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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I am so hype for this. I shouldn't be, though, considering all the lies that Bethesda made about Oblivion.


    It was more about functionality and time, than about lying I think.

    Devs doesn't get anything from lying to the buyers, but often there is no time to include some features, and some times the features are just not functioning well enough to be in the game, and are therefore taken out.

  2. Apart from that OXM Interview, there hasn't been anything new... :/


    Everyone should watch the Skyrim Insight video even if you know everything already. It gave me some more... insight... into Skyrim even when I know so much. :P

  3. That is most definitely a sign from the Nines Lon!


    I'm gonna leave my car as... oh wait, I don't drive.. well, I'll be leaving everything behind when I set out on the great journey in Skyrim! :P

  4. I didn't say that.


    Those who make the child mods are not pedophiles or sick in the head.

    Those who make slutty clothes for them, is most likely.


    But what you did, was referring to the authors of the child mods and the authors of the clothes mod as one, whom they are not.

    So we agree on the authors of the slutty clothes, but not on the authors of the child mods, basically :)

  5. Also, you cannot blame the author if somebody misuses his mod.


    nah i think they're using the mods the same way as the author. if you think that im saying that people who make child mods and half naked armor and clothes for them are pedophiles or sick in the head. your right thats what i am saying.


    All I can say tot that post is, lol!


    You're saying that anyone who wants to have kids in the game are pedophiles or sick in the head?!?

    I guess that makes Bethesda Softworks either sick in the head or pedophile then...


    YOu know, there's a lot of reasons to want kids in the game, besides being pedophile. If you can't see that, I guess that makes you, to use your own words; sick in the head...


    so your saying Bethesda makes half naked armor and clothes for the child race? thats what your saying right but i just think you misread what i said.


    Then I think you misread LadyMilla's post, as I think she was talking about the authors of the child mods.


    And you did actually say that those who make the child mods are pedophiles as well... reread your own post...

  6. Also, you cannot blame the author if somebody misuses his mod.


    nah i think they're using the mods the same way as the author. if you think that im saying that people who make child mods and half naked armor and clothes for them are pedophiles or sick in the head. your right thats what i am saying.


    All I can say tot that post is, lol!


    You're saying that anyone who wants to have kids in the game are pedophiles or sick in the head?!?

    I guess that makes Bethesda Softworks either sick in the head or pedophile then...


    YOu know, there's a lot of reasons to want kids in the game, besides being pedophile. If you can't see that, I guess that makes you, to use your own words; sick in the head...

  7. Kingdom of Elereth

    Total Conversion Mod

    A new total conversion mod, featuring a whole new land, with a medieval Theme.

    Help the good king of Elereth to wipe out the Rebels, pillaging the land!


    New Creatures

    New, and interesting creatures! From new animals to foul monsters!



    It will feature many, interesting quests. As well as a long and intriguing Main Quest, there are hours worth of play with side quests in the war-torn Elereth!


    Unique Characters

    Characters with a real personality and background. No character will look alike, and everyone will have their own unique personality.


    New Factions

    Join the King's army in the fight against the rebels!

    Also other join-able factions besides the Main Quest. (Trading Companies, wizard faction, etc)

  8. I doubt you'll actually be able to make your character appear as a child. Bethesda doesn't want to get in trouble for putting children into the game because there will obviously be violence against them at some point. I still think you'll have the age slider as was in Oblivion, though.


    Still, child characters would be nice. Maybe they'll make it easier for modders to implement.


    There are children in the game. :)

    And since they are present, making it possible to play them is piece of cake. :P

  9. Did they cover that in that interview? I haven't listened to it yet.


    Yes, they did :)


    Here is the preview by the way!


    And I find this sentence quite odd:

    Oblivion was the commercial hit the series always deserved, but it’s also a game you can rarely mention without hearing someone’s top three gripes about it. A lot of Skyrim’s features are direct responses to those complaints, but a few almost seem intentionally defiant. If you were hoping they’d scrap the system where you level up a skill the more you use it, for example, you’ll find they’ve done the opposite – more on that later.

    Was anyone hoping they'd scrape that?? That's like, one of the definitions of a TES Game! That is TES...

  10. ...


    ^ Some of the new stuff in the recent preview.


    More like old stuff in the new preview.. :P

    Thanks for sharing nonetheless.

    And to those uncertain about that Mysticism part: Mysticism as an School of Magic (ability) is gone, but it's spells remains. The spells are now scattered across the other Schools of Magic.

  11. The only speculation I can give you at the moment, with the information we got, is that the requirements won't be much higher than the Fallout Games. However, it will probably be a little higher, as the Fallout games didn't utilize the full power of the Xbox (and definitely not the PS3) and the GameBryo has always (with Bethesda Games) had some performance issues, which may have been fixed with the new engine. So I would say very close to the Fallout Games, but a little higher.


    This is if they are not making a different version for the PC, with better graphics (as they should, and I have a feeling they will), then the requirements will be quite a bit higher, and you will have to wait for some texture pack with lower-res textures.

  12. Also biologically correct beast races, with the elongated ankles.


    Well, biological correct beast races will be in no matter what. Bethesda are the ones deciding what's biological correct with them. (There are many different beast races - many different khajiits for instance, and some have the same biological (outer) features as human races.)

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