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Trying to understand


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Has anyone checked to see how many MAs are intending to leave Nexus? Personally, I hope that not may of you make the decision to leave - for purely selfish reasons, which I will explain.


Although I am 71, I am not dead (yet :smile: ). I first became acquainted with computers in the early 1980s, when I was put in charge of a Data General Nova minicomputer at the typesetting firm I worked at. It was flying by seat-of-the-pants stuff back then. That initial experience piqued my interest in computing, and over the years I have had, roughly in order, Sinclair ZX81, BBC Micro, Commodore Amiga, and then PCs, starting with Windows 3.0 to my present PC running Windows 11 (I'm in the Windows Insider Programme). So, for well over two decades I've been using PCs running Windows, because early on I saw that the final contenders in the personal computer "wars" would be (what were then called) IBM-PC "clones" and Apple's various PCs, which culminated in a long line of Macintoshes. I'm definitely a creature of habit! And for all of the time that I've had a personal computer of one sort or another, I've also been a gamer, beginning with typing the code (usually Basic) for a game into a machine, to loading games from floppy disks to DVD ROMS, to downloading games via the internet. The latter almost exclusively from Steam, where I've been a member for longer than I care to remember. Steam is my "home" for games, and through Steam I discovered the joys of adding mods to games, and hence, Nexus became my "home" for mods. In both places, I feel comfortable; I am very familiar with them, and feel welcomed.


It pains me not a little to see what is happening here. I do agree that matters could have been handled much more judiciously, and perhaps still could be. I certainly hope so. I think that what many if not most MAs do is nothing short of remarkable, and deserving of respect, at the very least.


Whatever transpires in the coming weeks and months, my hope is that there will be an amicable resolution that is to everyone's satisfaction, realizing that this can only happen if we work together in good faith. Best regards to all.


Thank you for reading.


Not only are you (we) loosing content, but some new/old content isn't being shared. I have a library of mods for FO3, FONV, Oblivion and Morrowind. Mods I made long ago. I left Nexus a decade ago and took my mods with me. I came back to this debacle. My library is staying right where it is. On my hard drive.

Edited by ScytheBearer
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4 days remaining and the more i see the names of two blind and toxic posters here, not aware whats wrong, destroying this thread without consequences while mod authors, just urged without reason fighting for their basic rights and trying to get back these basic rights, get banned.

i don't know what has to happen that i wake up and this last month is not just a sort of a bad nexusmods dream or joke. can this be serious - nexusmods ? two years of planning mod collections and as result straight planned alienisation of mod authors who know their rights because you are unable to deliver a result with correct responsibilities and appropriate basic technical options for all who are involved ? that makes me sad. we all know that better solutions are possible even if responsibilties for mod collections are located at the the right place and not as a sole burden of mod authors. whoever had that idea had a completely wrong and stupid idea because even with a very low level of empathy it is clear that you cannot treat mod authors like it happens here.

i feel not guilty for anything but i lost basic functions for mod handling and rights and what about trust here ?





*sigh* :smile:

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The irony is....the SAME people that jumped in these threads, taking the side AGAINST modders, saying "GTFO" will be the first ones whining and crying (What they accuse US of) that their favorite mods are gone, and asking other people to pirate mods (like what happened on Bethesda.net when mods came to Consoles.) because they think mods are OWED to them, and it will be allowed, because with the New "YOU CANNOT DELETE YOUR MODS, YOU CAN ONLY ARCHIVE YOUR MODS, AND THEY ARE ACCESSIBLE BY THE API WHETHER THE MOD AUTHOR BANNED YOU OR NOT BECAUSE YOU ABUSED THE MOD AUTHOR AND INSULTED THEIR HERITAGE, PARENTS, CHILDREN, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, THE COLOR OF THIER SKIN" we will have old versions of mods, that work with all of those "Repack" "1911" and "FitGirl" games..


IS the API able to check whether someone is downloading a Mod List, USING A PIRATED GAME?

For instance any "Unofficial" patches for Skyrim or any of the other Bethesda Games where the Unofficial Patches will only work with the latest version of the game, and it's quite OBVIOUS (From looking at the comment section of those mods) that people are insisting on the patch that patches a very specific (Pirated) version of the game from Several years ago, because they Don't want to upgrade "BECAUSE REASONS", so, will Nexus be openly supporting that?
Because providing mods for old/un-updated seems wrong, without the option to DELETE said mod, especially when those mods rely on a specific Version of the game that you can easily find in a google search.

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Guest deleted34304850

i asked that question some weeks ago, it never got answered by the mods and the thread was then locked. go figure.

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i asked that question some weeks ago, it never got answered by the mods and the thread was then locked. go figure.


I honestly don't think that answering our questions or addressing our concerns was a priority.

I know all of mine were completely ignored by the Powers That Be.

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I'll contribute these two lines of wisdom :


"There are no eternal allies, or perpetual enemies. Only eternal and perpetual benefits." - Lord Palmerston, ex-British PM.


"When a rooster dies, another will roost in its place." - Chinese proverb.

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I'll contribute these two lines of wisdom :


"There are no eternal allies, or perpetual enemies. Only eternal and perpetual benefits." - Lord Palmerston, ex-British PM.


"When a rooster dies, another will roost in its place." - Chinese proverb.

so lets simply kill or alienize the rooster and another rooster will roost much earlier in its place. this covers the situation better on this site...

i just say: we will see!






i asked that question some weeks ago, it never got answered by the mods and the thread was then locked. go figure.


I honestly don't think that answering our questions or addressing our concerns was a priority.

I know all of mine were completely ignored by the Powers That Be.



i would even say that it was never conisidered as a serious option. and that is what is so irritating and sad comparing it with the compass nexusmods communicated three years ago.


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i asked that question some weeks ago, it never got answered by the mods and the thread was then locked. go figure.


I honestly don't think that answering our questions or addressing our concerns was a priority.

I know all of mine were completely ignored by the Powers That Be.


That's the impression I get. The only time staff steps in and posts here, is to chastize us for saying "nexus is claiming ownership"...... None of the other concerns have been addressed, no talk of possible alternatives to the current course, just 'our way, or the highway'. Of course, the 'collections' system is still not finalized, so, it's possible that they simply don't have answers to some of the questions... Still, would be nice if they would just say that.


But then, the deadline is rapidly approaching, after which, the new direction is going to be it. Upload here? It's here forever. Doesn't matter if it's broken, buggy, etc. You CAN'T delete it. Can't even hide it from the API. All your older versions will remain forever available to mod list authors..... And we all know how important it is that they shouldn't be bothered with keeping their lists up to date..... So, mod authors should just accept their fate, and bend over for nexus....


Or not.

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But then, the deadline is rapidly approaching, after which, the new direction is going to be it. Upload here? It's here forever. Doesn't matter if it's broken, buggy, etc. You CAN'T delete it. Can't even hide it from the API. All your older versions will remain forever available to mod list authors..... And we all know how important it is that they shouldn't be bothered with keeping their lists up to date..... So, mod authors should just accept their fate, and bend over for nexus....


Or not.



I finally took the offer from Nexus Mods and requested my mods be deleted. I'm not some modder with huge numbers, but my mods fulfilled specific needs, and for the games I supported, the numbers were pretty good. The irony is that I've never deleted an old version of a mod, and I've always left them up in a self-archived state, just in case someone wanted to use a specific file or see how the mod evolved. But with the move to revoke our ability to control our files, and the way it played out, I just can't agree to it.

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