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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Acrobatics/Athletics is out.


    What?! When did this happen?! You're joking, right? THAT'S NOT FUNNY! :wallbash:


    Seriously, though, I hope that doesn't mean we all run at the same speed, at the very least, let the races have a difference in speed!

    Perks affect Running/Swimming speed and Jumping height, and I think Racial Traits does this as well. (Khajiits runs faster, Argonians swims faster, etc.) - If racial traits don't, I'll make a mod for it the instant I find out! :P


    This was on Eurogamer:


    The door slowly opens and you go up another tumbledown stone staircase, through a cave - startled by floods of bats - and into a beautiful cavern where shafts of light and bustling waterfalls surround an altar, of sorts, where some ancient writing is illuminated.


    Bats confirmed?

    I think that is bats as an environmental effect or something - just a bunch of bats flying past you. :)

  2. Ya i know, hes got all the info, but i like to read all the devs have to give us XD


    Can someone tell me all the info that is known on the begining of the story (does our character know who the last blade is or does he randomly save him)

    The bottom of the OP, there you'll find all the sources. The 14 or so last ones are the new articles. :)



    Hey Zaldiir, does it say who else is doing the voice acting? I can't seem to find that part.

    It just says there's a few more, but not who.


    I am also worried. Doing it this way means that all those values ( magicka regen, max carry weight, resistances (physical, magic, poison...), spell power, etc) will have to be regulated by traits instead. That is, if they can be custumized at all. Too me, this sounds like the worst news yet. Either this change lets us spend all the traits on things attribute points used to do, or it means that they drastically reduced the amount of character builds by not letting us change those values at all.

    If my higly educated elf's schorching fireball does as much damage as Joe Swordarm's does than I will be really dissapointed. If I have to spend lots of trait point to change it, then that might be just as dissapoiting.

    You can choose perks which will affect all the things attributes affected (+ more), and fireball damage will still be governed by Destruction, just like before. :)


    Hm... Maybe races will still have their own traits to determine what kinds of boosts you get?



    And there's a chance the acrobatics/athletics skill will let you jump and run higher and faster.


    And the spells, I'm sure the magic skills will play a part as well, considering a guy who favors hack'n'slash won't be able to cast a master-leveled fireball.

    Acrobatics/Athletics is out. The reason for this is because they are both skills that affect everyone, no matter what type of character they play - thus they are a little redundant. Well, apart from people who roleplay, but hey, roleplaying games aren't for roleplaying!

    But more seriously, I agree with Todd on the removal of those skills, as I chose those skills just because I didn't want to run slow or jump low, and they were just skills that "were there", and not skills that I cared much about. And they also make leveling too easy, as those are used all the time, and the skill in them increases all the time.


    And I guess it's the same as before, with racial traits governing some stuff in the beginning.

  3. - We now have 3 attributes: Health, Magicka and Stamina

    - Lots of voice actors, and more famous voice actors than Max Von Sydow.

    - It's now confirmed that you can dual-wield spells to make some kind of "ultra-spell".

    - Some more on the economic: If you decide to destroy a local lumber mill, you'll find it results in a shortage of wooden objects such as arrows in nearby shops. You probably shouldn't destroy the lumber mill, then. Alternatively, you could chop some wood for the lumber mill, which will earn you a bit of cash.

    - You will never receive an explanation why you, in the beginning of the game, are going to be executed.

  4. "The menus are pure sex, basically. The crisp, floating text, tiered menus and full 3D renderings of every inventory item is light years ahead of the fugly boxes and fuzzy, endless lists of Oblivion and Fallout 3. Seriously: these may be the best-looking in-game menus in history." - Rock Paper Shotgun


    To the doubters of the menu system: is this enough for you? :P

  5. Good work on the issue Rob! :)

    I noticed the MySQL errors earlier today, but I figured it was something that would soon be fixed, and as always, yes it was! ;)


    And a big thank you to the guys at Krystal as well! If I'm ever in need of hosting, I'll go straight to you!


    Stupid kid who thought he would get back in with a DDos attack on the site! If I know Rob right, he'll never get back here, that's for sure - and that serves him right!

    And I agree with XTR3M368, do NOT sink as low as him by attacking his site as well, people! (I know Rob agrees with us as well on this one.)

  6. I still stand by my suggestion of separated comment boxes for Endorsements and other feedback.


    When clicking "Add a comment", the new window could appear, with one comment-box open, and a checkbox for "Endorse this file" (or something), and when that is clicked, a new comment-box appears beneath the other one, where you can post your endorsement if wanted.

  7. No they did not, And the norwegian guy is partially right but vikings didn't come from Norway originally they came from the Whole northern continent known as Scandinavia which means Norway, Sweden and Finland. The vikings were also the first to discover Canada, they called it Vinland. Just something interesting.

    Scandinavia is Norway, Sweden and Denmark... :P

    But yes, you are right, Vikings came from the northern part, which is as you say, Norway, Sweden and Finland.


    ... Even though we all know that the "good" vikings came from sweden...

    Weeell, Norway and Sweden were practically the same back then, so we cold probably argue about that all night long. :P

  8. It has not been confirmed yet.


    But, they are working on it, that I know. Todd Howard has said that they are playing around with the idea, and seeing if it works out good, and if it does, it'll make it into the game.

  9. nice to hear i have one suggestion ( or several ) implant a option that you can save the description like a textfile or simple html page ( text has my preference ) and here is the difficult one ask the modders to name their files like the description as it would help enormous ( you probably now the problem )


    great work with setting up this site and keep up the good work(the site seemed very professional to me and very clear to my eyes and mind)


    What do you mean by "save the description like a textfile or simple html page ( text has my preference )" ? I really don't get what your point is...


    And I don't get your other suggestion either.^^

    "ask the modders to name their files like the description" - How can we name our mod like our description? I think that would be a long name in some cases. :P

  10. has it been confirmed that finishing moves will differ depending on the area which you hit your target on (if u slice his head , it hopefully wont stab him in the chest )


    That's interesting...where did you find it?


    Uhm, I think that was a question Auriana.. :P


    But to answer it, no, it has not been confirmed, but I guess it will differ. :)

  11. Okay, thanks. (Hate it when people I don't follow asks questions to Pete, then the answer won't show up on the front page^^)


    Hopefully, the new info will cover some of the stuff we have been speculating about. (i.e mounts, what type of carriage-system we'll see, Armor separation for shoulders/hands/feet, etc)

  12. "When can we expect some more Skyrim news Pete?" "Next week." From Pete Hines.


    Thanks Camonna! :) (Where did you ask him by the way? I see it's not on Twitter.)

    I'll be on the lookout all next week then (Got Easter Vacation as well, so plenty of time^^)

  13. Immersion is how well you are pulled into the world, and if it works for you, while Realism is more "Does this work in real life?" or "How does this really look in real life?"


    Or, to use the true definitions:

    Immersion: a state of immersed, which means to involve deeply.

    Realism: the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is.

  14. agreed zaldir. even though it would be beneficial it would break down the realism of the game. and the realism is the backbone of this great game.


    An Elder Scrolls game based on realism? No, surely not! :happy:


    In my opinion, there is a difference between immersion and realism. I feel that it would be immersive if you used magic to boost your speed up, but not if you could run that fast normally (well, except maybe for a Khajiit - they are cats after all).


    Yeah, that's what I mean as well.

    Realism can be put slightly to side in TES, but Immersion should be prioritized above most other.


    And yes, Khajiits should have a faster running speed naturally, as well as Argonians having a faster swimming speed naturally. :) (Not like in Oblivion, where that speed could be reached by Imperials as well. It should be a speed that NO other race could match when maxed out.)

  15. I'd say the best way to get your kid not to do something, is by taking their computer for a while. As caught into the computer as kids are today, that is the best method! They'll practically do anything you say to get it back! (Or, if you don't give them any means of getting it back, they'll do things you don't want them to do to get it back though - so it can backfire on you^^)
  16. As many have said, common sense is no longer common, and has become "rare sense" instead.


    I may be young, but I still think I've got this rare sense, so it's not all of us who have lost that! :P

    That said, piracy has become a daily business of many youngsters, and few think of it even as something bad, as it's just "what they do". Sad, but true: Most young people just don't care...

  17. What about having two forms when submitting a comment/Endorsement. One for technical and one for general endorsements. Both will show up when posting, but they will be separated on different topics.


    Something as simple as this: EXAMPLE (Yeah, I know - I suck at editing^^)


    And then each one of those could be optional, and you can choose to write in both, one, or even none, if you're only giving a positive endorsement

  18. Eh, I wouldn't mind if they got rid of horses. Once I reached 100 speed, I could travel just about anywhere as quick as a horse.


    I'd rather have horses, and a decreased running speed for the character... Being able to run as fast as a horse is just stupid, and it breaks immersion down to nothing.

  19. Horses seems to be in as they are shown in the trailer, but mountable horses are still not confirmed.


    And remember, Skyrim is not all mountain (as you can see in the screens), so horses would be a good way of transport in some areas. And they have confirmed some sort of Carriage system, which would most likely be horses. (If not mammoths lol^^)

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