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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. If you right click "File" (in the column just above the load order but under the tabs you see) there is the the option to unhide your mods. If you want to troubleshoot mods better without hiding your esps/esms all the time you may want to try "auto-ghosting", tick that in the same context menu where "unhide" is and your mods will ghost when they are inactive so they don't affect the game. Alternatively you can just right click a mod and select ghost but it is better in general to ghost all your mods so that the game doesn't read them anyway. If you don't know what ghosting is all it does is add the extension ".ghost" to any inactive mods. This is great for keeping under the 140 mod "Magic threshold" where the game starts to corrupt everything, as the game does read inactive esps/esms. EDIT: And to confirm just ffs, blove is dead on the money, the folder your looking for is in the steamapps/common folder, called New vegas mods. Not that you will need it if you follow the mentioned methods in Wrye :smile:.
  2. DLCs are out of order, they need to be in order of release i,e DM, HH, OWB, LR, GRA and then the preorder pack would like to be in alphabetical order. Perhaps it would be simpler for you to just run the BOSS tool to sort your LO. Find it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999 You will more than likely find your problem will go away, although once you do sort your LO, I suggest you go somewhere quiet in game and wait 4 days straight, (4x 24hrs). This will reset all the cells and lists and ensure it's running as normal (as can be). I also recommend you look into how to make a merged patch, google FNVedit Training guide for more info on that one.
  3. Eating Fiends with my Vertibird
  4. I wouldn't say this is unusual at my friend, but what does help is a very clean merged patch. Whilst the best method for making one is Wrye, one still has to manually patch their game in order to achieve perfection (well it's never perfect, but perfect is really just a point of view). From experience, I was able to decrease loading times in saves by manually patching my game, which was an effort indeed. However you will always get longer load times from an in game load or death load, due to the previous game having to be unloaded in most cases. It's a problem if it doesn't unload the last game and on occasion, this seems to happen. At a glance also, I see your using many conflicting mods that would definitely require manual patching. And the LO isn't fabulous either. I give you one example offthe bat, if you open up FNVedit and look under Ingestibles in bashed patch, have a look and see how bad PN and IMCN are conflicting. Whilst IMCN will have dominance, your still putting that extra strain on the game. Sometimes sacrifice is in order when there are no dedicated patches available, unless of course you want to get to manually doing it yourself. And that about sums it up. PM me if you need to know more.
  5. yeah it was v2.7 of python that was needed, funny, Wrye Python 04a from the Oblivion Wrye bash worked, but 08 doesn't... Arwell thanks for the link i'm sure people will appreciate it.
  6. Sounds like your game is crashing and hanging. If your CPU hits 0 usage while it is stuck on that loading screen then it's hung. Your DLC's plugins are out of order so that's probably why and MM has got disorganized masters because of this. Your DLC should go in order of their release, the Preorder packs go under them in alphabetical order (well they don't nee be in alphabetical order but it's good fashion and some mods requires them to be)
  7. If you've spoken to Doc Mitchell, Sunny Smiles, Trudy and Victor then something has gone bad. You could possibly try triggering the quest by rescuing Beagle, which basically the first part of that quest anyway. Usually you get given the quest after leaving Doc Mitchell's, but if you're adamant that you talked to everyone i'd be looking for something conflicting/wrong with your mods in FNVedit or perhaps trying a new game.
  8. Well if you aren't using any mods that alter the HUD or you are and you can be certain they are installed properly, then it's a missing master. If you want to find out what the missing master is load up FNVedit real quick and it will return a fatal error and tell you what master is missing (it will say xx.esp requires xx.esm/esp to be loaded before it). That's the easy way anyway. If there is no missing master then i'd be scared XD. BTW, what is this mod you're talking about that you upgraded from 3.0 to 4.0? Didn't quite understand what you meant sorry...
  9. I'll be frank, I have no idea what this is XD. Is this an error with NMM? I see the word "fusion" written in there, made me wonder if you were using ModFusion or something. You could always dl files manually and use FOMM to sort your mods... EDIT: HOLY CRAP this was my 666th post, better go make another one real quick XDXDXD
  10. You need this my friend: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40652 has an MCM menu for pure control as well :)
  11. If AWOP is lagging it is conflicting heavily somewhere, likely in any of it's lists. Also technically, you should have ticked every mod in every import category, won't hurt your patch at all. Other than that if you say you have all that covered then perhaps you might just need to play with configator a bit and see what works best for you.
  12. Could possibly be Archive Invalidation resetting (as in your INI files reset at startup) for whatever reason, could be an incorrectly installed HUD, or a missing master. It's hard to say when you say that it works up until you restart the computer, I'm leaning towards the first thing I said as that does tend to happen, mind you rarely. Double check everything, that's about all I can suggest at this point.
  13. Funnily enough that's the second time I have heard this problem today! Evidentally it has something to do with people's antivirus but can't really pin it atm. Lucky for you I happened to of uploaded it to my Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f69xzij0va9ymo6/NV%20Configator%20v16-40442.exe Hope this was of assistance to you :)
  14. One problem with your LO - no WMX patch for EVE. This wouldn't be your problem though. And no NSkies patches for DLC. Just me being picky lol. Other than that your LO is pretty good :) Now for a start, I don't see a merged patch here, this I believe would be related to your problem. Also don't treat NV like Skyrim, NV has a much more unstable engine. It's hard to say specifically what your problem is, but I reckon you'd do well to create a merged patch. NPCs are intensive on the CPU (compared to other things), having many of them in on area can drastically drop fps, especially in combat. Even on my rig, I can see a drop of 10-20 fps in a heavy combat situation, and just from experience, if the game isn't patched properly, the drop is a lot more, again promoting the idea you need a merged patch. When I say I get a drop it takes about 30 or more NPCs to drop it, or about 20 in a combat scene with everyone fighting. If you don't know how to make a merged patch I suggest you google FNVedit's training manual, I'd post the link but i'm feeling lazy at present lol.
  15. It is very likely you wont hear from them lol. They've never replied to me in all my protests to have thie stupid magic threshold fixed lmao
  16. Well problem 1: You have an integrated graphics card, you will never get anywhere near great visuals with that. You can however use this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40442 to fine tune a lot of the settings. Honestly, with a modded game, you'd be lucky to get 30fps. I wouldn't even think about a heavily modded game, unless you like very minimal graphics. Realistically, you need to upgrade you PC, (but downgrade your OS to Win7, Win8 is BS XDXDXD) Hope this has enlightened you :)
  17. @All: Can't remember from the top of my head what mod companion core is packed with, will look into it and post it for ya's :) @vlaka: Glad you found this useful @elchapetas: That's going to be a long project, haven't even started yet. Mind you i'm not overly fussed about TTW, it's all well and good, but I couldn't really care for it atm lol.
  18. Specifically what commands are you trying to use? If you are using the additem command or setquest you may find the the formID is different in game, i.e instead of being say 0A0000B0 it could be FF0000B0. The game likes putting stuff in the FF block.
  19. The errors in Willows plugin are just FNVedit read errors, the package is actually fine. It just saying that it thinks those sub-records in those categories are out of order (referenced incorrectly) when in actual fact it won't have any effect on the game itself, well it will but not negative, it's designed that way.
  20. See I told you it's because of those errors, an orphaned record shows up with the message "Error: Could not be resolved" in FNVedit, at a glance. From your LO though, there shouldn't be any...
  21. So it is NVEC, what component, there is no mention of this under MCM. Spose I should go look at it myself but anyone with a quick answer feel free to jot it down for us :smile: EDIT: AHA I know what it is now, it is AR - There is a setting to add the spotter perk, big thanks for the screenie Luthienanarion :smile: EDIT2: Okay F***, disabling the always active Spotter perk option in AR didn't help, Boone is not in party either, and as far as I know the spotter perk has been removed from the PC. DX.
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