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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. That was before the IGN interview, so that was probably some of the new info Pete Hines told me about, but hopefully there will be more, and from what he said, there should be more than just a single interview.

    I'll see what I can get out of him. ;)

  2. to do that without having a list:


    1. Leave the search Field blank.

    2. Select the category "All Dragon Age 2 Files".

    3. Organize by Endorsements / Downloads - Descending.


    And you got yourself a top list, just like the top 100 list. :)

    Of course, you don't have the "Most endorsed files in the last two weeks" and all those options, so having a separate list would probably be best, but in the meantime, the solution I wrote should be enough. :)

  3. Stripped the post of any info that might be speculation, and of those which there are no longer sources for. (Some sources seems to have disappeared, probably because of it being false.)
  4. Yeah, you can only get up to level 100 in any skill (if it's like before), so since you need a set amount of skill level-ups to level up, there is actually a level-cap. (But until we know for sure what the skill-level-cap is, and how many skill level-ups you need to level up, we can't estimate that cap.)

    But 75 seems like a reasonable number when 50 is the soft-cap. :)

  5. As people have said: There will be a soft level-cap at 50, and after that you will level up at a slower rate, and without receiving any perks.

    You can also continue playing after beating the main-quest. :) (Bethesda has learned^^)

  6. Yeah, I had little time yesterday, so I only updated some things and in brackets^^

    And it also seems I messed up the update date (That or I unconsciously went forward in time...)


    I'll update the post with everything new that was in the interview now. :)

  7. I never said I wasn't bothered by it, I simply said that in-depth, the lore is very good.

    The point you brought up is one of the flaws on the surface of the game. Yes, it bothers me that they did that to the armor, but go beyond the armor, and into the story of characters, places, etc and you will find the depth of Oblivion.

    But we are clearly not looking for the same things in The Elder Scrolls games, so there's really no point in discussing it further.

    (We are also moving quite off-topic^^)

  8. No. If you get into the depths of Vanilla Oblivion, you find mangled Lore and absurd changes to make the game more 'console-friendly', and oversimplification.


    Those absurd changes are what you see on the surface, not in the depths

    What do we have "in-depth", apart from mangled lore, a broken scaling system, a generic storyline? I'm genuinely curious.


    Exactly what about the TES lore in Oblivion is spoiled to you?

    If you read the books, listen to the NPCs stories, you'll realize that the lore is very good!


    Broken Scaling System, that's not in-depth, generic storyline is not in-depth either - that's just the main quest, which, yes I agree with you is not so great. good, but not great.

    There's many other interesting quests to find around the world, with good background-stories.


    But this all depend on what you like about a game. If you're not interested in the lore of a gameworld, you won't look for these things, and then Oblivion might seem to be a dull game, as all TES games needs the lore to be great.

  9. No. If you get into the depths of Vanilla Oblivion, you find mangled Lore and absurd changes to make the game more 'console-friendly', and oversimplification.


    Those absurd changes are what you see on the surface, not in the depths, but yes, I agree with you that they did a few bad changes for the PC-users to get more customers. But they did get a lot of X-box players, which means more money for them, which means that the next game will have more quality features. (i.e more voice actors, more music)

  10. yggdrasil, I don't understand what you mean.


    [Merged Feedback] = Thumbs Up/Down + Comment + Bug Report + Troubleshooting

    This is basically what it is now. :P


    And are you saying that you should HAVE to vote to be able to comment, because that would not be a good thing. Giving feedback shouldn't require you to give a vote.

  11. There is a reason it is listed as #3 best game of all time... :P

    By who?


    Oblivion is a weak and shallow excuse for an Elder Scrolls game without mods. Everything is handed to you from the start, and the level scaling system was broken from the start.


    The reason why many people thinks it's shallow is because they don't bother going to the depths of it, because on the surface it looks shallow. (Just like in a pond, if it looks shallow, you don't bother diving in it...)


    If you go into the depths of Oblivion, you will find everything that defines a good TES game; interesting characters and stories, a rich and detailed lore!

    It's just that the atmosphere of the game isn't like Morrowind, where everything was a little alien to everyone, whereas Oblivion seemed too realistic in it's atmosphere, everything was so normal - on the surface.


    It was rated #3 best by PCGamer. (The panel of judges consisted of 22 people, so it's not some bs.)

    This was this year though, last year it was #6.

  12. I am so hype for this. I shouldn't be, though, considering all the lies that Bethesda made about Oblivion.


    It was more about functionality and time, than about lying I think.

    Devs doesn't get anything from lying to the buyers, but often there is no time to include some features, and some times the features are just not functioning well enough to be in the game, and are therefore taken out.

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