so, not real high on the priority list. :smile: Just need to winterize the various equipment, put the batteries on trickle chargers for the winter, and find out if the shop that has one of my tractors has come to any conclusions...... Need to get my truck into the shop as well.... Last time I got gas, a fair bit of it ended up on the ground..... the fill tube has finally rusted to the point that it needs replaced. Need the 4 wheel drive fixed, and see if they can find the misfire I have been experiencing. We havin' fun yet? :D Politicians are of the universal belief that their constituents are idiots, and wouldn't know what to do with the truth, if it jumped out and bit them.... Of course, for the most part, that isn't too far from the truth. I have always been of the belief that here in the US, yeah, we have some pretty bright individuals, but, taken collectively? We got nothin' on a box of rocks. The folks in congress haven't had an approval rating much above 30% for DECADES, yet we continue to put the same do-nothings back in office. It is patently obvious (to me, at least) that our government isn't in the business of doing what is best for the country, they do what is best for THEM. If you ain't rich when you go to congress, you sure are after being there a year or three. Look at Obama.... he was worth maybe a couple hundred thousand, if that, before he went to DC, now, he owns several multi-million dollar properties. He sure didn't get that money from his salary... Where did the rest come from? Yeah, there's a question we will NEVER get an answer to. I am also of the belief that there is some sort of 'field affect' around the washington beltway, that as soon as you enter it, your IQ starts dropping..... That would sure explain some of the utter pap that comes out of there. I really don't expect us to last much longer though. Given some of the stupidity I have seen in various governments, and the sheeple not sayin' boo about it...... the writing is on the wall. If Putin doesn't get us into a nuclear war, and essentially end the human race, politicians in general will be the death of us all. I already see a LOT of parallels with the Roman empire, and their collapse. We are doing a lot of the same things, and I expect the same results. I just not real excited about living thru it, or even living long enough to watch it happen.... Nope. I would much prefer to live my quiet life, and the world can go to hell in a hand basket without me. :D
  23. If you just want to change them once, and be done with it, just fire up the construction set, go to game settings, shuffle things to your liking, and save it as its own esp file. (or, esl for that matter.) If you want to change them dynamically, via script, then yeah, post in the Construction Set forum, and someone there can point you in the right direction. :D
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