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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Having fun patching WMXUE and NVEC 3.3DD. For the love of the game XD DX
  2. @Darthire - please stick to your own thread. I wonder if the CPU is having trouble here. This big FPS problem sounds like a pre-rendering problem, I could almost bet in the general direction your facing when that FPS hit comes in to play there are double the polys to render. I need you to confirm this first, don't need an exact number or anything just an idea whether you think there is more going on, if you can post a screen of both directions. I really wonder if the CPU is giving bad frames to the card, i know pushing my CPU to 5Ghz rips NV apart, but 4.8 is okay. Not to mention OCing the CPU means the PCI bus gets a boost, which puts more power through the cards, although the clock stays the same. Causes lots of artifacting although my cards never reach 40c at 100% fan speed (DCU2T fans and PCB cooling are really good lol). Disable pre-rendering in Nvidia CP, may not help but get rid of it anyway. And, you might not think this is necessary but disable AA and AF in Nvidia and in game. See if that makes a difference with the white dots particularly. It'll look terible, I know. Then just re enable AA and AF one at a time through NCP but not in game after you have had a look. Put those fans up another 20%. 59c is not bad but just to be sure your GPU isn't "fragile". Seen some cards start playing up over 50c, just seems they aren't all made the same. I know it probably sounds silly but we'll try everything here, why not. Post your CPU settings and also if you are using any multithread settings in the INI's. BTW I OCed my bro's 560Ti to 1000/2700/1850 and fans at 75%, didn't have any issues. Temps hit 67c. He's on a AMD Athlon 3.4ghz dual core as well and 1066 RAM. I'ma keep trying various OC's and settings but idk if it will be fruitful.
  3. Did you uninstall Readius via the Pipboy item first? If not you may want to start a new game now, but you could try reinstalling it and doing that again first, dunno if it would help now though, when I uninstalled mine and switched to PB 2500 I did it via menu, made a clean save and it was fine.
  4. No you won't have to get a better one, when it says AMD HD Audio it means your GFX card is providing the sound and you shouldn't be having an issue really.. Sometimes onboard audio drivers like to conflict with GFX drivers but it's not that common an issue. However it may be in your case, my concern is as I mentioned, the high rate of fire for the gun is causing stuttering and the sounds aren't playing properly which suggests it. I want you to try something, just to fully confirm my suspicions, Go into the game and get that LMG or minigun out, make sure you're in a fully loaded exterior cell (so just walk around the area for a few seconds), turn on god mode in console (tgm) and start firing but spin around in circles as you do, slowly at first and then get faster. Tell me if you get a bad FPS hit as you spin around whilst firing, and if it gets really bad when you get faster. You should find that if you spin around in a fully loaded exterior cell (without firing), the game won't stutter. Probably be a good idea to go somewhere where there aren't any NPCs, 1 to avoid a potential extra FPS hit and 2 you won't kill anyone XD. This shouldn't be happening on vanilla with vanilla weapons. After you confirm this, we will look into further options. BTW if you get really annoyed with the Brush Gun and Trail Gun bobbing, you could consider creating a quick mod to reduce the amount of spread and drift. Just wanted to mention this, should have done before lol.
  5. The best advice I could possibly give you is to take your time and read everything, and learn as much about the various programs available and use them to their full extent :) It's easy to make mistakes when you see so many great mods and just want them all at once XD. Good luck with your modding :)
  6. You could you NV configator, a program made by modders to customize all your multi thread settings. Search Configator on NV Nexus. In contrast to what Werne said, I am running a 3960X i7 and i have to say my game is better with MT. Fellout isn't needed with Nskies, it has it's own plug in called "Night Brightness adjuster, that allows you to adjust the darkness by pressing the "I" key (By default, can adjust). Works great I use it. Werne's advice couldn't be any better, a merged patch is strongly recommended, use either FNVedit or Wrye Flash, in your case recommended to use FNVedit, it would be easier. In general your LO is okay but I see your using Project Nevada without MCM (mod config menu) or uHUD and I strongly recommend you get both these things, a wrecked HUD causes crashes and weird things to happen. Also you really want to look up Project Nevada Extra Options, it has an all-in-one DLC patch and varous other fixes/patches. FOOK and PN are in the right order here, but you really want the patch for them from the PNEO or FOOK page. Between FOOK, Jsawyer and PN will be many conflicts, without a merged patch your game will suffer. Even with a good LO, a merged patch only resolves most of the conflicts. Many things will need manual patching, just stuff like stat changes etc, but it will stop 90% of your crashes. Definitely get uHUD as well (Unified HUD project) to ensure all the HUD modifications from your mods get installed together nicely, which will further prevent crashes.
  7. You don't happen to have your keyboard settings in Windows set to US/UK international do you? If so you need to set it to US/UK standard, not international. That's a big cause of this problem, had it myself once.
  8. I'd know more about you're problem if you posted an exact load order, use FOMM to get one. There are a number of mods here that conflict also, but load order is dependent on how they'd be conflicting. You know Ultimate Edition of NV with DLCs is like $7 these days off steam? I'm kinda spewing about that cos I paid $39 not long before it went to that XD
  9. Lucky for you I have a vanilla install on another HDD, for testing purposes. I will look into that as well, thanks for mentioning it, good idea. Mind you I don't have anything altering the HELIOS building in my modded playthrough, with the exception of NMCs textures. Was busy yesterday, will get into this morning.
  10. What about a misc inventory item or equipped armor? maybe one of those is draining you dry. Try unequipping everything and equip each thing one by one to see which one does, could be a silent script effect on something you weren't aware of, possibly in a modded item.
  11. Well there is no dialogue scripts but the you just use the player.setstage command with the correct formID for the quest and the correct stage. You can find all the quest stages and formIDs here: http://www.falloutwiki.com/Still_in_the_Dark BE WARNED THERE ARE SPOILERS ALL OVER THAT PAGE. All you do is find the appropriate stage you want to set your current quest to and enter player.setstage (quest ID here) (stage no. here). These can break the game in the sense of what you're talking about, scripts not kicking in etc, but in general it's okay. I hate having to do it but, breaks immersion for me, and I hate cheating.
  12. Wow I have never had this problem and I just did the HELIOS quest in my current playthrough. Gonna try replicate it, i'll post a screenie of what it looks like for me now.
  13. Are you running the vanilla version of the game and is it patched to v1.4?
  14. And I'd like to take a moment to thank MGE and Marcurious (god rest his Nexus-account soul) for DYNAVISION!!
  15. I've tried pushing the 560Ti to 1000Mhz but could not replicate the problem so far, with NMC's large. FPS is shocking though, but no surprise really. I found an article saying that these things happen whilst trying to run on multiple monitors as well, so it's not just limited to SLi evidently. I've got a spare 20 inch, so i'll hook that up and use it to extend the desktop and see what it does. Z-Fighting is the single biggest graphical annoyance of the game, the higher your (object and LOD) settings the worse it gets :/. Just the way it is sorry (on behalf of Obsidian/Bethesda)
  16. So do I. :P They don't matter.Cleanliness is next to godliness XD. Don't mind me I'm just fussy XD
  17. I'ma put my 2 bob in here - USE FOMM. It's a much more comprehensive tool.
  18. I had similar problems the other day with the quest "Flags of our foul-ups", couldn't get Mags to initiate conversation to complete the quest. What solved it was resurrecting her, but also another solution was to wait right next to her for a day. For some reason the quest script wasn't triggering, and I'm wondering if it a) got queued because of a lot of other scripts, or b) was waiting for the reference to respond (Mags herself). Atm I can suggest two things, go and do some other quests, loading from the save before you went o the vault and also on the save you're on, try waiting a day and see if he initializes conversation with you again. If you still can't get it done you will have to use the setstage command to pass the part, although you will still have your weapons.
  19. EOS system error (code 2) is a missing master, game is looking for a master ref'd in a plugin and it's not there. The last mod it tried to load (the line directly above the "Fatal" message) is the master you're missing.
  20. That LO is okay, except you've got the preorder packs on top of the DLC's! Doubt that is the cause of you're problem. I think you may need to fiddle with your graphics settings, try setting it to something really low, and then enable/increase each setting until you find a culprit.
  21. Okay I'm with you now on the IS problem, that's just crappy IS implementation. It gets better when your skills are higher but other than that it's pretty dodgy. As for your sound issue well again, there is that same problem I mentioned, and also drops in FPS during combat and/or drops in FPS because of sounds to blame for your problem. It's called audio stutter, look into optimizing your sound settings, as previously mentioned.
  22. That's very interesting, appears to be artifacting from the GPU, likely to do with the textures. I have experienced the "Glitch" you talk about but that only ever came about for me when I pushed my 7970 over 1100Mhz. My brother has a 560Ti (ASUS TOP) I'm going to put an install in his computer and see if I can replicate these artifacts. I wonder if Z-Fighting plays a part in this. BTW I can see the dots in the house in the distance too, more than the cart.
  23. I'm not running MMUE (NVEC fan haha) but I can't say I have ever experienced this problem, and I'm still on ILO 6.5. You'd have to report this one to the MMUE fellas so they can patch it in their own patches, unless Sarge feels like supporting MMUE lol. EDIT: Seems there's not a 6.6 anyway lol.
  24. There is a pretty much unavoidable bug where if you're firing a minigun or similar gun with a slow animation (winding up and down) the sound won't play again until the animation is finished, if you've let go of the trigger at any stage and tried to fire again. If it's happening while you've got the trigger held down and haven't let go you may want to change your audio settings to suit whatever sound card your running (I'm assuming onboard). Is it possible for you to be more specific about the camera problem you're having with the said weapons and/or even post a video? Also are you running any mods that change animations or timing?
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