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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Yes, you can buy a property (Look under Misc Features in the list.), but if this is land or just houses is uncertain.


    If, by properties they mean land, that would be awesome, and, well, if they mean houses, it would still be awesome! :P

  2. Using Google Translate, this is what I got:




    Legendary role-playing saga started almost twenty years ago, The Elder Scrolls we return at the end of the year with a new episode called The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Announced last December, and remained relatively quiet since then, the next big title developed by Bethesda Softworks to be discovered in a non-playable version unfortunately at a recent exhibition line-up of the publisher. Impressions cold.


    Winter is coming

    Forget the green plains of Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim takes place in Tamriel's far north over two hundred years after the events of the last chapter of the series. While many political and social changes have taken place during this ellipse, the most important is undoubtedly the reappearance of dragons, we will have the opportunity to confront and cross over our adventures. The presence of giant reptiles fire-eaters will be at the center of the frame of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim since our protagonist is quickly discover a link with large creatures that can be exploited to access an ancient power.


    Able to decipher the ancient language of dragons, we can actually learn from the "screams" special that will allow us in particular to slow time, to teleport or to repel the enemy. Each of these calls (a score should be available over time) may also be used at three power levels increasing, given that more advanced versions will obviously magnified effects but also a cooldown so much more. As we can not honestly through the world screaming for all our problems, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim we also propose to fight using weapons typical of the fantasy (the ax arc through the stick magic bullet eater) and a wide range of spells.


    To use these tools more "classic", it will actually choose independently an element to be placed in the right hand and another in the left hand. It can then transfer to the eternal combination of the shield on one side and the sword in the other, or rather to prepare a good fireball in one hand while it churns a mass of weapons of another, or even downright play Archmage spells by placing two (different or similar) in the hollow of each of our Mimine. Find the combination that suits more to our style of play and / or the various situations encountered in play will obviously be of major importance to avoid ending up impaled on the blade of an enemy.


    Throw a dash of ice in the feces of a bandit launched at full load for the slow down before him a taste of our big sword is always impresses. Combine two spells equipped to give birth to a landfill even more powerful magic too. Lovers of archery will also have the opportunity to play the snipers, especially as we were promised that ranged weapons will be particularly powerful in the game (probably because they use our hands and therefore prevent equip something else). Use a spell of rage on an enemy that beats its allies before him stick an arrow in the head is a little class.


    Of course, it will activate a minimum to discover and develop our capabilities in combat with a skill system slightly revised for the occasion. While it is always about getting better in a domain using the corresponding capacity (killing people with swords makes for example the best sword fight), we now discover a number of unlockable perks for by skill enrich our methods of combat. A follower of the defense shield could unlock such a good shot to stick as a shield in the teeth of the enemy, lovers axes eventually get a chance to inflict open wounds to the progressive damage on their enemies and shooters elite will be able to slow down the time whenever they encochent an arrow on his bow. Something to give lessons to the enemy crossed the path of glory, although some of them have other priorities than to attack us, like a giant cross during the presentation and simply indifferent to our passing.


    The Dragon Reborn

    Members of the bestiary will also not alone in having their own agenda as a small detour to a village corner has shown us that the local population lived his life quietly. Merchants, artisans and workers were busy in their respective workshops without necessarily considering our hero as an attraction more exciting than their work. The team has promised us the game in passing that it would be possible to interact with virtually all tools and other workstations of the game, just to earn some money by improvising lumberjack or rotting economy sabotaging the local mill village.


    During this walk, our hero ended up hearing about a robbery at a shop nearby that foreshadowed a hunt for bandits necessarily interesting from a financial point of view. The object was stolen from a mysterious dragon claw solid gold of inestimable sentimental value (or almost) for our new employer. Party in the mountains in pursuit of the robbers, were discovered when the weather system dynamics The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with snow that had settled quietly on the surrounding rocks. The attention to detail in the sets also did not stop there, because we could glimpse a few salmon up a river busy during our walk.


    Once at the summit, the time had unfortunately to exploration since a blissful big dragon was perched at the entrance to the temple where our target was hiding. Rather fierce, the beast came to rest with a crash on the facies of our hero, who tried as best they could to repel the assault dodging some big jets of flame before taking refuge inside the temple ruins. Courageous but not foolhardy, the snowman. In the dark, damp corridors of the ruin, we discovered the infiltration system of play (organized around a stealth indicator displayed at the top of the screen) but also some puzzles which the developers did not elaborate, unfortunately . After having killed a few bandits and knocked a giant spider, we finally found the thief of the dragon claw hung like a piñata in the fabric of our latest victim.


    Not necessarily thrilled at the prospect of being arrested, the bandit took to their heels immediately released, which is not really a great idea when you are chased by a guy with a bow. Finally recovered, the gold dragon claw actually allowed to open an ancient tomb in the ruined temple and find an entry in the language of dragons on the wall. It was an opportunity to recover one of the famous "shouting" out of the game and the surface to finish our battle against the dragon met earlier. Particularly agile, the big lizard did not hesitate to play roller coaster in the air before the ground attack us all claws and balls of fire outside.


    Finally vanquished, he could then be "absorbed" by our hero in a scene reminiscent of the famous great quickening of the Highlander franchise, which should also have major consequences but still unknown to our hero. And that was the end of our first journey into the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Before leaving the team game, we still learned a few additional information, such as the presence of a system of enchantments for our weapons, the possibility of playing first or third person or the use of streaming for loading areas of the game's budding criminals will be delighted to learn that it is possible to get out of a sticky situation by eliminating all the witnesses present at the scene of our crime and former players of Oblivion rejoice the disappearance of AutoLevel in favor of a scaling system to Fallout 3. Add to that the presence of a real political system taking into account the different laws in each area and the possibility for the player to get his own house and you get a game that looks decidedly rich. See you in November to begin the hunt for dragons.




    It's not a great translation, but you get the point.^^

  3. and what does that mean? new scripting language?


    It means:

    Most likely more functionality, hence making the game have cooler effects and a lot of good stuff.

    Modders will have to learn new things, if not a whole new language, at least new commands will have to be learned.

  4. A very good question, indeed! :)

    I guess archery will have it too, but I am eager to see how it works out!


    And about the perk trees:

    It seems every skill will have it's own perk tree, and each tree consist of 10-20 perks (With a total of 280 I think was said earlier, but this may have been lowered...)

  5. So we know there's still encumbrance, still don't know how they're going to decide who can carry more weight without attributes though.Maybe it'll be dependent on stamina, or level?


    I guess we'll see some Fallout-style on that one, where perks govern how much you can carry.



    And about the execution of the player:



    search (ctrl+f) for Execution. :)

  6. The author of that article compared Fallout and Skyrim a little too much I think.

    It's stated that Perks and leveling are very similar to Fallout 3, and I guess he draw the assumption that the level cap is the same as well...


    And yes, there is a sort of hard cap at 70-75, as there's no more skills to progress anymore.

  7. Yeah, I know - I was just speculating about the bats... They may be enemies, but I think they are an effect. :)


    All perks belong to a archetype, and not skill I believe they said. As the perks are chosen in the stars, where the three birthsigns are shown (Mage, Warrior, Thief).

    This lets them add more interesting perks, as they are not bound to the specific skills. And you know, a perk is confirmed that makes your footstep sound lighter.

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