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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. @arroya - Don't worry about this Dante, this isn't anywhere near your problem.
  2. The link is broken? Damn. I'll relink it. I can't seem to find the MCM setting for it, although I don't have the problem in my game, but yeah I did have my money on that too.. EDIT: here, new link, photobucket this time: http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w489/ssmb_92/New%20Vegas%20pics%20for%20mods/NV%20pics/2013-04-05_00004_zps29e14b68.jpg
  3. Just trying to help someone get rid of this, I know it's probably from PN, Advanced Recon or something like that, but it just won't go away, no perks, no apparel, no implants, no special effects at all. Just looking for a quick answer to disable it. Kudos to the first answerer that's on the money XD EDIT - NEW LINK: http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w489/ssmb_92/New%20Vegas%20pics%20for%20mods/NV%20pics/2013-04-05_00004_zps29e14b68.jpg As mentioned below, can't find the MCM setting or pin it to any item, at least in my own game, but the guy that has it has a very similar LO to me and I helped him build it, and he can't find it either.
  4. Implying Fallout 3's "Find dad" is any better. Oh well, as for my opinion, have Obsidian write the game. That's all I want. hahaha seems there's some very mixed opinions about the stories of both games compared LMAO. Me personally, I judge them for each game individually, I'd say they are both okay, but NV is much better in terms of options and politics, I think FO3 lacked that, but I consider FO3 as more of a story of one person than a whole nation. @JontheHero: Bring on Xfire and 6-core support! I'd love to see support for my 3960X, hell yes!
  5. On any heavy weapon that is automatic, if you stop firing then try to fire again immediately 9/10 times the gun will be silent. This is a game bug where the sounds won't kick in again until the full animation of he weapon (Wind up and down) has completed. On the minigun it is most notable. However you say no animations , just sounds? Perhaps you have modded the minigun and the animation file is missing or broken, or is not specified correctly in your merged/manual patch. Or you played with the NIF and removed the animations (doubt that cos you didn't say lol). Either way, the sounds is not a problem, just a game bug, but the animations not playing is a worry.
  6. If ENB has a DLL still in the install directory then yeah it still has an effect. I think it is unwise of you to choose to stop using uHUD, maybe not so much oHUD or others but if you stopped using uHUD then you will only have more troubles if you install any mods that alter the HUD/menu xml files (at least any that uHUD supports. I'd like you to post an LO please. As for ENB and uHUD, well ENB can give you graphic oddities and weird FPS drops if you still have the dll files as you said, especially d3d9.dll. As for uHUD, well if there was a problem with your HUD install then the game would crash or hang at startup. Can't really think of anything off the top of my head atm (5.30am where I am, nearly falling asleep here lol). Post an LO and some more info about any alterations you have made to the pipboy and/or menus.
  7. Did you add any music of your own to the game? And what mods are you using that either add or change radio stations and/or background/combat music?
  8. Wouldn't that be a strange scenarion, 2 Fallout releases within a small time frame lol. I think Urquhart was more fantasizing over the idea of a sequel than "hinting" it. I would really like to see another take of NV from them, hopefully they nail it next time, if indeed there ever is a next time. Couldn't agree more on the vehicles though, wouldn't it be brilliant, especially if you can make them rare and the fuel too.... So you'd have to hold on to that vehicle with your life lol. I hope Bethesda have had a look at my thread here lol.
  9. Probably you should report this to the moderators as a site bug. Probably the mod is not synchronized to all the servers. Either that or you may be inflicted by the virus that's getting around that cancels out your dl's and tried to give you a file called Nexusmods.exe. Report it to the moderators anyway :).
  10. i just replied to your other thread about this, possibly you have your FPSClamp turned on. Please post as much info as possible when asking for support, such as what special files you might have installed such as the DX9 fix.
  11. One cause of lipsync appearing desynced is having our FPS clamp set to something other than 0 like 60, but your frames being under that. Dunno if this is 100% related to your problem, you didn't post much info about the mod you're having trouble with, Silent Hill I believe?
  12. MyDocuments/MyGames/FalloutNV/FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout.ini. You could also delete FalloutDefault.ini in the game directory. Not sure if it will help you to get your card recognized though.
  13. Yeah you are running out of address space. This is the reason why NV crashes after you install Ojo Bueno texture pack.
  14. I really hope they do get their act together. Bethesda on the other hand need to wake up to themselves and realize that their games are in dire need of improvement, and as of Skyrim, i'd say they still can't get it right XD (don't mind me I'm just not a fan of Skyrim lol.) There should be a petition to get Obsidian to work on the game again. Mainly because of that silly 140 mod limit.... Doubt it would ever happen now though.
  15. Tried Fallout Mod Manager? - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36901
  16. LOL thanks for the kind words, I just try to help where I can :). Shame we couldn't totally fix this problem though :(. I do have one more suggestion, probably should have said this ages ago lol, but you should try another keyboard to see if the problem persists. If you can, get one that needs it's own driver, something specialized. That way you could really narrow the problem down to the OS. Other than that though I guess you could just stick to a scripted object. Let me know if you end up finding the problem, i'd really like to know so that I may help others if necessary :).
  17. Sounds like one of your background programs keeps trying to switch to the front over NV. Did you try alt-tabbing? Most times alt-tabbing will crash the game though, without the fake fullscreen mods anyway, so don't be alarmed if it crashes, but see if it dos anything for you anyway. Other than that maybe try disabling mouse acceleration, use NV Configator to do this easily.
  18. You are receiving assistance XD Whatever mod you added, or perhaps any other mod you may have added recently, has overridden the factional data or script which the perk ref's and requires. or the mod has completely changed that perk, I doubt that though. To fix, you will need to use FNVedit, find that perk and see what it is conflicting with :).
  19. Looks right to me, and I use the Python version too. There is some confusion over which version of Python to be using, make sure it is 2.7 or you will have weird problems. I believe you can get the appropriate version at Oblivion's Wrye Bash page. What your supposed to do to make a bashed patch is highlight your entire load order and right click, select "Mark Mergeable" and then wait til a little list appears, click okay, then right click on Based Patch.esp and select "rebulid patch", when the menu appears, tick every box that has a mod listed but do not tick the sections "INI tweaks" or "in game tweaks", they are just for playing around with but are not needed.
  20. You could yes, though it would still be kinda annoying having this bug. Idk, I could only pin it to being a dodgy driver or hardware problem, but if none of the normal fixes work.... I hate these kind of bugs :( Yeah I suppose that would be the quick option then :).
  21. Sounds like "terminal save game disease" to me now you've mentioned that :(. So is there no way a mod caused a conflict in any way?
  22. Dear god, AV to maximum security, AES-256 Encryption for me XD. No seriously, this is terrible, what bastard would target our beloved site? Hunt them down and burn them is what I say to them mob XD
  23. tried resurrecting her via console yet? other than that this just sounds like one of those odd bugs you get with certain quests everytime you start a new save lol, it's like winning the lottery as to what will f*#@ up next XD. That or you may have some conflict in your mods, idk :)
  24. Is archive invalidation set correctly? If so you may want to try reinstalling your weapon mods, at least which ever ones touch the hunting rifle mesh/texture. Or you could check in FNVedit if a mod is in need of patching.
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