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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. DId windows talk about a profile error when you logged in by any chance??
  2. Start vortex, click on settings, go to the mods tab, see where Vortex wants the mod staging folder. (MUST be on the same physical drive as the game is installed on.) Go to the downloads tab, see where Vortex wants to put downloads. This can be pretty much anywhere..... I created a specific folder for it on my D drive. But, all of my games are installed on D as well. If you only have one drive, (not the MS version....) Create a new folder somewhere, NOT in the program files directory, and point vortex there. See if that helps.
  3. HeyYou

    why ?

    I have no doubt that the human race will bring about their own downfall, I just wish they would wait until after I was dead. :D (and NOT because of the A bomb going off nearby. :D) I'm sure that's what all the UFOs are about. It's the aliens coming to see if we have killed ourselves off yet. They wanna watch the show. :D
  4. Actually, I think beth DOES rely on the modding community. It increases the popularity of their games, and it is something they talk about on a regular basis. They made a point to state the Starfield was going to be moddable..... Beth takes ideas from mods, and implements them into subsequent games. Yes indeed. It is a great source of ideas for them, because it comes with NO LEGAL LIABILITY. Now, imagine if they 'copied' an idea from another publishers game..... The lawyers would have a field day. Not to mention, Beth has actually HIRED modders. No, I am not talking CC content, I mean HIRED, as in full time employment. :) What better way to give yourself a HUGE talent pool to pick and choose from.
  5. sorry forgot to quote you directly but vanilla w dlc is working! Cool. So, add your mods one or two at a time, make sure the game starts. Having a 'vanilla' save right before you exit the vault isn't a bad idea. :D
  6. Ah... I use a mod that lets me scrap the radioactive barrels..... Maybe they don't die from it for me, since there isn't nearly so much radiation? I don't use companions either..... To much of a hassle.
  7. I suspect that's a missing master crash. Uninstall ALL of your mods. (Vortex has a Purge Mods option) see if JUST the game and DLC's will start.
  8. Thank you for your informative response. I do not have any of those installed. but i will now :smile: I tried vivid fallout before but the radtsorms could not be tunred off even with the "no rad storms" mod when i had visit weathers. I belive the existance of radstorms 200 yrs after anuclear war is just too crazy so I dont want them. Plus my settlers keep walking aroind in them even after I installed the upgraded AI that was suppsoed to fix that. Since i have no way of healing settlers rads that concerned me. So I am running the "nice weather only" mod right now but of course that also reduces realism. Do settlers even take radiation damage from rad storms??? I don't think I have ever lost a settler to radiation.....
  9. It's entirely possible that Comcast has site specific throttling as well....
  10. For beth games, Beths site is the ONLY place console players can get mods. They are locked in there. Only way to use mods from here on console, is to 'jailbreak' (for lack of a better term) the console. A practice which violates all manner of legal agreements the console owner agrees to. Console players also cannot use ANY of the mod management tools common to PC players. So, no OMOD installers, no load order tools, no merged patches/bashed patches, etc. There are a lot of limitations on console modders, that make a significant percentage of mods hosted here unusable on console. Script extender falls into that category as well.
  11. Yeah, let us know what happens. This ISN'T a Vortex problem though. :) Something else is going on.
  12. I think that second one we will see regardless of what the gamers think. :)
  13. I am thinkin' the even if it isn't, the modding community will be crankin' out mods for it..... :D They are notorious for fixing some of beths glaring mistakes.
  14. They're both plugged into the same video card... If I load the game in windowed mode, it will load on the correct monitor.. So do borderless windowed mode, and put it on the correct screen. :)
  15. You are overgeneralizing way too much here. Most of the problems you are complaining about are due to beths site, and bethesdas policies. Which have zero effect on PC gamers. The pc modding community is doing just fine.
  16. Delete the files in my games\fallout 4. Move your saves elsewhere, if you have any.
  17. Try starting the game directly from the F4SE_Loader.exe in the game directory. See if the game starts. Steam should already be running in the background when you try that. still crashes :sad: Do you make it to the main menu?
  18. Check and see where vortec wants to stash various thing. Downloads folder, staging folder, etc. If one of those paths are wrong, I would expect to see errors of this nature.
  19. Scandals used to be the bane of politicians, yet, here we have Donnie involved in several, and folks STILL support him..... That just boggles the mind. I was hoping that after he lost in 2020, he would just kinda fade from the scene. Guess that was too much to hope for... His ego is to fragile to actually admit defeat, and if he runs again, he will lose again. Doesn't matter who he is running against...... Fair few republicans will vote for an independent, before they will vote for donnie.... and a third party candidate has NEVER won a presidential election here. Donnie will essentially be handing the election to whatever dem candidate happens to be running. Can't say that I am thrilled about another four years of Biden...... NRA IS about gun safety. However, the media won't cover that. The antics of Wayne, and the whole 'guns are evil' crowd will see to that. Heaven forbid anyone say anything nice about guns in general, or gun groups...... That would pretty much end any journalism career. Cancel culture at it's best.
  20. Looks like a bad texture to me. Looks like a bad texture to me. I removed all the skin textures to see if it fixed anything, but the issue was still there. Were you talking about skin textures ? Not sure how they do things in FO4, but, on the older games, the 'stretchy' effect was generally due to a bad texture. Which one that would be, I am not entirely sure.
  21. The NRA advocates for gun safety. No where will you find them advocating guns for toddlers. That's just idiotic. The NRA is about gun safety, and gun rights. Some of their positions may seem extreme, but few of them actually are. Gotta remember, that whole second amendment thing, and the key part the NRA supports "Shall not be infringed"...... Yeah, the whole 'trump follower' thing has me scratching my head as well. Trump has more than adequately demonstrated that he lives in a different reality than the rest of us, and his version bears little resemblance to ours. WHY folks still support him is well beyond my comprehension. I think the republican party is cutting their own throats by supporting him.... But then, I also subscribe to the old adage: "Never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow man."... Here we have a shining example of the truth of that statement.
  22. Try starting the game directly from the F4SE_Loader.exe in the game directory. See if the game starts. Steam should already be running in the background when you try that.
  23. Do you have two different video solutions in your machine? If you have one plugged into an add-on card, and the other plugged into whatever on-board solution the MB may have, I would like to think that simply going into the launcher, and telling it to use the correct video card *should* take care of it.
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