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Everything posted by PoorlyAged

  1. I reference the comments by Todd Howard because there has been so stated change of direction specifically mentioned or even hinted at, so I consider these comments still in effect. I do this because to do otherwise makes every other statement from Bethesda and Zenimax suspect. IE, if I cannot believe one statement, how can I believe any statement? That way lies insanity.
  2. Its not up to Todd Howard. Sorry to ruin your fanboy crush, but he is a creative director. That's it. The money guys steer the ship. This is what I mean by not thinking. MrJoseCuervo uses one name out of context to dismiss the entire comment. Sorry to take a pin to your over inflated ego, but Todd Howard could not say the things he did if the money guys didn't allow it? Or is that little bit of business knowledge beyond MrJoseCuervo's comprehension? But MrJoseCuervo's comment was a success. It has distracted the discussion away from legitimate commentary and moved the discussion onto a side track of idiocy. Which is his intent.
  3. wallowing in end of the world scenarios? hate to say it but you aren't any more certain than the people arguing with you. and some of us are just discussing opinions on what we thing may or may not end up happening. I could get all condescending and say people are naive, but that would be stupid because I have no idea what will happen for sure. However, if people took the time to actually think they would realize that some of the options are more realistic and rational than others. The "creation club gonna kill free modding" crowd do not look at anything but the "Bethesda wanna make money", the "Bethesda gonna stop letting people use the CK" and the "Bethesda gonna squash other modding tools" option. They refuse to see any alternative that would also serve Bethesda's interests. All of these options are of the nose and face variety and have only short term gains. Whereas the "Bethesda is going to keep free mods" folks have some rational basis for their option. Statements by Todd Howard which indicate there will be free mods forever (E3 2015 Fallout 4 announcement). The Creation Club will wither and die without new blood in the pipeline. A small fraction of mod authors will get into the Creation Club, the rest will still be out here making mods. The resume which must be submitted to join the Creation Club requires samples of existing work and existing work cannot happen without the ability to make mods. And finally, Todd Howard told us all that free mods sell games (E3 2015 Fallout 4 announcement). All of these have long term benefits to Bethesda. So yeah, nobody knows for sure. Hell, Zenimax could sell Bethesda to Nintendo tomorrow. Anything is possible, but precious little is probable. So some options have a higher probability of becoming reality than others, and the doom and gloom options come up wanting.
  4. It is not a fact that the Creation Club is the beginning of the end for free mods. It is speculation, and you and others have fixated on this speculation. You and yours have provided no relevant facts to support that speculation and in fact have fabricated sources in support of your speculation. Yet you persist in proclaiming your speculation as "truth". But the truth is that user developed content (mods) makes money for Bethesda by increasing the sales of their games (Todd Howard, E3 2015 Fallout 4 Announcement). It has been estimated that approximately half of those which successfully enter the Creation Club will be "teams and other corporate entities" capable of producing large complex content. For individual mod authors, the best and most generous estimate is that only 15-20% of all mod authors will will be accepted into the Creation Club. The other 80-85% of mod authors will still be out here capable of creating content. Do you honestly believe that Bethesda is stupid enough to cut off a group of literally thousands of authors capable of contributing content which will help to sell their games and increase their revenue source? If you want to fixate on speculation, try this on for size. Where will the future applicants to the Creation Club come from if Bethesda discontinues the Creation Kit and shuts down other mod generating sources? Who will have the experience necessary to successfully apply to the Creation Club making it possible to bring in new blood? Current thinking is that the free modding community will continue to be Bethesda's breeding ground for new talent. It costs Bethesda nothing as these mod authors are self motivated and self educated, bring fresh insights and provide new and imaginative solutions. Bethesda will ENCOURAGE the free modding community as it serves their self interest. How is that for obtuse?
  5. I will agree with only one point. It is irrational to believe that a business which wishes to make a profit would engage in a practice that looses them money. The point that you and others seem to deliberately ignore is that it is equally irrational to believe that a business would abandon an avenue that makes them money. At E3 2015; during the Fallout 4 announcement, Todd Howard said that free content (mods) actually helps sell Bethesda's games and discontinuing the Creation Kit was not in Bethesda's plans. But his simple statement is ignored. Instead we have an overabundance of hand wringing Chicken Little paranoid doom day prophesies.
  6. Fear and paranoia are not imaginary to the person who suffers from them. But fear and paranoia is meaningful only in the realm of the paranoid delusions of the person who believes that the world; or one or more of its major organizations, is conspiring against them personally. These delusions are not real outside of the imagination of the delusional. Further, insistence by the delusional that the world must believe their delusions is one of the symptoms leading to a diagnosis of delusional paranoia. Comparing Sierra Games to Bethesda is the equivalent of comparing Ford Motor Corporation to General Motors Corporation. They are two different and distinct companies that make similar products. The comparison ends there, is meaningless on its face; and proves absolutely nothing. The only thing accomplished by this type of comparison is the fueling of the fantasies which lead to a delusional paranoid conspiracy theory. As for @MrJoseCuervo proving his statement that he is privy to "insider scoop", he will be unwilling and unable to do so. His claim of "inside scoop" is just another transparent self aggrandizing fabrication. This type of fabrication is another symptom which demonstrates a delusional paranoid state. Furthermore, an individual who believes their own fabrications is exhibiting additional symptoms of a delusional paranoid condition. Persons who present with these symptoms should be encouraged to immediately seek help from a mental health professional.
  7. You prove my point. Irrational fear based on wild speculation, imaginary injuries and regurgitated paranoia. Please think before replying. The human brain is meant to be more than filler to prevent our skulls from collapsing.
  8. If I may, please take off the blinkers for a moment. I would like to interject some rational thought. Let's ignore the debate about the quality of Fallout New Vegas for a moment. Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment under a development contract to Bethesda. The Creation Club is just another way for development contracts to be created and developed by people and groups who are not as advanced as Obsidian Entertainment. But the principles are the same. Accepted content developers create content and get paid for their work. The authors will be paid for developing the content at various stages of development. The completed content will be made available to the user community much as DLC is today. In short, the Creation Club is a means by which more downloadable contend can be created and be made available. Nothing more, and nothing less.. Now let me pose a couple of questions. What is the rate at which Bethesda fixes bugs in their game? How many free mods are there which fix bugs in Bethesda's games which never get remedied by the vendor? If nothing else, there will always be a need for mods that fix Bethesda's games. How many established authors are there? How many schlubs like me will never make the cut for the Creation Club? Yet here we are, already developing content for free. And we will continue to make mods. Why? Because it is fun, because it is a challenge or just to exercise 'the little gray cells'. Or just because we want to. The Creation Club will not kill free modding. All of the apocryphal predictions are just irrational fear mongering.
  9. PoorlyAged


    PM one of the admins and explain the situation. They can help you identify accounts with the same IP.
  10. PoorlyAged


    I will echo the "two accounts" comment by @DaddyDirection. It can even happen for two accounts on the same network, so if there are two users in the same household you need to let the admins know. As for uploading, take a chance and just do it. The worse that happens is that you have to report a user for being an <expletive deleted>. But the good always outweighs the bad.
  11. I am getting tired of the apocryphal announcements that Creation Club will kill free mods. CC is no more or no less than Bethesda contracting with established mod authors to create content. Free mods will still exist because (a) not every pitch will be accepted and (b) there will still be need for patches as Bethesda does a poor job of fixing their bugs. Now, which is better? Game play and story are pretty much identical, just the visuals are better. The 64 bit engine seemed more stable, but that is just my opinion. Lastly, Bethesda is already moving away from Oldrim and LE and pushing SE. So in terms of future support, SE is the way to go. Mods for SE are in limited supply, and mods from the other versions are considered incompatible. Saves are not portable and the SKSE64 is not ready, so mods which require the Script Extender are going to be late in porting. Final answer, if you want mods now then Oldrim. If you are willing to wait, SE.
  12. If you want mods for SE which are dependent on the script extender, you are going to have to wait for SKSE64; which is in the works. Just be aware that not all mods will be ported to SE even after SKSE64 is available. As for transferring "stuff" from Oldrim to SE, there are no options available and it is highly discouraged. Several have posted that the 32 bit data from Oldrim will crash or kill SE. So if your desire to recreate your Oldrim experience in SE, your only option is patience. As for me, I have uninstalled Oldrim and it's CK. I do not intend to go back. I will keep futzing with Fallout 4 until SE has more tools and services available for mod making.
  13. You're really beginning to stretch the definition of RPG. While it is a broad term that can encompass many types of "RPG's" - a standard Mario game would certainly not qualify. I think you may have missed the point. The definition of "RPG" is so imprecise and nebulous that the appellation can be (and is) stretched to cover a whole host of disparate games. In the end, what is or isn't a RPG is pretty much left up to the players preferences, imagination and opinion.
  14. The i's have it. Welcome. My advice is simple. Start small. Find a piece in the game or a mod that does kinda what you want and learn the techniques. There are a plethora of YouTube videos that can help. Just google the game and what you want to do. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions frequently.
  15. Not necessarily true. There is a quest path using the MM which leaves both the BoS and the RR intact after destroying the Institute.
  16. Six months ago, I was a user like you who decided as you have. Now I have published several mods and am working on more. It is not as difficult to do simple things as some would have you believe. Don't be discouraged.
  17. When you have guests arriving tomorrow and you wake up from a sound sleep convinced you need to find some prewar money to get the cloth needed to craft another bed.
  18. I absolutely do. Huts, beds, food, water, turrets, done. And the first four are only if they are truly needed by the folks already there. I don't even put up a beacon unless the game insists. The only settlement location I invest in is the Nuka World Red Rocket. Perimeter walls made from warehouse foundation blocks, electronic doors, elevators, and a four story glass palace atop the coolant station which is connected to the perimeter walls via walkways. My home sans settlers with some noisy neighbor up the hill.
  19. Pick a game. Find a mod you like and have fun. Or... If you can't find a mod which meets your requirements, make one of your own. That's fun too. Either way, welcome.
  20. Dog. No! Wait! Cat. Whew, the wife left. Dog, definitely dog.
  21. Welcome. As a neophyte myself, I can only tell you what I did. I found mods I liked and tried to take them apart to see how they worked. Or I would find something in the game which was kind of like I wanted to do and see how it was done. Trial and err, stumble and stand. Just start simple and work up from there. There are also some very good tutorials on YouTube. Just google what you want to do. Again, welcome.
  22. @Etheron asked for your sources and was dismissed, so I am asking again. What are your sources for the statement that Google is an " active enemies of a free and open internet"?
  23. Or just delving into other peoples mods to see how they did something is also a great way to learn.
  24. I seem to remember that it was possible to make a skill "legendary" and start training in that skill again and thus leveling a character forever.
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