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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. This sounds Awesome! :D


    I have grown so fond of the Nexus, that reading this gave me the same excitement as Skyrim did! :)

    Not so odd as it seems, as without the Nexus, I wouldn't still be modding at all. (Planet Elder Scrolls..? pfft!)


    Really looking forward to the changes on the sites, and the fact that you are making it easier for modders as well!

  2. Woah whats with all the titles? I throw a vote for no titles, and everyone is equal.


    I don't think we're going to use titles, but having someone in charge of some things is a good thing. The titles are now being used just to know who's what to begin with.

  3. @Argo; QC is the trader, and would be the logical choice for chief of economy, so I vote for you as chief of Expansion.

    And have him use his influence to push his personal political agenda? :P Just kidding. I thought everyone was allowed to set up a shop if they wanted, though.


    Maybe allow people to sell stuff on a small basis, but we should have only one specific trader, who sells practically anything. That is my opinion of course.

  4. I second QC in the counsel. The Trader needs to be a member of the counsel, as he is in charge of the economical flow.


    And I would, after some consideration, like to be the chief of Defense in the city.



    @Argo; QC is the trader, and would be the logical choice for chief of economy, so I vote for you as chief of Expansion.

  5. We would definitely just have the land system inside the city walls, while keeping everything outside free.


    Though there should be some limit as to how close to the city one can build. i.e building a house 2 blocks away from the city walls would be no-no, but building it 20 blocks away is fine..?



    I would very much like to be in charge of Mining in the Counsel. This would mean I would be in charge of where people can mine inside the city walls, and keep people from mining into others' territory.

    And/Or Defense, as I enjoy building walls, as some might have noticed on our first world, and a little on our second world. :P

  6. Okay, having a city-counsel built up by the most active (and trustworthy) players would be a great way to organize things.

    Then the counsel divides the city between the members, and people will buy land from the respective owner of the land. And the counsel members are responsible for their own parts of the city, keeping it even more organized.



    This is starting to sound more and more awesome, as we're creating a good city with it's own society with structure!

  7. How about those who build the city technicly own it and then separate the land within themselves who then can sell it for diamonds or gold or money.


    As in having different districts in the city, owned by different people?

    That would work, and remove the threat of one person becoming way to powerful.

  8. Buying and Earning land inside the city would be awesome, and as Argo said, add another level of challenge.


    To make this work though, the whole city would need to be protected, and then when someone buys land, the protection of the land they bought will change to the person who bought it. (Hope this is possible, without too much trouble!)

    I would also note that having only one trader (at least to begin with) would be best, as that keeps it organized and easier to use the economy system with less loopholes to riches. Then if the city expands very much, another trader could emerge.


    And ub3r, be sure to make the outlining of the city a lot bigger than our last city was, as after a while, we'll need all the space we can get. We don't necessarily have to use all that space to start with, and can construct walls around a smaller part of the outline, and as we expand, we could make another level of walls around the new area.

  9. That was a good read, Rob! :D


    I appreciate everything you've done with these sites, and I am also very impressed! With basic knowledge on the matter, you started a Morrowind mod site, and now, you're running 4 Mod Hosting Sites and a huge forum! :)

    I'll donate once I turn 18, be sure of that! :thumbsup:


    ... oh, and; nice way to get more people to get Premium^^

  10. I just got home from skiing (with no internet o_O ), and was hoping for a lot of new information, but.. apart from Tiny lampe's overlooked info, there's nothing..


    So, for everyone's amusement, watch the

  11. I'll wait for the Collector's Edition before I pre-order. :)


    They have never offered any bonus items in-game for any TES games, and it doesn't look like they're doing that now either.

  12. I'm sorry to everyone who thought I worked for Bethesda Softworks. It was a bad joke played on Stardusk in the chat, which I thought would be harmless and did never intended it to come out like this. Stardusk, I'm sorry...




    Well, now when that's out of the way, some new Fan Art was added to Bethblog yesterday: (It looks really cool!)



  13. The only thing I can say with certainty is that there are horses in the game, but more than that I do not know.


    When creating your character, you will be able to adjust height, muscle-build (thin, fat, muscular, etc), and some more. The slides from Oblivion have been taken away, and you now have only the specific slides for your look, and not tons of different slides that affect the same things.


    Thanks for the reply, and i wish you and all your fellow associates good luck with the mounts.. that's one of the toughest things to create.. unique realistic mounts for the terrain you have to deal with.


    * maybe mounts could depend on your race? that would be pretty cool...like each race gets their own unique mount.



    Wth is up with people acting like Zaldiir or other members of the forum are Bethesda employees LOL!

    I'm as amazed as you! :P

    Can't say I don't like it though - it is my dream to be a Bethesda employee.. :)

  14. Yes, of course you will!

    You can edit the muscle-build of your face as well. You can have a "fat" face, a thin face, and anything in between. You can also customize your beard, so, in short: Skyrim has more customization, but less slides. (Many of Oblivions slides was unnecessary..)

    Skin Tone can also be customized of course.



    What's your source on that?


    An Interview with Todd Howard (GI?). He said that there are more customization, but less slides.

  15. Yes, of course you will!

    You can edit the muscle-build of your face as well. You can have a "fat" face, a thin face, and anything in between. You can also customize your beard, so, in short: Skyrim has more customization, but less slides. (Many of Oblivions slides was unnecessary..)

    Skin Tone can also be customized of course.




    Pete Hines' answer to what improvements that have been made to horses, and if there are any new mounts:

    "@Zaldir We'll let you know once we're done messing with that aspect."


    So they are still working on mounts, bur horses are in. :)

  16. The only thing I can say with certainty is that there are horses in the game, but more than that I do not know.


    When creating your character, you will be able to adjust height, muscle-build (thin, fat, muscular, etc), and some more. The slides from Oblivion have been taken away, and you now have only the specific slides for your look, and not tons of different slides that affect the same things.

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