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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I think there may be some new information here, most notably that something named "Wilbur" will be your pet that helps you in fights. Less significantly, the starting town is called Riverwood.


    This is that French page we were trying to translate, translated.

    That is the Norwegian page that we DID translate. (And I must say my translation is better than that one, as it seems they have been using Google Translate^^)



    As for the new information:

    - "Throat, one of the places in the game, will require the player to ascend 7,000 steps to reach it’s peak." I am pretty sure the real name of this place is High Hrothgar.^^


    - "Wilbur will be your pet that will help you in fights." - This will most likely be an optional pet, like the ones in Fallout.


    So, there's not really anything new apart from the pet, as we already know Riverwood is the first town you arrive in. :)


    So, I hope GamingBolt will be better to categorize "new info" during E3. ;)

    Can't wait for E3! :D Though I think I will have to skip school so I can keep this thread updated during it. :P

  2. I could go on and on, but whatever. The moral of the story is if you've got a fantastic piece of art with potential, the goal is to improve it and realize that potential, not s*** out another copy to make some cash. As far as I'm concerned, Bethesda is just another douche baggy corporation looking to make more money, not necessarily about creating something inspiring. Skyrim is going to suck, just as morrwind was a prettier daggerfall with watered down gameplay and oblivion was morrowind with watered down gameplay, and fallout 3 was oblivion with watered down gameplay, no doubt about it, Skyrim is going to be fallout 3 with watered down gameplay. Eventually all great games turn into Call of Duty, just look at Resident Evil.


    If Bethesda had been just another douche baggy corporation just wanting to make money, they would do like Activision, releasing a new game in one series every year, not releasing a new game in the series every 6 year...


    Morrowind was a refined version of Daggerfall - removing all redundant features, and replacing them with new ones that ultimately would make it a better game for it's time.


    Yes, 6 years, which should give them less of an excuse to screw it up, instead they sat around during that time improving the graphics and released the same game with LESS features, therefore, douchebags. A lot of those features were redundant, however, they were only redundant for not being utilized correctly, for instance, the language system. In daggerfall it was pretty much pointless, though I saw where they were going with it. Next game they jammed all of them into speechcraft, and pretty much randomized the whole thing. That's not an improvement, that's just plain laziness. And yes, it's lazy, because if one person can throw together something 100x better (which has happened so many times), then I'm sure a team of college educated professionals "in the biz" should be able to handle it.


    Improving the graphics, as this was what people were looking for these days. You can't blame a company for doing what the players want.

    That is exactly why they are douchebags. Give the people what they want is just another way of saying "I'm not creative enough to make something original, I'll just go ahead and do what's safe". This is exactly why mainstream gaming, movies and music blows, this is exactly why politics are useless, and exactly why religion has such a firm grasp on this world. I understand that a company needs to make money, but that's no excuse to take something good and rape it. Companies like them are perfectly capable of having their cake and eating it too. Have a team specifically to create crap that people will buy just because it's there and it's simple for the common idiot, while the rest of the people work on the masterpiece, simple concept, but in this country it's all about profit. Why have a set up like that when you can have 2 teams finishing products for pure profit? It's an addiction to power, and an addiction to money, and you can rationalize it all you want, but they are douchebags and I will not support them (like it even matters).


    Well, the thing is:

    Your douchebags might be someone's heroes.

    Your bad game is most likely the best game ever made for another.

    Your definition of screwed up might be someone's definition of great.


    Where am I going with this? Well, everyone have different opinions about things, and nothing is plain bad, screwed up, good or great!

    So, I'm just going to pretend there's an "imo" at the end of your rant, okay? :)

  3. The thing is, we hear rumors from other races, saying that the Black Marsh is so bad, but we don't really know for sure. :)

    Sure, it has "poisons, plagues, uninhabitable swampy areas, and more that would tear up a dandy little Breton", but as we learn from The Infernal City, it is habitable by other races as well, though some places might be inaccessible without the use of magic by other races. But hey, that's just a challenge - the other races will have to use magic to get past it. Some people might then say: "But then Argonians are too powerful compared to other races", but really, shouldn't the Argonians have a bonus in their home? Just like the Nords should have bonuses that makes them more suitable in Skyrim than other races. :)


    Care to translate it? ;)


    EDIT: Until it's translated for real, Google Translate gives us this (Do NOT take Google Translations as cannon!):


    During a recent interview that some new information regarding the next iteration of the Elder Scrolls saga have been made.


    First, about the places we shall have to visit during the adventure, the development team wanted to make the environment "more organic" and create several "blocks" in its midst. Todd Howard - Executive Producer at Bethesda - explains that there will be several such types of caves. Some will be invaded by foam while others will be more ice caves. One of these ice caves will be found even within a very imperial. In all, there will be five or six places truly distinct from each other with "a lot of variations even within each of them."


    Howard then addressed the theme of the loot that we collect on our way. "We've changed," he said before adding, "sometimes we want to give a specific object that will help you in the area where you are. Sometimes you get random objects matched to the area where you are, like in Fallout 3. " The enemy obviously let down a whole bunch of different objects as well in previous games developer.


    The side of character development, Skyrim offer you a choice of three trees of evolution where you must use your points to some improvements to increase your abilities.


    "You put points in skills, allowing you to select a variety of special attacks," said Howard. "It's basically a classic skill tree, there are just certain conditions before you can unlock certain skills." He added that the use of joysticks on the controller will exit various combos up to choose which direction you want to hit the enemy with your sword.


    We also learn that we will meet the boats on our way, but it will probably not be possible to direct them.


    In the possibilities offered by the game, we announced recently that it will not be possible to use the dragon as a mount. When the game comes out it will actually not the case, but Howard does not close the door on that idea and still regards it as possible thereafter, include in a future update / future DLC. Admit that the idea is still rather tempting, no?


    To recap, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is expected for a far too distant November 11.


  5. I think Elsweyr, or Black Marsh would have been good choices. Fallout 3 received a lot of positive reviews due to the fact that it was an arid, unforgiving wasteland, which Elsweyr as it's a desert has the same potential. Black Marsh has a lot of potential as little is known about it. I hated traversing the Jerall Mountains and snowy areas around Bruma, etc. It was just the same boring thing, and there's a possibility the whole of Skyrim will be the same, but hopefully not.


    It's already been confirmed that it won't only be snow - it will be around 6 unique terrain types, ranging from snowy to green, lush landscape. :)


    I know, I heard that aswell, but it's going to be a lot more snow than green. I'm guessing it's going to be the opposite of Cyrodil, which had one snowy area and the rest was green/forest.


    I think it's going to be the opposite of Cyrodiil as well - It will have unique landscapes! :D

  6. I think Elsweyr, or Black Marsh would have been good choices. Fallout 3 received a lot of positive reviews due to the fact that it was an arid, unforgiving wasteland, which Elsweyr as it's a desert has the same potential. Black Marsh has a lot of potential as little is known about it. I hated traversing the Jerall Mountains and snowy areas around Bruma, etc. It was just the same boring thing, and there's a possibility the whole of Skyrim will be the same, but hopefully not.


    It's already been confirmed that it won't only be snow - it will be around 6 unique terrain types, ranging from snowy to green, lush landscape. :)

  7. I do think that in the screenshot there, the player is just about to cast a fireball, and therefore it looks like that. I don't think you run around like that.


    And yes, that in the background is a ruined tower. You can see the stone bridge to it on the right side, and a wooden stairs going upwards on the left side, as well as a wooden fence on the top. :)

  8. I could go on and on, but whatever. The moral of the story is if you've got a fantastic piece of art with potential, the goal is to improve it and realize that potential, not s*** out another copy to make some cash. As far as I'm concerned, Bethesda is just another douche baggy corporation looking to make more money, not necessarily about creating something inspiring. Skyrim is going to suck, just as morrwind was a prettier daggerfall with watered down gameplay and oblivion was morrowind with watered down gameplay, and fallout 3 was oblivion with watered down gameplay, no doubt about it, Skyrim is going to be fallout 3 with watered down gameplay. Eventually all great games turn into Call of Duty, just look at Resident Evil.


    If Bethesda had been just another douche baggy corporation just wanting to make money, they would do like Activision, releasing a new game in one series every year, not releasing a new game in the series every 6 year...


    Morrowind was a refined version of Daggerfall - removing all redundant features, and replacing them with new ones that ultimately would make it a better game for it's time.

    Oblivion was a refined version of Morrowind - Improving the graphics, as this was what people were looking for these days. You can't blame a company for doing what the players want.

  9. Why do game devs keep removing RPG elements? That's the reason I didn't like Fable 3...


    I don't see any removed RPG elements...


    You play the role of a character.

    You customize your character.

    You evolve your character.

    They're all there! ;)




    And yes, they remove some things, but at the same time, they add new stuff.

    People always say: "They're dumbing it down!", but how can they dumb it down when removing features that people are used to, while adding new ones that people are not used to? Not replacing the old features and systems would be dumbing it down, as people already know those...

  10. I totally agree with you!


    A level-less system where you learn moves from masters of the trade, by swinging your sword enough and reading about it. Pretty much like it is in TES, but without the levels! Things should evolve naturally, making it a more immerse (imo, as immersion is a subjective thing...) and realistic!


    The problem about such a system is that it would be hard to balance, and especially hard to make fun for the majority of players. Leveling up gives a sense of achievement, which many players needs for the game to be any fun. There are other ways of giving that sense of achievement, but leveling up is by far the most efficient and simplest one of them.

  11. Is it me or has people lost the general point of RPGs? :confused:


    There are no "general points" of RPGs - RPG is so much, and really have no true definition, other than that you develop your character.


    But the definition of roleplay is to go into the role of another character, which is true for so to say every game, RPG or not.^^

  12. Well, wouldn't it just be to create a new category for TESNexus, where Daggerfall mods are uploaded?


    That would be the easiest, cheapest and most practical solution for hosting Daggerfall mods. :)

  13. Also, some people requests to be banned because they are leaving - their mods shouldn't automatically be removed, as this may not be their wish - this may also be the case with banned people. Even if they are no longer allowed to come here, they may still want their mods to be here.


    It's better if the banned modder asks for their mods to be removed, as it is now. This does actually give more control to the modder than if the mod is automatically removed! Automatic removal of mods from banned modders gives NO control to them!

  14. But good post and I understand, however I disagree with your acrobatics thing to be honest I wondering why people have the run away mentality instead of fixing things this disturbs me.


    Yeah, I don't really like the removal of the skill as a whole, but rather that than sticking to the old system. :)

    Should rather have balanced it out though.

  15. Yeah, about that Ub3r - How's it coming along? :D


    And while the competition runs, there is also a competition to create articles for the Nexus Wiki, with some prizes. I just wanted to throw it out here now, since it's been so little activity there. (And I suck at writing articles...)

  16. I really wanted this in their "you're not classing, your whatever you want to be after you find out what everything does."


    This means Stam could feed into melee, Magicka into casters, Health to healing type casters I'm guessing, or another approach to heavier melee.


    They just got rid of the BS, gave you the three to choose from, and from there using the sub-classes you specify what it is you want. This would mean those singular things are probably feeding more into different things that were originally split into the removed things like Strength.


    It looks like polishing a dinner menu, just adjusting what category the things are under and putting in them in the places they should be.


    The quantity of talents doesn't relate to the quality of the talents for those of you who are worried they're just taking them out to making it easier. It is easier, but not to appeal the masses, it's easier because Bethesda probably believes it should have been easier from the start rather than what it was.


    I like the comparison with a dinner menu! Every good restaurant polishes their menus and shortens them, along with improving the ones they keep. Bethesda is doing the same thing - removing redundant or unnecessary features, and polishing and improving the remaining ones, leaving us with a cleaner and most likely better game. :)

  17. I'm not just worried, I'm disgusted.


    There's no such thing as easier access AND more in depth.


    The only thing it does is make it more understandable for people that have never played an RPG.


    I don't understand why they would import the WoW tree system. It just doesn't fit at all.

    There is no WoW Tree system. If you think WoW was the first game to use talent trees, then I guess you are among the ones who have never played a true RPG... :P

    Besides, in Skyrim, there is a Perk Tree for every skill, which means 18 trees, if not more, as there might be something like a "general" tree. (It's the same as in Fallout, only that now you can actually see which perks you can choose later when you pick a perk.)


    And, yes, you can make something easier to access, but still give it more depth.


    Actually, doing the math and other things this system will not work as it does not work on paper. Most of the time anything that does not work well on paper will not work in practice. This is not organic as it very straight forward and very limiting, you will be at the mercy of the game and it has a very large margin of error. While there is a small chance it could work, but it leaves me worried at the fact if it messed up the game will feel shallow, less never equals more ever. The lack of skills is why i am worried lack of decent attribute system invisible or visible is also disturbing considering things like dex. Lets just hope Perks work like Feats in pen and paper. But thanks for the responses both sides have good points well have to wait and see sadly I not getting this game on launch I want to wait and see how it works (sorry to many games have been bad and I cannot return computer games *looks at Dragon Age 2*)

    What's your source that this doesn't work on paper?

    And I can't say it's very straight forward, as there's so many possibilities with perks, and you have to choose wisely which perks to pick, as you can't even have every perk!

    I don't see where this "lack of skills" is coming from? They have removed Mysticism, and placed every spell from it into other schools of magic, so there's not really anything missing there. And they have removed Athletics and acrobatics, which really didn't have much use as skills, as, well, who doesn't run or jump? Those skills were also too overpowered, as you could jump to places where enemies could not reach you very early in the game, or outrun anyone even when running backwards, also early in the game.


    I understand the skepticism though, as there's been too many poorly made games lately. *Looks at Dragon Age 2 and Gothic 4*

  18. The creature in the trailer is a troll, not a werewolf.


    They are still messing with how werewolves should look, and if they should be in the game at all, so they wouldn't show it yet, and most likely, they couldn't have shown it yet, as it's not done. ;)


    But yes, I want werewolves that walks on two legs, but runs & sprints on four! :)

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