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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. The way I have my patching set up pretty much ensures I don't have any crashes to do with the mods themselves, but you are right about one thing, there is a Game reaper and he does call XD. Sometimes out of nowhere you do get the odd crashes especially if you have many apps open and you're constantly alt-tabbing out of the game. If you didn't already realize, the second project what I was talking about is going to be how to build my LO, but also in variations to support other mods. Then all you need do after you build your LO to spec, is get the patches that I am custom making by hand. Quick click in Wrye bash to generate a merged patch and your done. Just want everyone to be able to run what I am and actually enjoy the game without much hassle, dare I say much :)
  2. @klearyc - Fair enough really, I really would like to see a NV2 myself, like a little way into the future from the current story :).
  3. Now that is one funky bug DX You need to replace the hand meshes, if you've just installed a body mod or something then you might want to reinstall it.
  4. Okay well we can rule them out. So you say after DarnUI you had problems...mmm... Whne you played around with the INI file, did you delete it and restore it or just change the font section? Maybe try this just for now, see if it provides a temporary fix, and perhaps then this will nail the problem to configuration, set your keyboard in Windows to use UK default. Then run the game and see if the problem persists. If it does fix it, try switching back to US layout and see if the problem returns.
  5. Double check all 3 of the INI files. This shouldn't be happening, only other thing I can think of off hand is if you set MinimumFPS in NVSR to something like 30-40. I did a quick google search on this anyway, there are a few forums on it, looked at a couple and they all talk about what I have already mentioned. Perhaps you might be able to do a little more research into yourself also :). Can't think of anything else explicitly related to this bug atm :/
  6. I did that with high hopes, but loaded up and still the same. Resurrection then fixed it entirely :).
  7. That's a nice k/brd, shouldn't be playing up like that, only fairly standard configuration of keys (not like my G19 or anything). Have you tried reinstalling/updating the drivers? And checking profiling settings? Other than that, i should of mentioned, when you say your k/brd ois set to US layout, is that just US or US Int'l? Just wanted to be sure we can rule it out... I'll sus out some of the reviews and see if they make mention of any of the problems you're facing in the meantime :)
  8. They will both be on Nexus, as for the first one it is quite smaller, but will mean a lot to many heavy modders. Then will follow my complete guide to building this LO, all links and instructions as mentioned :). First project is out within the week, next, well, after NVEC 3.4 ;)
  9. Open up your Steam library in Steam, right click on the game you want to remove and select "Delte local content" and then follow the uninstall from there.
  10. Count me in :). PM me anything I need to know. Also, I know of a few good voice actor's we might be able to recruit, if you'd be keen on that well i'll get in contact with a few. I wouldn't insult them by calling them amateur either ;). 2 ofthem in particular are really good, dunno if they'd have the time, but as long as you got the scripts and lipsync in place, you're on fire :). I can build patches where necessary too, or anything you think you might need. I've got my 3 projects on at the moment, but I'm always happy to lend a hand where there is great potential :).
  11. You just have to drop both exe's in the Fallout: New Vegas directory, the 4GB patch works the same as nvse, so you need only run from that. Just add a shortcut to the desktop and you should be sweet. Remember to have Archive Invalidation set properly and make sure that if you make any changes to your INI files for NV, never to run the FalloutLauncher.exe or revalidate your game cache in steam without backing them up first.
  12. @Because - Yeah I know about LA pulling the plug early and that, but still either way, we can blame both Beth and Obsidian, Obsidian for crappy implementation and Bethesda for just barely giving a damn. Imagine, how would Obsidian build a F4? Base it on GameByro again? Or even attempt to upgrade it XD? Let them design the plot and all, no worries, let Bethesda build it, and give it to CryTek for implementation XD. No, looks like it's Bethesda all the way from here. Maybe we will see a NV2 on the new engine Bethesda puts out ;)
  13. No guide yet but I will be releasing this as an open project on Nexus, calling it the Ultimate Modding Project, will include direct links, patches and installation order and guide. First I've got another little project related to this that I wanna get done in the meantime :).
  14. Set FPSClamp to 0, that is your problem :) It makes the game go "slow motion" when the frames drop cos it's locked to 60 and you're probably only pushing 40-50 outside. Interiors feel like they are fast paced XD
  15. True that lol. I still think Obsidian should pull their finger out of their backside and learn how to make a clean game.
  16. Either you need an upgrade to your PC or you NV Stutter Remover with the wrong MinimumFPS setting or in the Fallout.ini you have iFPSClamp set to something other than 0. Those are the top 3 candidates for this problem anyway :).
  17. Sorry for late reply lol. I figured you had NVSR installed when you said 30fps was your limit, you need to open up he ini file for NVSR and find the line MaximumFPS under the 3rd section, FPS management, change it to 60 or whatever you like, default is 30 obviously XD.
  18. @AxlRocks: It is more likely the game will be built in native 32 bit, but we can keep wishing XD. I definitely agree with you on a unique UI for keyboard and mouse users, more hotkeys etc would be great. And a weapon wheel XD @Rasta: Totally agree about the Bethesda building/Obsidian writing, however let us not wish for another implementation by Obsidian, truly, the GameByro engine was already on its knees, they just made it suck you know what. I dunno about th whole survival thing though, I struggle pretty bad with mods like NVEC and Monster Wars after level 30 still, so I guess they could probably learn from those mods :). @Because: That would be the worst idea, handing the whole franchise over to Obsidian. It would be graphically unplayable XD. If Obsidian just wrote the story and the setting and had Bethesda build and implement it, then we'd be talking ;). @Trob: Couldn't agree more, NV felt really tiny, and FO3 felt kinda huge lol. Really disappointed about that myself. Also, to me the story more felt like a "run and fetch" series of quests, which I think too many quests felt like. I think they gotta better think over their quests for sure, more stuff to do in them, not just run and grab something, kill a bunch of enemies and the day is saved lol. Keep up the cool suggestions ppl!
  19. You didn't happen to install NV stutter remover as well did you?
  20. Happy 21st B'day for me yay !!! XD
    1. Frantar


      My congratulations! Stay young forever!!!
  21. Can you post a LO please? From the video you posted, there is no problem, just no custom voice acting for the new dialogue. You must have subtitles tuned on in the main Fallout menu to see the dialogue. If Trudy was supposed to give you a key to that house than the add script has failed for some reason. And for the record, AWOP doesn't have any voice acting either, for the most part I believe, again you will need subtitles to see the dialogue for most if not all the AWOP characters.
  22. Sore fingers from FNVedit XDXDXD
  23. If the INi files are still set to read-only, nothing will change. Remove the read only flag and install again, you don't need the text file, the AII is designed to remove the need for it.
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