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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. At everyone else: There is a reason why Beth refers to it as the "Oblivion Engine" and not the "Gamebryo Engine" and it's because Gamebryo is nothing more than a renderer and a file format included with a suite of 3rd party middleware (Havok, speedtree, etc..). The file structure, the game mechanics, the cell structure, the weather, the lighting and all of that functionality that is present in the CS and in fact the CS itself, it's all Bethesda's creation which was either derived from middleware, made from scratch or has been steadily built upon since Morrowind.


    You are absolutely right! And this time around, they're not using SpeedTree either, but are actually creating the trees by hand. :D yay!

  2. Sorry to join the ranks of haters, but while the graphics looks improved the overall setting is pretty unremarkable. I mean, how diverse a game could it be fixed in the North? I loved Oblivion for the lush greenery, but it also had cold Burma and swampy Leyawin. Hopefully i am wrong, but it just appears to be more of a story-driven game rather than an open world inviting exploration.


    I really think you should watch the trailer before stating it can't be diverse because it's in the north... (Also, you should visit one of the northern countries - Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, Finland, etc - they are very diverse in landscape )

    The trailer shows lots of places that are far from snowy. (Click my Skyrim sig to watch it)

  3. Well, also from the same Article as CC posted:


    "We then rewrote all the major graphics and gameplay systems including lighting, shadows, level of detail, animation, interface, scripting, dialogue, quest systems, melee, magic, and more." - Todd Howard



    It says rewrote, and not updated - and that's a lot of features that was rewritten (it also says "and more".).

    So basically, it's a new engine. :P

  4. I wonder when they will let us see an actual in game dragon...I'd bet they are gona let that one wait for a while.


    Anyways, between every month to 2 months seems like a good pace to me. Im sure we will hear something soon.


    Those dragons in the trailer have actually been confirmed to be in-game dragons.

    It seems they are using the same/similar cut-scenes as in Dragon Age, where you saw actual game graphics in the cut-scenes, and not some cinematic stuff.

  5. No idea...

    They've been hanging is waiting for quite some time now, and the activity on Skyrim Related Topics/Sites have decreased a lot lately (Especially on the Bethesda Forums!), so they got to release something soon to keep people interested! (Apart from fans of course, who will be interested no matter what, like me^^)

  6. Nothing, except that they are quite certain there will be one. (Either Todd or Pete who said it.)


    I (or someone else obviously) will inform people about it here, as soon as we know more. :)

  7. Every game that has been used on the Oblivion engine, has ALWAYS become massively unstable late into the game. Sometimes, I'd wished that Oblivion and Fallout were on the same Engine as Half Life 2 - Amazingly stable, and not really requiring the need for mods.


    First, there's nothing like an "Oblivion Engine". The TES Games and Fallout Games have been running on the GameBryo Engine.

    But now, there's a totally new engine being used, made in-house at Bethesda Softworks, and not by someone else (Which was the case with GameBryo).

    So don't worry about the "Oblivion Engine". :)

  8. Well, you can post screenshots of mods not hosted here, but which are hosted on Planet Elder Scrolls, right?


    We run the same policy over there, and delete mods that contain ripped content. (meaning, ripped content aren't even approved when uploading, as we check them out before they are visible to the public. And if not found then, they are usually reported very quickly.)

  9. open cites have been confimed


    Could you link to a source to this? (I have only read speculations about this.)

    It's not that I don't trust your words on it, but I need sources before I put things up on the OP. :)

  10. Well, at least it should be toggle-able. I for one would NOT want my character to be voiced.


    And yes, there are very few voices in Oblivion, and for that, Bethesda has received thousands by thousands of complaints... ^^

  11. If they were to make the character talk back, they would need to make 20 different voices for each race/gender.

    Then, based on what kind of character it is...


    The Elder Scrolls series is THE series where you can actually be who you want to be, and not be some specific person, with a specific look/sound/personality, and I hope it stays that way.

    So no voice please...

  12. I would love to join this project as a Level Designer and/or Quest Designer.


    We could also incorporate this to Tamriel Rebuilt, as it's basically the same, just for a new engine.

  13. MSE is good enough for that. It spots most threats.

    AVG is better at spotting new threats though, and some others are probably even better. But I've been running MSE since it was pre-released, with nothing else, and I've had no problems.

  14. I thought about not sharing this with you guys, as I REALLY want that poster^^

    Well, I hear they are removing any PES staff from the draw and any Hall-o-Famers will get their name added multiple times over in the drawing. lol


    eh heh.. hehe.. ha-ha-ha...

    not funny.. at all! :P


    I think I'm just gonna remove all other posts from that draw^^

    I think they may suspect it was me though, when only I am left...

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